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  1. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    QUOTE=Henry Whalley;631992]It doesn't matter what the Constitution says in plain English. SCOTUS wants to sell assault rifles and it has the final word. Things will change only when the ideology of SCOTUS shifts 180 degrees, and IMHO it will shift in a generation or two when enough terrorized school children are old enough to vote.
    Nothing like using a false narrative in order to base a discussion,outside of private sales of existing assault weapons,they have not been available to the public sense 1986.

    Because of that they are scarce and expensive,up to $30,000 so 99% of gun owners do not even own an assault weapon.

    SCOTUS is governed by the constitution,instead of learning something verses pulling tdls out out of your south end while facing north,you are using a false narrative as a discussion and not really concerned about innocent lives.[/QUOTE]

    Ok then. Wrap a weight around his waste [[sic)…

  2. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Ok then. Wrap a weight around his waste [[sic)…
    Authorities are surely watching Richard who expresses violent and anti-social fantasies in long rants. Medically speaking, it's called anti-social personality disorder and there's no known cure. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-...s/syc-20353928

    P.S. He hates my garbage!

  3. #153


    Like ol blue eyes sings

    Send in the clowns.

  4. #154


    Rick, You've toned down somewhat. I was expecting a Dirty Harry or Rooster Cogburn, at the very least a Foghorn Leghorn quotation.

  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Rick, You've toned down somewhat. I was expecting a Dirty Harry or Rooster Cogburn, at the very least a Foghorn Leghorn quotation.
    I was expecting more hate speech about my garbage.

  6. #156


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    ... it's called anti-social personality disorder....
    I guess that could explain some of the obsessing against socialism around here.

    Which reminds me of the recently-coined British slang term, gammon. It's meant to describe bitter, white, right-wingers who are constantly angry and so their face always looks red like ham. Gotta hand it to the Brits.
    Last edited by Jimaz; February-22-23 at 04:37 PM.

  7. #157


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Rick, You've toned down somewhat. I was expecting a Dirty Harry or Rooster Cogburn, at the very least a Foghorn Leghorn quotation.
    "Boy, I say boy, pay close attention to me, "cause you're a burrito short of a combination plate."

    Dirty Harry is 92 years old,even at that age he could probably whoop your butts all the way back to Moscow.

    I could bring it down to some of you guys levels and learn about this Barney character but then I would have to think like a 6 year old in order to comprehend.

    I figured with the price of food skyrocketing under your preferred form of leadership,you would be taking advantage of it and spending more time milking your moose and smuggling it across the border for profit.Bless your heart …

    Freaking back up to 80 degrees here today,looks like it’s going to be a bit nippy up there with that cold front rolling in,I will throw another log on the fire for you,o wait sorry,a little extra ice in your sweat tea.

    I was thinking about this for a place to escape the heat for a few months out of the year

    Last edited by Richard; February-22-23 at 04:50 PM.

  8. #158


    Humor can be difficult.

  9. #159


    The term, "hot under the collar" comes to mind. Some people need to chill.

    A study show that in "100 major U.S. cities with the highest proportion of gun violence between 2015 and 2020. It found that out of 116 ,511 shootings, roughly 6.85% [[or 7,973) were attributable to above-average temperatures.

    Gun violence, as well as other types of violence, such as road rage, is known to worsen in the summer. Warmer temperatures increase the body’s stress hormones in the nervous system, which may heighten violent impulses.
    People also spend more time outdoors when the weather is warm, which makes encounters with others — and the potential for lethal clashes — more likely"

  10. #160


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The term, "hot under the collar" comes to mind. Some people need to chill.
    Is this a non sequitur?

  11. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Is this a non sequitur?
    Close. But more a play on cliches. Maybe if positioned after all else, it could be a non sequitur. But 6.85%, 7,973 lives/year is something no one would argue about. I used to come home from work hungry, dusty, thirsty and sweaty in the summer and everyone else in the family was at least hot. I finally broke down and bought an air conditioner for the dining room. I should have done that sooner but air conditioners seemed like an extravagance. It really helped everyone's mood. The dining room became a haven through July and August so I can believe this study. I'm not sure though how government could institute cool places. Somewhere back, I think, in the Obama administration, air conditioners were being given away to inner city people. It seemed stupid and expensive at the time but this study makes some sense out of it.

    non se·qui·tur

    • a conclusion or statement that does not logically follow from the previous argument or statement.

  12. #162


    I think it has more to do with people are caught up in their own little worlds,expecting everybody and everything to cater to their individual needs and everything revolves around them.

