The Detroit Riverfront Conservancy is renewing its push to raise the last $35 million it needs to complete the east RiverWalk.

It plans to begin construction this spring on parts of the riverfront east of the William G. Milliken State Park and Harbor that haven't been developed, said President Faye Alexander Nelson.

Those parcels will include Mt. Elliott Park and its shoreline, land to the east and west of Chene Park, the former site of the Uniroyal Tire Co. factory, and areas that will make way for a parking lot and path to Gabriel Richard Park.

The Mannik & Smith Group Inc., which is based in Maumee, Ohio, and has offices in Detroit, Canton Township and Monroe, is serving as architect. The request for proposals from construction firms should go out in early October, Nelson said.

The conservancy has raised $105 million of its $140 million target for the project. The money will fund construction and an endowment of $50 million to $60 million for maintenance and operations.

It secured about $3 million of that the past couple of years, with the most recent large gift of $1 million coming from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation in December 2009.

The conservancy used much of the downturn to cultivate relationships with prospective donors and funders, while planning construction of the remaining portions of the RiverWalk, Nelson said

Nelson said she expects the "Shimmer on the River" gala to bring in a growing amount of individual donations to provide funds for operation and maintenance.

The second annual event, which features live music and a strolling dinner, takes place this year on Sept. 8 at the GM Plaza on the river side of the Renaissance Center.