The Detroit City Council rejects a measure by a 6-2 vote to slash their operating budget by 30%

Gary Brown wisely introduced the measure. Joann Watson was approving of the cost-cutting measure. However, the rest of the City Council decided that it was too excessive. Yet, they intend to ask workers to take pay cuts and benefits.

I applaud Gary Brown by leading by example to make the necessary cuts.

What the other City Council fails to understand that if an Emergency Financial Manager [[EFM) comes in they can expect an 100% cut to their budget. The new EFM will most likely make the Council obsolete. For historical example, take a look at what happen to the legislative bodies of Benton Harbor and Pontiac. Their City Council was fired when the EFM took charge.

So why prolong the inevitable.

Message to Gov. Snyder: "Please bring in the EFM today!"|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE