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  1. #1
    gdogslim Guest

    Default Obama No Longer Has A Mental Disorder

    Many psychiatrists have diagnosed the President as being Narcisstic or having NPD. Now the body that governs and classifies disorders [[D.S.M) wants to eliminate it. I wonder if Obama had any pull in their decision to eliminate Narcissism from being a mental disorder.
    You decide just google obama narcissism and judge for yourself.

    A story you won't hear on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or other left outlets.
    Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the Malignant Self Love believes "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist." Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism
    Dr. Vaknin States "I must confess I was impressed by Sen. Barack Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident - a wholesome presidential package. http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/vaknin.asp

    The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — due out in 2013 and known as D.S.M.-5 — has eliminated five of the 10 personality disorders that are listed in the current edition. The best known of these is narcissistic personality disorder or [[NPD).
    Mnay Bullies have NPD.



    The central requirement for N.P.D. is a special kind of self-absorption: a grandiose sense of self, a serious miscalculation of one’s abilities and potential that is often accompanied by fantasies of greatness.
    The second requirement for N.P.D.: since the narcissist is so convinced of his high station [[most are men), he automatically expects that others will recognize his superior qualities and will tell him so. This is often referred to as “mirroring.” It’s not enough that he knows he’s great. Others must confirm it as well, and they must do so in the spirit of “vote early, and vote often.”
    Finally, the narcissist, who longs for the approval and admiration of others, is often clueless about how things look from someone else’s perspective. Narcissists are very sensitive to being overlooked or slighted in the smallest fashion, but they often fail to recognize when they are doing it to others.

    - I thought this was a good description
    "The front put up by the narcissist is penetrated only in times of great crises that threaten the narcissist's ability to obtain Narcissistic Supply. The narcissist then "falls apart" in a process of disintegration known as decompensation. The dynamic forces which render him paralysed and fake – his vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and fears – are starkly exposed as his defences crumble and become dysfunctional. The narcissist's extreme dependence on his social milieu for the regulation of his sense of self-worth is rendered painfully and pitifully evident as he is reduced to begging and cajoling." Pathological narcissism - originally a defense mechanism intended to shield the narcissist from an injurious world -

  2. #2


    Obama a narcissist? Come on - you've been told by the leftys here a million times that the only problem with him is that he's a slightly right-of-center pragmatist!

    Attachment 8130

    Barack Obama, Feb. 5, 2008, upon winning the Super Tuesday primary elections:
    We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. We are the hope of those boys who have little......
    Barack Obama, June 3, 2008, upon winning the last of the primary elections and becoming the presumptive Democrat Presidential candidate:
    I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that..... this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.........

  3. #3


    GTFOH! You people are the ones that need help. Your own link discredits your thread!!
    Last edited by ejames01; December-23-10 at 01:24 PM. Reason: edit

  4. #4


    I think their posts are funny. Of course, I don't like nObama. For that matter, I don't like too many politicians. They're too busy lining their own pockets and not taking care of real persons problems - only corporate persons. That's where the money comes from. If we could make fun of GWB, and we surely did, and he surely deserved it, we can make fun of nObama. He ran as a target and he was elected as a target. BTW, has Saturday Night Live done any spoofs of nObama?

  5. #5


    Who would want to become the most powerful person in the world and not be narcissistic? They kind of go hand in hand don't they.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by old guy View Post
    Who would want to become the most powerful person in the world and not be narcissistic? They kind of go hand in hand don't they.
    A main ingredient of politician's personalities. Still, a very good thing to make fun of. If they can't handle it, get outta the ring.

  7. #7


    Barack Obama, tooting his own horn during a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010:
    "One thing I hope people have seen during this lame-duck, I am persistent. I am persistent. You know, if I believe in something strongly, I stay on it."
    Persistent, maybe. Consistent, no.

    Barack Obama, admittting his lack of persistence during a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010:
    "But the fact of the matter is, I haven’t persuaded the Republican Party. I haven’t persuaded Mitch McConnell and I haven’t persuaded John Boehner."

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Barack Obama, tooting his own horn during a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010:
    "One thing I hope people have seen during this lame-duck, I am persistent. I am persistent. You know, if I believe in something strongly, I stay on it."
    Persistent, maybe. Consistent, no.

    Barack Obama, admittting his lack of persistence during a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010:
    "But the fact of the matter is, I haven’t persuaded the Republican Party. I haven’t persuaded Mitch McConnell and I haven’t persuaded John Boehner."
    Like.......he's going to.