    Woman is getting raped on the rail car and everybody just sits back and does nothing.

    Write up in the paper,guy is sick falls down in the street,people just kept in walking by,so he died right there.

    I watched a 5 year old throw a screaming tantrum because her cell phone was dead many kids are glued to a ce phone or laptop every waking moment.

    People expecting trophies when they do good,when they really just did what everybody expects people to do anyways.

    I found your wallet,where’s my reward ?

    Then what happens when people do not get their way,they lash out and make people pay.

    How many videos out there where people in fast food trash the place because the order was wrong or start screaming in order to make a scene.

    There is a cure for a lot of it,usually in leather form about 2” wide and 36” long.

    What was the guy looking for in this shooting,recognition.

    The kids doing the school shootings,they want to be somebody and remembered at any cost.Because everybody deserves a gold star,if they do not get one,people pay.

  13. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    i think it has more to do with people are caught up in their own little worlds...

  14. #164


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post

    Total Libtard Don't Read

  15. #165


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Total Libtard Don't Read
    Does using that contrived term make you feel righteous? Does it make you feel more effective? Why do you need to feel more effective than you are? Do you feel otherwise ineffective? Impotent?
    Last edited by Jimaz; February-27-23 at 11:31 PM.

  16. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Does using that contrived term make you feel righteous? Does it make you feel more effective? Why do you need to feel more effective than you are? Do you feel otherwise ineffective? Impotent?

    You can answer your own question. How did you chastising me make you feel? Did you get a rise out of it? Maybe you can post a video of it? I'm sure you know there's websites for that sort of thing. You've been there.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; February-28-23 at 04:11 AM.

  17. #167


    Yep, that 43 yo kid at MSU must have wanted a platinum star.
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The kids doing the school shootings,they want to be somebody and remembered at any cost.Because everybody deserves a gold star,if they do not get one,people pay.

  18. #168


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Yep, that 43 yo kid at MSU must have wanted a platinum star.
    He had no connection to that school,but chose it.

    Why? He could have done the same damage at a mall or other large gathering.

    A mall shooting receives 1 day of press,a school shooting receives multiple weeks on end internationally and the gun control narrative keeps it alive.

    If one was looking for recognition a school shooting is it.

    There is a weekly reminder of the number of school shootings to date,you can search and find how many mall shootings,but it is not repeated multiple times a day like a school shooting.

    Thats all I got,apparently all of the highly educated individuals that are experts in this field in the entire world have no clue as to why it keeps happening,the only difference is they make lots of money while having no clue.

    Are you not curious why they can be experts and have a clue about everything else but this ?

    Even here the experts can pick apart somebody’s mind and determine even down to what news channel they watch from a few simple posts,but they have already closed their minds thinking a item that cannot think,hear or smell or taste is to blame.

    Like it was possessed and took over the mind of somebody and forced them to take action.

    Or maybe it is the guns,they could identify as a unstable human on a rampage and just use the body as a means of transport.

    Maybe some find it in their best interests not to get to the root of the problem.
    Last edited by Richard; February-28-23 at 09:26 PM.

  19. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by mkd View Post
    Shouldn't it be the same proportionally? Or is life in a more diverse, more urban society more likely to produce mentally ill people?

    What if your attacker has an assault weapon? Would you still only want a handgun? Honest question, I personally don't own any guns.
    To answer Question 1, it might be as simple as there are fewer assault rifles in those states and therefore regardless of the number of mentally ill, the likelihood of someone mentally ill using an assault weapon is rare.

    To answer Question 2, I would hope that I could get one kill shot off before the attacker with the assault rifle was able to
    get one off. However, if assault weapons were banned, then I'd have a better chance of surviving because the attacker would have a less powerful weapon.
    Last edited by royce; March-01-23 at 11:37 PM.

  20. #170


    Hilarious,the odds of getting killed by an assault rifle are about the same as getting killed by a pen.

    .22 is the caliber that kills more people per year then any other caliber.

    It all depends on the situation,if you are in your home and somebody with a long gun comes after you a handgun is preferred.

    A long gun will provide range,hand gun is good for close range,so if you are in the woods or field,the long gun would have the advantage,hand gun is good for 100 yards approximately.

    If you are under threat,you shoot until the threat is eliminated,then it comes down to what is called stopping power.

    Thats the different hand guns,.22 is small but just as dangerous because once the round is inside,it bounces everywhere causing damage,357,9 mm etc are preferred because of the stopping power which is measured by how much damage they create.

    So 9 mm usually 2 rounds wear as .22 3 or 4 but you have to be close range.

    The purse guns,.22 , 380 small caliber are really only good for close range as in up close and personal.

    Do not believe the movies,you cannot duck behind a wall for protection,most rounds and weapons will shoot right through the walls.

    When you watch the videos of mass shootings,most will run from the shooter in a straight line,the shooter will have tunnel vision,if you run zig zag off to either side,outer edge of their tunnel vision the odds of survival are more,they are going to shoot into the biggest crowd in front of them,because they do not have to take time to aim,do not join the crowd.

    You cannot outrun a bullet,but if you can maintain composure and not panic,you can increase your survivability level by out smarting the shooter.

    If you are thinking about buying a gun,before you do,you can go to a gun range and rent them for a few hours,different ones,there are classes.

    The biggest problem I see is some will buy a gun,stick it in a drawer and never actually practice with it.

    When you need it,the adrenaline will be flowing and if you do not know every centimeter of the gun and are comfortable with it,you may get lucky and stop your attacker or not.

    If you have kids and buy one,take them to the range,you are not doing it to show them how to use it,you are doing it to show them how to respect it.

    That’s why so many children get shot while playing with a gun,because they do not understand how they work and they play with it like it is a toy.

    You cannot buy a weapon and hide it from your kids,they have to be aware of its existence and what it can do so they do not have that interest.

    Before age 5 I took all 3 of my kids to the range and let them experience what guns are capable of,you do not know if they are at a friends house and that kid starts playing with a weapon.

    None of them own any guns but they know how to use them,how to avoid them.

    Like it or not guns are a part of our culture,we teach our children how to cross the street safely so they do not get run over.

    Years ago there was a lot of guns in this country,not all the shootings,but there was gun safety classes in school,it did not mater if you ever intended to purchase a weapon in the future or not,at least everybody knew about them.

    They as in the media etc are teaching people to fear guns,when they do that and a shooting starts,they panic and run.

    The pulse nightclub shooting,that guy had to stop and reload several times,while people were running right past him,all it would have taken would have been a bar stool to his head while he was reloading and it would have ended.
    Last edited by Richard; March-02-23 at 01:26 AM.

  21. #171


    Quote Originally Posted by richard View Post
    hilarious,the odds of getting killed by an assault rifle are about the same as getting killed by a pen...

  22. #172


    How ‘Progressive Discipline’ Turned Ontario Schools into a Battleground

    The new model transformed the student-teacher relationship to one in which the ultimate goal was the creation of “safe, equitable and inclusive” learning spaces. Progressive Discipline curtailed the ability of teachers to suspend students and defanged principals of their power to expel. Instead, educators were encouraged to address “root causes” to change student behavior.

    The effort to prioritize the emotional experience of students over the need to maintain order had predictable consequences: Whereas only 7 percent of teachers in Ontario schools were the victims of physical abuse in 2005, by 2017 that number had spiked to 54 percent. This academic year is on track to become the most violent in history for the Toronto school district, the largest and most influential in Canada.


  23. #173


    Can someone tell me if the police have released a description of the shooting in terms of how the shooter got into the buildings and whether he targeted the first people he saw in the buildings or if he just randomly walked through the buildings and then started shooting? I have not heard anything said on the local news.

  24. #174


    Wrong thread.
    Last edited by royce; November-01-23 at 06:35 PM.

  25. #175


    Sorry, late to read this thread but what Richard said here struck a nerve.

    ”People expecting trophies when they do good,when they really just did what everybody expects people to do anyways.

    I found your wallet,where’s my reward?”

    Opposite thing happened to me once in the early 2000’s. I found a day planner on the side of the road one morning on my way to work. Found business cards in it from a contractor and the usual notes, invoices stuck in it, appointments in it. Took it to work with me about five miles away from where I found it and called him from work.

    He asked me if I was going to leave it at the address on the cards, I told him he could pick it up at my work. Well that wasn’t the answer he wanted, I could tell by the tone of his voice when he said he was on the way.

    He came into my workplace asking for me. As I walked up with the planner the first thing he said was “I’m not giving you a reward for finding it.” I didn’t say a word to him, just handed it over. I didn’t expect one, didn’t ask for one nor would have accepted one, a simple thank you would have been sufficient.

    The place I found it was on my normal way to and from work, for the next four years until we moved I drove same route at least twice a day, some days home to lunch and back, all the time hoping I’d find that he lost it again, that I’d find it and this time just leave it there.

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