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  1. #51


    Non sequitur.

    The Nazis had a modern, mechanized nation behind them, with GDP and tanks and planes and 5 million men under arms.

    The islamic terrorists in Afghanistan have...what? A couple of rocket launchers in the middle of a desert surrounded by mountains. They don't even have any decent roads.

    Oooooh, I'm scared! Save me from the Big Bad Islamic Terrorists! They're going to conquer the world!

    Spin me another fairy tale, that one was good.

  2. #52
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by elganned View Post
    Non sequitur.

    The Nazis had a modern, mechanized nation behind them, with GDP and tanks and planes and 5 million men under arms.

    The islamic terrorists in Afghanistan have...what? A couple of rocket launchers in the middle of a desert surrounded by mountains. They don't even have any decent roads.

    Oooooh, I'm scared! Save me from the Big Bad Islamic Terrorists! They're going to conquer the world!

    Spin me another fairy tale, that one was good.

    Oh really? And you don't believe conquering the world is exactly what these fools are trying to do?

    Ok lets see, suicide bombings in how many nations? Rapid and sometimes illegal immigration to all western countries, trying to impose their way of life on other cultures, preaching to their adoptive lands about how bad we westerners are,setting up mosques and schools where some idiots openly preach and teach hatred for westerners,terror training camps in the US and across the world etc,etc

    Please, the push to make western countries not so western anymore is quite obvious.
    Stop with the bullshit . Enough already. We get it, u want your holy war that Allah has been whispering about in your ear since u were promised 70 virgins and bonus points for killing a jew.

    We get it, you don't like us. Tough shit. Don't move here if you don't like our way of life.

    Just an FYI and side note. Regarding your women, they are more than welcome to come here to get away from your egotistical,maniacal mentally and physically abusive asses anytime.
    Last edited by dfunkycity; December-02-09 at 09:55 PM.

  3. #53


    Calm down man. Why are you writing a personal message to the terrorists? Do you really think they are on DetroitYES!

    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Oh really? And you don't believe conquering the world is exactly what these fools are trying to do?

    Ok lets see, suicide bombings in how many nations? Rapid and sometimes illegal immigration to all western countries, trying to impose their way of life on other cultures, preaching to their adoptive lands about how bad we westerners are,setting up mosques and schools where some idiots openly preach and teach hatred for westerners,terror training camps in the US and across the world etc,etc

    Please, the push to make western countries not so western anymore is quite obvious.
    Stop with the bullshit . Enough already. We get it, u want your holy war that Allah has been whispering about in your ear since u were promised 70 virgins and bonus points for killing a jew.

    We get it, you don't like us. Tough shit. Don't move here if you don't like our way of life.

    Just an FYI and side note. Regarding your women, they are more than welcome to come here to get away from your egotistical,maniacal mentally and physically abusive asses anytime.

  4. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by elganned View Post
    "His" war machine? You've forgotten who got us into this mess in the first place? Missed your ADHD meds this morning, did you?

    I'm utterly disappointed and disheartened at this turn of events. I feel the same way I did when I voted for Reagan on his promise to balance the federal budget and then blew the budget to smithereens with defense spending. [[That was the last time I believed and voted for a Republican, BTW. This may be the last time I believe and vote for a Democrat. Wonder what the American Worker's Party looks like these days...?)
    Serious question. Do you think the American people would support and embrace a third party candidate who theorically could become president with 34% of the popular vote or even less depending on electoral college results ? I think this society is stuck with the two party system at least on a national level.

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Oh really? And you don't believe conquering the world is exactly what these fools are trying to do?
    Oh, I do think that's what they are trying to do. I also think they are hopelessly stupid if they think that's gonna happen. The only thing they've managed to do is scare the piss out of some ball-less conservatives by blowing up one building.
    Ok lets see, suicide bombings in how many nations?
    Suicide bombers cannot take over a single nation, much less the world. Pull your head out of your ass and look around.
    Rapid and sometimes illegal immigration to all western countries
    If illegal immigration is the criteria for political overthrow, then we're in more danger from the Mexicans than we are from the Muslims. So why aren't you preaching a crusade against Mexico?

