I have not seen the exhibit. Eight photographers - 4 locals and 4 out-of-towners.
I have seen past works of almost all and some are in this show. Many of the photographers are connected with academia and their works are already in the DIA collection. An exclusive/inclusive group. "Detroit Revealed"? By who? Four locals representing 4 narrow points of view and four others who've swept in and skimmed the obvious surfaces of the sensationalistic. Where are the Bill Schwabs and the George Waldmans in this exhibit. The Bruce Harkness' and the Bill Sanders' and the Joe Crachiolas - to mention a few. I suspect [[again, I've not seen it yet) this show has no guts, just make-up. "Detroit Concealed". I'm posting this video of the Detroit I know and relate to. Maybe you see your life here too.