The thread about a park at site of Lafayette Bldg. got me thinking about Capitol Park and its purpose and usefulness now that it has been upgraded by the state of Michigan.
When Stevens T. Mason got dug up this time so Capitol Park could be redone, I was hopeful. I even attended his urban-hipster ceremonial replanting. Have eaten my lunch under the one-umbrella convenience seating and felt very alone. The place is mostly empty except for the area under the large tree at the south end of the park -- the only truly people-friendly spot. The rest is mostly concrete.
Capitol Park was redesigned for whose convenience? I understand the SOM wanted to minimize upkeep, and as much as I want to like the new place it fails as a lunchtime destination -- a people-friendly downtown respite.
Needs moar grass and trees like a, er, park. Back in the day I believe there was a fountain. At this point I'm ready to suggest more concrete work to make ramps and rails for skate punks. Young Hotspur Mason would probably enjoy watching a nose-slide or ollie from his masoleum. Note to street vandal: Oh yeah, "I dig boy gov" too.