I have been over there, Mr. Boileau. The Yemenis have a great stronghold at the Detroit-Hamtramck border since the 1960s. That area was once a Polish-German communty with a Catholic Church in Dwyer St. Many black middle class and low-income familes arrived into that area since the 1940s to the 1990s. As the neighborhoods of Poletown was totally destoyed by GM and Mayor Young under the Chrysler Loan Guarantee Act of 1979; the rest of the surrounding neighborhoods turned ghetto and blighted. The influx of Yemeni Arab Muslim quickly move there. This is due to ethnic steering and lack of housing in Hamtramck neighborhoods. The Yemenis turned a old Catholic church into their Mosque and a new Islamic school was established. New corner store shops were set up and thus " Little Yemen" was born.