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  1. #1
    Rideron Guest

    Default N.Y. Terror Trials

    With the decision to try Kalid Shiek Muhammand as a civilian, accused of crimes in a criminal trial in N.Y.; instead of as a enemy combatant by a Miliary Commission; the Federal Courts Rules of Evidence will apply. Be prepared for an aquittal due to:

    1) The inadmissibility of his pre-waterboarding confessions of killing Daniel Pearl and planning the 9-11 attacks, because he was snatched in a pre-dawn raid in Pakistan and was never read his Miranda Rights nor given access to counsel, and

    2) The inadmissibility of his post-waterboarding statements due to these being secured under duress.

    In the meantime, his defense team will have complete access to all our intelligence gathering capabilities, he has the right to subpoena the family members of all his victims if he wants; AND he has the right to bring his OWN claim for damages due to his detention for the last 6 years under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

  2. #2
    ccbatson Guest


    What does/has the Obama administration gotten right? Anyone?

  3. #3


    He was able to keep those Olympics outta Chicago. So I say hooray for that, Bats.

  4. #4


    Oh, the audacity of it all...The people of New York being able to sit in a courtroom in NYC and confront somebody responsible for an attack that the Bush Admin was warned about.
    Judging from the hysteric shrieking of fear-pimping sick cultists, this is the greatest threat to the American people since fluoridated water.

  5. #5


    They were able to try & convict Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames and our world didn't come to an end. Spying for the russians was a lot more serious than this.

  6. #6


    Eric Holder will get the death sentence conviction he is looking for in Federal court. We don't need a miltary tribunal to get justice. That whole military court thing looks and smells like a kangaroo court in which the whole world will beat us over the head with. Yes, the conviction will be harder because the KSM was mistreated at Gitmo but we will get it and because KSM wants to die I would love to see him spend the rest of his life at Supermax in Colorado. He would prefer being waterboarded than spending the rest of his life in that nightmare of a prision.

  7. #7


    Oh, the audacity of it all...
    At one time not so long ago, Obama's public position on military trials for terrorists like Kalid Shiek Muhammand was the same as your so-called "fear-pimping sick cultists":
    "You will hear opponents say that this bill gives all kinds of rights to terrorist masterminds like Kalid Shiek Muhammand. I want to repeat, that is not true. The irony of the underlying bill as written is that someone like Kalid Shiek Muhammand is basically going to get a full military trial with all the bells and whistles. He's gonna have counsel, he's gonna present evidence. He's gonna be able to rebut the government's case, because the feeling is that he's guilty of a war crime and to do otherwise might violate some of our agreements under the Geneva Conventions. I think that's good that we are going to provide him with some procedure and process. I think that we will convict him and that he will be brought to justice. I think that justice will be carried out in his case."
    The above quote is the testimony given by Senator Barack Obama on 9/27/2006 in support of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 during the floor debate of this bill which would authorize trial by military commission for violations of the laws of war. The "underlying bill as written" [[HR-6166) was passed and signed into law on 10/17/2006.

    This position was part of Obama's very thin public record on which the voters could judge him during his campaign for the Presidency. Now that he is in office, can you spell "bait and switch"?

    Oh, the audacity of it all...

  8. #8


    The first time somebody attacked the WTC, I seem to recall the suspects were quickly arrested, trials were held in non-military courts and the suspects are rotting in jail.
    Does anyone [[other than our friends in the sick cult) actually for one minute believe that KSM is gonna be acquitted because of some liberal conspiracy?

    You guys go back to shrieking and flapping your arms and typing on internet forums wildly, After all, that's what you are best at.

    If you want something to really be upset about, consider the fact that under the criminally incompetent Bush Admin, two countries were invaded because of the Sept. 11 attack. Eight years, tens of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars later and the head of Al-Queda is still at large.

    If I was a a survivor, family member of a survivor, or a New Yorker, I would love the opportunity to sit in a courtroom and look Khalid Sheik Mohammed in the eye while he listens to their testimony.

    I voted for Barack Obama for many reasons, none of which had anything to do with where some right wing religious fanatic murderer was going to have his trial.

    In fact, today it was announced that President Obama is actually increasing pressure on Pakistan to act responsibly instead of simply sending them billions of our tax dollars without question, like Bush and Cheney did.


    There's one person who we'll never see get a trial in New York and that's Gulbuddin Hekmaytar, a Taliban hero who once received guns, money, training and the status of "The moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers" from Ronald Ray-Gun.

    Last edited by barnesfoto; November-16-09 at 01:47 AM.

  9. #9


    You guys go back to shrieking and flapping your arms and typing on internet forums wildly
    An absurd description of what I just wrote, in fact it is a classic example of projection on your part. How can anyone take your foaming-at-the-mouth scribblings seriously?

  10. #10
    mrrichard Guest


    This is the scariest most F'd up decision by Obama and will spell
    doom for the democrat party in the next election.

    These terrorists should be kept in the multi million dollar palace, club Gitmo.
    They should have been tried and executed already.

    I hope the Islamo Nazi's don't blow up any buildings again, that would really piss off Americans.

  11. #11


    Glad to see the pants-shitting children of the right-wing have such confidence in "The Greatest Country in the World" [[TM).

    – “‘It should show that our legal system is the most mature legal system in the history of the world,’ he [Giuliani] said, ‘that it works well, that that is the place to seek vindication if you feel your rights have been violated.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

    – “[M]any who were bruised by the traumatic event were certain that no verdict by a jury or punishment by a judge will exorcise the pain and terror that remain. … Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani declared that the verdict ‘demonstrates that New Yorkers won’t meet violence with violence, but with a far greater weapon — the law.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

    – “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead,” said Giuliani. [CBS Evening News, 3/5/94] greater weapon — the law.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

    – “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead,” said Giuliani. [CBS Evening News, 3/5/94]

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ghettopalmetto View Post
    Glad to see the pants-shitting children of the right-wing have such confidence in "The Greatest Country in the World" [[TM).

    – “‘It should show that our legal system is the most mature legal system in the history of the world,’ he [Giuliani] said, ‘that it works well, that that is the place to seek vindication if you feel your rights have been violated.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

    – “[M]any who were bruised by the traumatic event were certain that no verdict by a jury or punishment by a judge will exorcise the pain and terror that remain. … Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani declared that the verdict ‘demonstrates that New Yorkers won’t meet violence with violence, but with a far greater weapon — the law.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

    – “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead,” said Giuliani. [CBS Evening News, 3/5/94] greater weapon — the law.’” [The New York Times, 3/5/94]

    – “I think it shows you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead,” said Giuliani. [CBS Evening News, 3/5/94]
    You and your...Quotes and facts to back up arguments. Who the hell do you think you are?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    What does/has the Obama administration gotten right? Anyone?
    He has already kept the country free from attack longer than Bush did.

  14. #14


    Really? What sort of math are you using to calculate this whole "time" theory of yours? There weren't any attacks in the US in the 7 years post 9/11. Obama's been in office for 11 months. But that is a cute line so you go ahead and keeping throwing it in.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by EuniceSnively View Post
    Really? What sort of math are you using to calculate this whole "time" theory of yours? There weren't any attacks in the US in the 7 years post 9/11. Obama's been in office for 11 months. But that is a cute line so you go ahead and keeping throwing it in.
    A specific question was asked, and a specific, factual answer was given.

    Your premise is interesting, though. All presidents should be allowed one attack, without criticism?

    My suggestion: We should all stop playing partisan politics, and unite as American citizens when needed.

  16. #16


    Giuliani, on trials for the 1993 terrorists:
    "...you put terrorism on one side, you put our legal system on the other, and our legal system comes out ahead.” Giuliani said that the trial of Zacharias Moussaoui shows “that we can give people a fair trial, that we are exactly what we say we are. We are a nation of law....”

  17. #17


    Quote: "I hope the Islamo Nazi's don't blow up any buildings again, that would really piss off Americans."

    The problem was the way the Bush folks handled 9-11. Instead of pinpointing a culprit and gong after them. We took off in another direction on lies. This caused any thinking rational Americans to doubt anything any further from the right wing. Made them start asking questions, questions like "Who really flew into the towers?" "What did our government really know?" "Did they know and let it happen to use as a springboard for their own agenda?" "Should we trust them anymore?" Questions like that, all valid.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by EuniceSnively View Post
    Really? What sort of math are you using to calculate this whole "time" theory of yours? There weren't any attacks in the US in the 7 years post 9/11. Obama's been in office for 11 months. But that is a cute line so you go ahead and keeping throwing it in.
    Bush was in office less than 11 months before the 9-11 attacks.

  19. #19


    He has already kept the country free from attack longer than Bush did.
    So let's play along with your silly assertion. That means that on Feb. 26th Obama passed Clinton's record of 37 days of preventing terrorist attacks on our soil. Bush managed to make it 234 days, and Obama has made it 300 days - so far.

    Obviously Obama has benefited from actions taken by Congress and the Bush Administration, such as:

    • ending Jamie Gorelik's wall of separation that prevented counterterrorism agents and federal prosecutors from communicating with one another prior to September 11th. I'm sure you remember Jamie, she was the Deputy AG in the Clinton Justice Department, later a member of the September 11 commission [[as a Commissioner, she couldn't be called to testify - how convenient!); and even later a Vice Chairman at Fannie Mae while they were cooking their books.
    • enacting the Patriot Act
    • taking the war to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, which has kept them preoccupied and made it a lot harder for them to arrange attacks on US soil

  20. #20
    dfunkycity Guest


    I can remember the liberal left flying into a rage over every little thing Bush said or did.

    Like when 9/11 happened and he referred to the terrorists as "folks"\
    My god, the liberals were in the streets screaming and crying at the audacity of Bush using the term folks yet, Obama has referred to the terrorists, Al Quaeda, the Taliban and god knows whatever other murdering scum infesting our earth as "FOLKS" and yet not a peep.

    Where is the outrage at Obama and his lunacy ? How could he have the nerve to refer to these animals as "FOLKS"

    I mean imagine that. Referring to folks as um "folks"

    Well, at least he can pronounce "nuclear" although all the ohs,ums, ahs and other ridiculously stuttering filled shit that slowly dribbles from his mouth is at least tolerable to some degree.

  21. #21


    Bush has "dumbest speaking President" title wrapped up. He will never lose that title.

    As he stood next to a very rotund female West German? dignitary "I can't wait to hit that pig later" Referring to a pig roast.

    At the end of a very solemn and memorable speech by the Pope "Cool speech Pope"

    And a few hundred others..

    Gawd, what an embarrassment he was.

  22. #22


    "...Like when 9/11 happened and he referred to the terrorists as "folks"\
    My god, the liberals were in the streets screaming and crying at the audacity of Bush using the term folks..."

    Were they? When?
    Have you a video or news source to confirm that people were "...in the streets screaming and crying at the audacity of Bush using the term folks..."

    Perhaps you are correct, but I do not recall this. Please share.

  23. #23
    dfunkycity Guest


    Well, here's a few examples of people still bitching about Bush and bitching about "folks"


    I mean do I seriously have to point out the hypocrisy?

    As for the other poster , wht difference does it make how Bush spoke? Obama is just as dumb as he is. He just speaks a bit [[yes, a bit) better than Bush.

    As far as I am concerned Obama is nothing more than a damn puppet and whore for corporate America.

    If it makes you happy that he speaks a little clearer than so be it. Its obviously not that hard to please obamabots .

  24. #24


    This is a very dangerous game that Obama is playing here.

    If KSM gets acquitted, according to a daily press briefing exchange with WH Spokesman Gibbs and Major Garrett, the federal government stated it will still hold him.

    So much for habeas corpus.

  25. #25
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MCP-001 View Post

    So much for habeas corpus.

    Correct me if I am wrong but Lincoln is his supposed hero is he not?
    Well, Lincoln suspended habeus corpus, Obama is just following in his footsteps.

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