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  1. #151


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post

    Biden’s Approval Rating Is Higher Than Trump’s Ever Was

    By the way news from a failing late night talk show host and you believe it?

  2. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    Listen to Creepy Joe pile on the bull last oct and end with You can’t lead the country with executive orders unless your a dictator! If that’s not outing yourself what is? 35 and counting?

    He has the house and the senate. If he had popularity he could legitimately pass anything he wanted! He is leading by dictatorship and if you can’t see it you are the problem!
    Are you saying that you cannot see the logic in UNDOING something that was DONE before?

  3. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Are you saying that you cannot see the logic in UNDOING something that was DONE before?
    Im saying he says one thing and does the opposite and Do you agree which the disaster he is putting forward for our country? The koolaid stinks to me!

  4. #154


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    Trump calls him Rocket man
    Biden calls him a thug
    You call him Boss?

    Name:  press.jpg
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  5. #155


    Two way street?

    Name:  0FDF8680-EB25-4081-BE1F-6FC6A380085F.jpeg
Views: 446
Size:  167.1 KB

    And by the way your making my point with the left trying to censor anyone who doesn’t agree!
    Last edited by Wheels; January-28-21 at 05:48 PM.

  6. #156


    I am not sure how this relates to Biden yet ...

    Hackers had discovered 4 years ago,emails linking Hillary Clinton sending the message to democrat Pelosi,telling her to divert from the Benghazi incident by encouraging the party to repeat that it was a republican conspiracy theory.

    Of all of the dumb ass things to put in a email,that takes the case.

    So that shows Clinton,Pelosi and the Obama administration conspired to cover up Benghazi where an American ambassador was murdered,and American military contractors were murdered,because they were refused help from the commander in chief ,then president Obama.

    If that is not grounds for impeachment after office for Obama and the removal and charging Pelosi and Hillary Clinton criminally,I do not know what is.

    Nobody is above the law,unless you are a democrat,then you can get by with murder.

    They put the hacker in jail for putting the truth out there and those who implemented the cover up abused their authority and walked away.

    Back to Biden

    The unions that threw their support behind Biden are getting a wake up call while standing in the unemployment line.

    John Kerry says they can go build solar panels,did he forget all of the solar panels are made by the Chinese,the pieces are made over there,shipped over here and assembled here to circumvent the made in America policies.

    So is he telling them to move to China ?

    Will he fly them in his private jet that he uses to save the planet with?
    Last edited by Richard; January-29-21 at 01:04 AM.

  7. #157


    I was waiting for someone to bring up Benghazi... we have had 4 people who died tragically in Benghazi. And the Republicans had dozens of investigations for 2 years afterwards, and Fox News made it a meal ticket for 6 additional years.

    Now with 5 dead from the Capitol insurrection, and over 350,000 dead of a pandemic while the former president was totally incapable of even the slightest bit of empathy, and basically didn't give a fuck... we're likely going to have a long period of payback.

    If the enablers get carpal tunnel syndrome in their defense of the old guard... so be it...

  8. #158


    ^ in case you have not been paying attention,a new president is in office and corona virus deaths are still mounting,just as they are across the world.

    A new President that has stated,there is nothing that can be done to change the course of the corona virus.

    Are you going to also claim Biden is responsible for corona virus deaths that are happening under his watch?

    Are you also going to claim that Biden is responsible for all corona virus deaths across the world?

    Are you also going to hold your governor responsible for the corona virus deaths resulting from sending people back into nursing homes that were infected?

    It took her from March to July before forming a task force to figure out how to safely return residents with the corona virus back into the nursing homes.

    5 months to figure out what they already discovered back in the 1300s

    You do not mix the infected with the healthy.

    Are you also going to hold the other governors responsible for doing the exact same thing and creating more deaths?

    I am thinking no

    Because like you posted, you do not give a fuck about those deaths outside of the goal was to discredit and remove the bad orange man.

    An you have constantly justified it when you support and defend the ones that actually contributed to the deaths.

    It is also clear that you are basing discussions while having zero clue about how government works and the separation of power that actually controls actions a President can take in relation to dictating to the states.

    Let’s see if you can answer this one

    Biden ran on a campaign promise that he was going to implement a national mask mandate.

    How come his mandate that he issued only relates to federal buildings and federal transportation?

  9. #159


    ^^^Biden also said containing the virus will get worse before it gets better. He's been in office one week and two days. Overcoming the mess DT denied for months on end, isn't going to happen over night. "it will go away with the heat"..."churches will be packed on Easter". Great to see Fauci being able to talk science almost daily instead of being muzzled by the nitwit 'n chief who had fake graphs made up by one of his cronies who he probably paid to draw up.

