Quote Originally Posted by lilpup View Post
It's not about 'fine' it's about cushion, particularly financial cushion, available to work with.
Okay... So what is he going to do to solve that? What was he elected to do? How long do we have to wait for him to do something? We're nearly half way through his full term and we've got virtually nothing from him other than a plan to tear down some empty houses. What is his vision for Detroit in 5, 10, 20 years? Where does he plan to focus services in his "shrinking city"? When he first came into office he trumpeted this idea that the city needed to physically shrink and that would mean shutting off sections of the city. Tell me, after the mayor of a city makes a statement like this, how many people would be rushing to buy real estate in said city until the mayor publicly identifies which sections would be targeted for shut down? There's this thing called confidence, and in some form or another it underwrites every economic system on the face of the Earth. People have to be confident that they are buying into something that will exist in 5, 10, 20 years. He has left the city in limbo for nearly two years and has seemingly not accomplished hardly anything, least of which articulating a freaking plan. How much does a plan cost? Hell, buy a $3 box of crayons and draw it on a fucking napkin. Just release a plan!