Quote Originally Posted by Detwa View Post
You have to be a really special POS to bully a terminally ill little girl and her family. This whole story just boggled my mind because it was so unbelievable. This behavior from a woman, a wife and mother herself? I don't think I've ever seen such a thing in my lifetime. I worry about her own children, they were being raised by her, help us all as they move around society!

Rest in peace, beautiful Kathleen! Prayers go out to her family and her little sisters too. It's comforting to know that she's with her mom now.
I would have had a really hard time living on that street knowing what was going on.
I was infuriated just reading about this story. I've never been in a fight or hit anyone, but I would have either stopped those two from doing what they were doing or would have ended up in jail trying to stop it. If someone started messing around with my 9 year old niece and she had a terminal illness and just lost her mother they'd be in big trouble.