  9. #9


    Slimdog... maybe you should thoroughly read your articles before you post and reference them here. The fellow you mentioned above as a "world authority on Narcissism.... well that article you reference on him had this to say at the end...

    Dr. Vaknin is careful to include a disclaimer on his web site stating that he is "NOT a mental health professional" [[his CV lists a doctorate in philosophy from the unaccredited Pacific Western University).


    Slimdog, you remind me of an old former DYES poster by the name of Karl... he used to spend all his time finding obscure and insipid websites that agreed with his skewed view of reality.... and then post them here.

    He hated liberals... you hate liberals.. you hate Obama... we get it.... you like surfing the web trying to find websites that support your own views... just like Karl did... your mind is already made up... so we won't bother confusing you with the facts!

  10. #10


    I dont think he's all that narcissistic, I think his problem is he is slightly obese, doncha think? I think he should also ask his doctor or pharmacist about Lipitor. His older daughter is apparently on the cusp of developing a serious shoe fetish. Their dog has fleas. His dad was a muslim. Amen.

  11. #11


    If they're not funny enough to laugh with, then laugh at them.


  12. #12
    gdogslim Guest


    No, I don't hate liberals, I find find hate an ugly word, like shut up or others, used by people to discredit or put down someone they disagree with. I used to be liberal myself actually. I try to cajole, inform, point out, and enlighten people with different forms of style, substance, humor, or base ridicule on merit. I don't demean people for for what they are, just for thier misguided [[in my opinion) thoughts from what they were taught to believe or think is true. SO THERE

  13. #13


    Um, er - Don't cha know if you criticize president Obama even at a reasonable level you are hate-filled and worse yet a racist [[smile). Now you know, try not repeat you error +wink+wink+.
    Quote Originally Posted by gdogslim View Post
    No, I don't hate liberals, I find find hate an ugly word, like shut up or others, used by people to discredit or put down someone they disagree with. I used to be liberal myself actually. I try to cajole, inform, point out, and enlighten people with different forms of style, substance, humor, or base ridicule on merit. I don't demean people for for what they are, just for thier misguided [[in my opinion) thoughts from what they were taught to believe or think is true. SO THERE

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Barack Obama, tooting his own horn during a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010:
    "One thing I hope people have seen during this lame-duck, I am persistent. I am persistent. You know, if I believe in something strongly, I stay on it."
    Persistent, maybe. Consistent, no.

    Barack Obama, admittting his lack of persistence during a press conference on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010:
    "But the fact of the matter is, I haven’t persuaded the Republican Party. I haven’t persuaded Mitch McConnell and I haven’t persuaded John Boehner."
    So persistence implies an outcome? McConnell and Co. put Obama in an untenable position because he cared about people not getting their unemployment benefits and McConnell and Co. didn't.

    Dr. Vaknin is careful to include a disclaimer on his web site stating that he is "NOT a mental health professional" [[his CV lists a doctorate in philosophy from the unaccredited Pacific Western University).

    {This is the best laugh I've had today.}
    Last edited by maxx; December-26-10 at 01:38 PM.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Um, er - Don't cha know if you criticize president Obama even at a reasonable level you are hate-filled and worse yet a racist [[smile). Now you know, try not repeat you error +wink+wink+.
    Yeah... "reasonable level".... gotta love those words especially since the commentators at Fox News don't know what "reasonable" is...

    Reasonable level would say... be like calling him a "liberal".... but he's been called... a Nazi, a Socialist, a Muslim, a foreigner with a falsified birth certificate... need I say more??

    There's a big difference between "criticizing" and "name calling"....

    Zacha341... until you brought it up, no one on this thread even mentioned race...

    Funny that...
    Last edited by Gistok; December-26-10 at 07:03 PM.

  16. #16


    we all have little personality traits that when out of control could be confused with a real personality disorder... You have to be careful not to throw labels around without substance. Of ocurse one of the most powerful offices in theland would have people with a little strong personality traits... a full blown Narcissist would never admit to being wrong.. kinda like some of the Fox news gang...

  17. #17


    It was my prerogative/ option to bring it up [[race) and I did so with sardonic humor ---- !

    Yeah, I get that some of the criticism toward president Obama is out of bounds. I'm sensitive to that, but I'll not be bound to be silent or dismiss criticism when it is compelling and issues of public policy are involved.

    Criticism has to be sorted out as you suggest -- the useless, race-based and inane from that which may be sound and credible. We have to consider the distinctions withstanding partisan loyalty.

    The president [[this one included) has to withstand a share of criticism. And it is not all the 'shrill' stuff coming exclusively from the usual suspects and [[Fox news, tea party, Beck, Limbaugh et al) the deep-dish racists/ supremacists. Neat package if that were true and so. That was my core point. Many dems/ indies are speaking up. Black folk too, some of whom voted for him, or at least were aware that the McCain/ Palin duo was useless, if they choose the independent route in their vote.

    As a black voter, participant in the so-called democratic process and a tax paying working stiff, I choose to be go beyond the 'expected' default democratic-based loyalty as needed so as to speak up and out.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Yeah... "reasonable level".... gotta love those words especially since the commentators at Fox News don't know what "reasonable" is...

    Reasonable level would say... be like calling him a "liberal".... but he's been called... a Nazi, a Socialist, a Muslim, a foreigner with a falsified birth certificate... need I say more??

    There's a big difference between "criticizing" and "name calling"....

    Zacha341... until you brought it up, no one on this thread even mentioned race...

    Funny that...
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-28-10 at 09:50 AM.

  18. #18

    Default Alabama-rama

    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Yeah... "reasonable level".... gotta love those words especially since the commentators at Fox News don't know what "reasonable" is...

    Reasonable level would say... be like calling him a "liberal".... but he's been called... a Nazi, a Socialist, a Muslim, a foreigner with a falsified birth certificate... need I say more??

    There's a big difference between "criticizing" and "name calling"....

    Zacha341... until you brought it up, no one on this thread even mentioned race...

    Funny that...
    Barack would have gotten better press if his given name were Albert. The suspicious foreigner bit might have dissolved had we known him by the more familiar Al Obama. Make the folks down south real proud too. Al-O-Bama-Rama!
    Last edited by canuck; December-28-10 at 01:21 PM.

  19. #19


    Oh yes he [[nObama) does [[have a mental disorder)! And I remember what nObama's disorder is: effete, impudent, snob. Look it up. It's an accurate description. It took a little digging but I found it in the words of that great American politican, philosopher and psychologist [[and criminal) - Spiro Agnew.

  20. #20


    What an idiotic thread...

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Barack would have gotten better press if his given name were Albert.
    He might had have fewer problems if he let people continue to call him Barry which was how he was known thru college.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    What an idiotic thread...
    Like most all others here if you don't like what's said, disagree with the sentiments expressed, or refuse to have a little fun while capping on the leaders of our Idiocracy.

  23. #23


    Seriously, in spite of his shortcomings, the way he handled the health bill may be a huge bag of compromise but he is still the best president since Carter, and the smartest by a long shot.
    He is a statesman, which is what Canada needs big time. He just happened to arrive at the worst time in US history with pointless wars going on, a shitty economy and a huge deficit in exports. Think of it: There are only 8 million people employed in manufacturing in the United States. That is not even the population of Michigan. But I trust him better than Palin/McCain to solve these difficult problems.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Seriously, in spite of his shortcomings, the way he handled the health bill may be a huge bag of compromise but he is still the best president since Carter, and the smartest by a long shot.
    Not exactly a ringing endorsement, since Carter was arguably the worst Prez in recent memory [[at least until GWB gave him a run for the title). I suppose that means after Obama leaves office, we'll be treated to a couple of dozen books from him explaining why he really wasn't so bad and why all those after him are.

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Seriously, in spite of his shortcomings, the way he handled the health bill may be a huge bag of compromise but he is still the best president since Carter, and the smartest by a long shot.
    He is a statesman, which is what Canada needs big time. He just happened to arrive at the worst time in US history with pointless wars going on, a shitty economy and a huge deficit in exports. Think of it: There are only 8 million people employed in manufacturing in the United States. That is not even the population of Michigan. But I trust him better than Palin/McCain to solve these difficult problems.
    Canuck, I think you've been drinking demican national corporation kool-aid. In the estimations of increasingly more and more people and pundits, Obama has mishandled almost everything - wars, health care, negotiations with republicrats, etc. And especially everything pertaining to the preservation of the middle class, such as union's right to organize, jobs, unemployment, foreclosures, loans, credit, NAFTA, etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum. He failed in his first two years, but got a bump at the end of this session of congress. The only way he'll get along from here on out is to sell what remains of his soul to the tea party, corporations, mega-rich and whomever else buys the elections. nObama is a failure. Most people just don't want to give up their last glimmer of hope that our 'saviour' is everything but. We elected a right-winger in disguise. He's not a fighter and he's not a 'saviour'.

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