    As far as Whitmer, go read the FULL order and you'll see that wasn't the case......https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9...7240--,00.html

    1. Prior to accepting the return of such a resident, the long-term care facility must undertake screening precautions that are consistent with relevant DHHS guidance when receiving the returning resident. A facility must not accept the return of a COVID-19-positive resident if the facility does not have a dedicated unit or regional hub meeting the requirements of this order.
    Last edited by Maof; January-29-21 at 03:10 PM.

  10. #160


    Richard... as is your usual modus operandi... you go all over the map with your replies, which is why I only bother reading a paragraph or two of your posts.

    Here is something that will help you out on your long logic fallacy filled posts... how to identify the mistakes in logic... it even has Youtube examples of each. Since it is very abundantly clear that you have never taken a logic course, this might help you save time by deleting the "chatter" in your posts....


  11. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    ^^^Biden also said containing the virus will get worse before it gets better. He's been in office one week and two days. Overcoming the mess DT denied for months on end, isn't going to happen over night. "it will go away with the heat"..."churches will be packed on Easter"

    As far as Whitmer, go read the FULL order then you'll see that wasn't the case......https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9...7240--,00.html

    1. Prior to accepting the return of such a resident, the long-term care facility must undertake screening precautions that are consistent with relevant DHHS guidance when receiving the returning resident. A facility must not accept the return of a COVID-19-positive resident if the facility does not have a dedicated unit or regional hub meeting the requirements of this order.
    Thats as bad as Mr G making excuses for Biden lack of a plan while damning Trumps plan,even after Biden admits that there is nothing that can be done to change the course of the virus.

    Its not that complicated,neither Trump or Biden is god and can alter outcomes beyond their control,including decisions made by state governments.
    1. Beginning as soon as possible but no later than March 16, 2020 at 9:00 am, and continuing through April 5, 2020 at 5:00 pm, all health care facilities, residential care facilities, congregate care facilities, and juvenile justice facilities must perform a health evaluation of all individuals that are not under the care of the facility each time the individual seeks to enter the facility, and must deny entry to those individuals who do not meet the evaluation criteria. The evaluation criteria must include: symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat; and contact in the last 14 days with someone with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.

    So here is the governor doing a direct order not to return infected patients back into facilities.

    Please show me the directive where she has set up an emergency shelter of sorts where they can go.

    She made a directive with no solution.

    Where were they expected to go,they could not stay in the hospital and they could not return to the nursing home before completing the 14 day quarantine period?

    All she did was cover her butt knowing full well the facilityÂ’s had no other choice but to except them back into the facility.

    Where were they supposed to go? Sleep in the streets?

    Show me where she provided a solution outside of the directive.

  12. #162


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard... as is your usual modus operandi... you go all over the map with your replies, which is why I only bother reading a paragraph or two of your posts.

    Here is something that will help you out on your long logic fallacy filled posts... how to identify the mistakes in logic... it even has Youtube examples of each. Since it is very abundantly clear that you have never taken a logic course, this might help you save time by deleting the "chatter" in your posts....

    You may be better suited living In Wisconsin,lots of cheese to go with all of that whining.

    Let me guess,you also read a few paragraphs out of a book or watch only a few minutes of a movie,then complain to the producers and writers because you cannot comprehend context Out of the little effort that you put forth.

    Sorry,I forgot,but not really,we live in a time where most cannot deal with anything written that contains more then 3 lines.

    Why is it really every time you do not agree with what I post,you attack me personally,say what you like about me,but it shows you as being weak and unable to dispute my content.

    Then you look even worse when you come up with all kinds of excuses of why you cannot dispute my content.

    Like I posted,of that is your claim to be highly skilled or educated in logic,might I suggest a refund,or maybe the classes were free and you got what you paid for.

  13. #163


    I'm guessing you didn't read it Richard. These facilities were also given $5,000/patient and $200/patient/day, more than enough to facilitate a dedicated area and enough PPE. Hospitals were not to release a patient unless testing negative for the virus. So you tell me, these independently owned facilities, what did they do.....they took the money and ran? Maybe FEMA should have thought about these people when setting up wasted space at TCF and Novi.

  14. #164


    You guys keep making things up in your head as to what the federal government should have done with out actually understanding what the federal government can do.

    It does not matter who is president is.

    The federal government cannot enter a state or provide assistance of any kind without the direct request of the governor of that state,period.

    You can say the federal government or FEMA should have done this or done that to save lives.

    I will not argue that aspect,only exactly what I posted as to the limits as set out by the separation of powers.

    Did you know in December/January the federal government handed out to the states 40 million doses of the corona virus vaccine but the states had only administered 22 million of those doses.

    The federal government can make available the doses but each state has to request them,the federal government cannot force the states to request or administer them.