    As for the rest of your vituperative diatribe, it's sheer Xenophobia masquerading as concern. You just don't like foreigners. We get it.

    You wouldn't by chance be part of the Aryan Nation, would you? I hear tell they don't like furrners much, either.

  6. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Elganned...who got us there in the first place is the islamic terrorists/OBL/the Taliban. That isn't the question now, now it is a matter of how do we rapidly win on that battle front and in the greater war with islamic terrorism.
    Typical deluded Bats. How quickly you fall into denial.

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    I suggest you put your liberal handbook down and try speaking the truth for a change.

    The Iraq war is in no damn way shape or form an illegal war.

    Bush the first took us there and we have been at war with them ever since never leaving their soil.

    Now, on the other hand, lying about the reasons for ramping up the war in Iraq is a different story.

    You want to moan and cry about Iraq, then do it truthfully.
    The assumption implicit in your statement is that you know the TRUTH. Please, do tell us. I've been waiting for you all of my life. PRAISE!

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    We are in the war....you leave when you have accomplished victory. Before that, is a loss and this is not a game.
    Hey 'ya Bats, define victory for us. Explicitly. Completely. And I don't mean with one of your cute little one line zingers.

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by ccbatson View Post
    Security...defense, safety, liberty, autonomy.

    Try this exercise...replace the radical islamic terrorists with Nazis during WWII in your question...now do you see what is at stake?
    Another one line answer to complex questions and issues. Bats, I'm sure that Nazis in WWII and Islamic terrorists today are so much alike [[sarcasm intended) that your one liners sum up those similarities completely. Such nonsense.

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Another one line answer to complex questions and issues. Bats, I'm sure that Nazis in WWII and Islamic terrorists today are so much alike [[sarcasm intended) that your one liners sum up those similarities completely. Such nonsense.
    FWIW, my B-I-L just returned from a highly publicized warzone and mission and said leaving now would be stupid...

    He tends to lean the same way I do on a lot of the politics, and after being in 2 combat zones, he has returned both times to say the same thing. I complete pull out now would be extremely detrimental to foreign interests. We really should at the VERY LEAST, clean up after ourselves. Shameful really

  11. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Serious question. Do you think the American people would support and embrace a third party candidate who theorically could become president with 34% of the popular vote or even less depending on electoral college results ? I think this society is stuck with the two party system at least on a national level.
    I don't believe that is the question. I believe the question is : would the demicans and republicrats allow a third party to lessen their stranglehold on the money and power they hold?

  12. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    I don't believe that is the question. I believe the question is : would the demicans and republicrats allow a third party to lessen their stranglehold on the money and power they hold?
    The answer is no... obviously

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by d.mcc View Post
    FWIW, my B-I-L just returned from a highly publicized warzone and mission and said leaving now would be stupid...

    He tends to lean the same way I do on a lot of the politics, and after being in 2 combat zones, he has returned both times to say the same thing. I complete pull out now would be extremely detrimental to foreign interests. We really should at the VERY LEAST, clean up after ourselves. Shameful really
    What does this mean?

  14. #64


    Okay, I figured out the B-I-L. Brother In Law, correct? Still don't know what FWIW is.
    Last edited by 1KielsonDrive; December-03-09 at 01:15 AM.

  15. #65


    Quote: "Tough shit. Don't move here if you don't like our way of life."

    Is this person serious? LOL Sheesh. bawwwkkk "They hate us" bawwwk "They are taking over the planet" bawwwk "We're fighting a war"

    I'll be so glad when these people are deprogrammed. Luckily it seems like most people are coming out from under the ether so to speak on the war on terror snow job. A few still don't get it.

  16. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Okay, I figured out the B-I-L. Brother In Law, correct? Still don't know what FWIW is.
    For what it's worth

  17. #67


    Hey dfunkycity, I asked if you could refute this... Well?

    "Saddam was cooperating with UN weapons inspectors and his contention was he had "nothing". We've spent 2 trillion dollars and continue to spend 10 million an hour to find out he was telling the truth."

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Hey dfunkycity, I asked if you could refute this... Well?

    "Saddam was cooperating with UN weapons inspectors and his contention was he had "nothing". We've spent 2 trillion dollars and continue to spend 10 million an hour to find out he was telling the truth."
    My guess, is the old guy didn't want people, [[namely Bush and pals) to fuck with him. So hey, if I make you THINK I might have something, you might not attack me as quickly... Just my theory though

  19. #69
    dfunkycity Guest


    Cooperating? Is that what u call constantly kicking out inspectors, not allowing them access, cutting off talks with the un and oh yea, those pesky missiles he kept lobbing at our pilots and un pilots as we patrolled the skies to keep him from invading Kuwait.

    Yea, bang up job there boys. Saddam was the picture of peace and cooperation.

  20. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Cooperating? Is that what u call constantly kicking out inspectors, not allowing them access, cutting off talks with the un and oh yea, those pesky missiles he kept lobbing at our pilots and un pilots as we patrolled the skies to keep him from invading Kuwait.

    Yea, bang up job there boys. Saddam was the picture of peace and cooperation.
    Revisionist history is fun. If I remember correctly, before the 2003 war, UN inspectors said it was the UNITED STATES that was not giving them enough time to complete their job...

  21. #71


    Quote: "Yea, bang up job there boys."

    Instead of flailing your arms in the literary sense, refute what I said. Where are the WMD's? Other than the Mustard and Sarin gas we provided him to use on the Iranians that he instead used on the Kurd's. That is what they meant by "WMD's unaccounted for". Where are the nuclear facilities? Where is the yellowcake uranium? You do realize what you're harping has been hardcore debunked by everyone?

  22. #72
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by d.mcc View Post
    Revisionist history is fun. If I remember correctly, before the 2003 war, UN inspectors said it was the UNITED STATES that was not giving them enough time to complete their job...

    It is fun isn't it? I like it especially when those poor souls that have had their brains thoroughly cleansed think they actually know what happened.

    I as hundreds of millions of Americans watched Saddam daily kick out inspectors, refuse inspections, make threats and shoot at our people patrolling the area.

    Those with cleansed brains are probably not old enough to remember or possibly just one of those people who refuse to watch any tv at instead, they get their news from where their handlers have programmed them to get it from.

    Yea, only revisionist history here pal, is liberal history.

  23. #73
    dfunkycity Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Yea, bang up job there boys."

    Instead of flailing your arms in the literary sense, refute what I said. Where are the WMD's? Other than the Mustard and Sarin gas we provided him to use on the Iranians that he instead used on the Kurd's. That is what they meant by "WMD's unaccounted for". Where are the nuclear facilities? Where is the yellowcake uranium? You do realize what you're harping has been hardcore debunked by everyone?

    I answered your question. I never disputed that wnd's were not found. As a matter of fact if you actually take the time to read you would see that I said he ramped up the war based on lies.

    That is neither here nor there. You are trying to solidify that dumb left wing argument about the Iraq wr being illegal.

    It is not. Your arguments and the arguments of the left regarding Iraq have no standing other than he lied to ramp up a war that has already been in progress for years.

    Matter of fact, I'll agree Bush is stupid. If he were smart, he would have just said Saddam is continuing his bs and we need to take him out.
    All that moron did was give liberal cry babies ammunition against him.

    Otherwise, I'll take a guy who can't pronounce nuclear over an idiot with a degree in constitutional law who constantly bad mouthes his predecessor , other politicians,the country and the people of this nation that elected his ungrateful ass to office.
    Last edited by dfunkycity; December-03-09 at 02:37 AM.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Those with cleansed brains are probably not old enough to remember or possibly just one of those people who refuse to watch any tv at instead, they get their news from where their handlers have programmed them to get it from.
    But since all the media is controlled by the left wing, wouldn't the "handlers" want their "handlees" to get their news from TV?

    You are so full of spite that you can't even see that your own arguments contradict themselves.

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by dfunkycity View Post
    Just an FYI and side note. Regarding your women, they are more than welcome to come here to get away from your egotistical,maniacal mentally and physically abusive asses anytime.
    Suddenly all becomes clear to me.

    Your main problem is you can't get laid.

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