I'm not a conspiracy nut, but I'm starting to wonder if the city is purposely leaving street lights off to save money. I live in Rosedale Park along Outer Drive and the lights have been out for months. Now, I have a friend who lives on East Outer Drive near Dickerson and the lights on that Outer Drive have been out for months. On a ride south on Outer Drive, I discovered that the lights on Plymouth, west of Burt Rd. are also out. But get this, the lights on Plymouth are working fine once you enter Redford Township. Also, upon returning home via Telegraph to Fenkell heading east, I noticed that lights are out on several patches of Fenkell, and the first light along many side streets immediately north of Fenkell are out.

In addition, there are several outages on many of the major streets. Gratiot, Grand River, Jefferson, Warren and Forest have outages in several sections. Even the Jeffries Freeway has outages along several stretches. Now, I know that there have been several outages due to stormy weather, but in Detroit those storms took place weeks ago. Again, I don't want to believe that the city is doing this to save money, but having these many street lights out for several months, with no explanation as to why, is getting me to wonder, "Could this be by design?"