Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
The artierals out of downtown would have some type of upgraded transit on them that would connect to the people mover. that is why you have stations at fort, michigan, gratiot and woodward. A train station was also built in the Joe Louis Parking Garage. This is one reason why that 3 legged habitrail thing was built, to help distribute pedestrians to both downtown and to the people mover. I can recall being a young planner in grade school and hanging out at that job site pouring over all of the plans. I was lucky enough to have a father who was a site engineer assigned to that part of the project.

The subway would not go all the way to 8 mile but would daylight around wsu to become an overhead train then at grade from McNichols N. Brooks was not the County Executive at the time. Brooks has been in the office for only 18 years. Planning for the People Mover began in the 1970's under SEMTA. In fact if memory serves me right Oakland did not have an Executive form of goverment then.

Coleman Young had little to do with managing the construction of the people mover. It was not under the City's control until shortly before it opened in 1985. In fact the overruns is what did in the train service to the ren cen. In fact Young saved the people mover project as it had gone into a period where it was a white elephant.
Coreection; the people mover started running in 1988 not 1985. I dont think it would go any further than downtown. I dont think that the light rail will happen in Detroit anytime soon for one, the big three is trying to make a comeback and want to sell more care to potential new breed of yuppies who are moving to detroit; and two, the politicians in this city are bought off by entities who don't want to see this thing go through