I didn't vote for Snyder but I will admit he is a businessman-turned-politician with some new ideas and a bold approach to his job. Bing, on the other hand, is a businessman-turned-politician with no new ideas and a lack of boldness and vitlaity that borders on comatose. The whole "shrinking the city" theory wasn't his idea; it came from academics, journalists and Youngstown, Ohio. I don't think he had even heard of the shrinking concept until a reporter asked him about it at one of the candidate debates.

He doesn't like the big-city mayor thing of marching in parades and kissing babies. He doesn't think well on his feet and seems tenative when fielding questions at press conferences, which raises questions about his leadership ability. He seems to have lost control of his administration, given the turnover at the highest ranks. His police chief seems in over his head. On the plus side, I think he is honest and was motivated to run for mayor by a sincere belief that he could help the city, but the city has overwhlemed him.