What I find baffling is that Detroit has been around how long and they are just now thinking about these?

Other changes in the charter include:
— Creating an inspector general post for a six-year non-renewable term to ferret out waste, abuse, fraud and corruption.
— Requiring elected officials to live in the city for one year before running for office to help them understand the unique needs faced by communities across the city.
— Creating a supplemental campaign fund to expand participation across the city, end corruption and "create opportunities where average citizens can reasonably overcome financial impediments associated with campaigning."
— Requiring lobbyists and businesses to disclose relationships with city officials and any solicitation of donations in exchange for political favors.
— Limiting the type and value of gifts received by city officials.
— Authorizing City Council to confirm mayoral appointments for heads of key departments, including fire, police, human resources and corporation counsel.

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110528/...#ixzz1O33OVUGz