You're right to question my wording--but no matter what I don't like reading articles in the national media that underscore the difficulty of our community's leadership in working effectively together, and working through differences of opinion without having it lead to another highlighting of dysfuntion and an inability to efectively communicate.
There has been some treatment of the subject of the article, just not much. See, for example, Nancy Kaffer's blog in CDB of March 15 , 2011:"Detroit, Kresge renegotiating land-use planner's contract,refining scope" of Detroit Works Project"
The shaky start of DWP has been no secret, it's just that the local media is too often mired in wishful-thinking boosterism, the papers have a shrinking news-hole, somewhat complex "bad" news doesn't sell, and there is a reluctance to go on the record with comments ackowleding even more problems than we are already hit in the face with every day.