Is Turkia Mullin Bob Ficano's Christine Beatty?

"Do you know who the f*** I am?" isn't too far from "I'm worth it!"

I hope the feds are watching and plan to pounce on the Ficano administration after they're done with Kilpatrick.

Both Kilpatrick and Ficano are descendants of the McNamara machine. Cut from the same corruption-seducing cloth.

Another disturbing trend of the Ficano administration is the removal of department heads who are African-American, and replacing them with Arab-Americans.

Mulu Birru and Lester Robinson are two examples.

Both removed on the one hand, yet praised for their work on the other...

Replacing either one isn't the problem per se, but why were they replaced?

And were their replacements qualified?

Recent revelations about Mullin's being chosen over those more highly-qualified will hopefully bring these issues to the surface and more questions will be asked and answered!