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Because, as we've always known...technology forces change in cultures...and these shooters are only PLAYING. Un-huh.

Of course...it is only logical. We can see how our culture has been altered by technology...cell phones, computers, compact flourescent bulbs...

But the City Council wonders if there will be any police available to respond to them. Some say the money would be better spent elsewhere.

I say a compromise is in order. Buy a much smaller number of the PORTABLE units, which can triangulate targeted areas with a dedicated team that WILL respond. Start outside the troublesome clubs downtown...

Maybe take 75% of those damn cops sitting around watching the peaceful protestors in the park, put those folks to actual work chasing actual criminals. It is sick, a friend who works on Washington Boulevard has told me she watches at least four cop cars parked in a line outside her office every day since the peaceful protest began. Did I mention it is peaceful?!

But back to the task at hand, because the City Council has to vote on this tomorrow, according to the Freep story. What say y'all...do we need more technology watching over this town, policed by too few...stretched too thin...using equipment that is substandard due to neglect?!

I've heard direct reporting of the shitty condition of the cars some of my cop friends and associates have to patrol in...one had their electrical system fail while on duty, they had to drive back to the station without any parking or headlights!

I say no...but if a compromise has to happen, buy the portable system instead of wiring up the whole damn town.