    The states,or the ones that responded anyways,reported that they were holding back the first round of shots and waiting for the second round before giving them out.

    Every state was required to have a plan of action and be prepared for a pandemic as rehearsed,with PPE and everything else that was needed.

    It is kinda like here where we have hurricanes,each individual family and person must have enough to survive on without expecting any kind of help for at least 72 hours,including medical supplies etc.

    The federal government is kinda like the back up reserve for the states,after the states diminish their supply then they call on the federal government for assistance.

    The federal government cannot say,hey your cupboard looks empty,let me fill it up,the states have to make the request.

    Because the federal government is such a lumbering beast it takes a lot to get rolling,that is why the states are in essence their own first responders.

    All the states have the federal government a few years back a list of what they had.

    For example,they said we have 1 million face masks.

    So in the federal governments mind,that is what they have on hand,but they may need more so let me stick another 1 million aside just in case.

    So what happened?

    Budgets got tight,states became pandemic complacent and did not renew their stock and even worse did not inform the federal government that they did not have the stock.

    Pandemic hits,the feds take inventory and say okay that state has 1 million masks,they should be okay while we ramp up production and we have the other million for back up.

    But the state had thrown away their 1 million masks and now needed two million right now.

    Then it became a crap show because the federal government did not have the supply.

    And the federal government was saying,you told us you had 1 million masks,where are they ?

    You see what happened in NY,that whole time that governor was on the air blasting the federal government over ventilators?

    They had 20,000 sitting in a warehouse and the federal government knew that because that is what was reported in their inventory filing.

    That governor said it,he was keeping those in reserve in case the federal government ran out.

    That kind of crap is what cost lives,because that state had enough to get by until the feds ramped up production,but there were other cities that really needed the ones that had to be diverted to NY by the feds stockpile.

    That is what the feds were trying to do at that time,collect needed supplies from parts of the country that were less infected and move them to the hardest hit.

    But the states said ,screw you we ain’t giving up this stuff,what if we need it for our people if it hits here.

    The feds could not force them to give it up.

    Our country was playing musical chairs with a pandemic,when it hit,who ever did not have that seat got the flak.

    It was a result of pandemic complacency across all spectrums on all levels and years of complacency coming to a compilation.

    It does not matter who was sitting in any seat,nobody in the world was prepared for it and nobody in the world can say one person handled it better then another.

    I like to bust your chops about your governors shortcomings in order to show the hypocrisy of blaming Trump for the federal governments shortcomings.

    As you can see worldwide nobody was able to alter the outcome and death,but you guys did make it worse in this country because you kept up the resistance movement against a president you hated personally and used it as a hate platform instead of taking a moment and coming together to stop it.

    You guys were not about to do that,everything that comes after that is a result of those actions.

    You took the politics along for the ride,but the rona virus did not care for anybody’s politics.

    Yes Trump could have done more to save lives by using the only tool available to the federal government,declare martial law and put troops on the streets while physically locking everybody down and delivering MREs until it passed.

    But it still has not passed,so everybody would have been a prisoner in their own home for over 1 year.

    Were you prepared to deal with that?

  15. #165


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    I was waiting for someone to bring up Benghazi... we have had 4 people who died tragically in Benghazi. And the Republicans had dozens of investigations for 2 years afterwards, and Fox News made it a meal ticket for 6 additional years.

    Now with 5 dead from the Capitol insurrection, and over 350,000 dead of a pandemic while the former president was totally incapable of even the slightest bit of empathy, and basically didn't give a fuck... we're likely going to have a long period of payback.

    If the enablers get carpal tunnel syndrome in their defense of the old guard... so be it...
    It was my understanding that Benghazi was used by the CIA to run supplies to the war against Assad. Since so many Republicans were complicit with the Obama/Biden administration. They tried to emphasize the failure to rescue out diplomats and blame that all on Obama without taking responsibility for helping Obama an Biden carrying out an congressionlly undeclared war. It didn't work for those Republicans.

    "Multiple anonymous sources reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was used by the CIA as a cover to smuggle weapons from Libya to anti-Assad rebels in Syria.[30]:56[34][36][37][38]Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh cites an anonymous former senior Defense Department intelligence official, saying "The consulate's only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms. It had no real political role." The attack allegedly brought an end to the purported U.S. involvement, but did not stop the smuggling according to Hersh's source.[39] In January 2014, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence cast doubt on this alleged U.S. involvement and reported that "All CIA activities in Benghazi were legal and authorized. On-the-record testimony establishes that the CIA was not sending weapons ... from Libya to Syria, or facilitating other organizations or states that were transferring weapons from Libya to Syria."[40] -Wikipedia

    Maybe Biden will show empathy for the 31,000 who died of Covid during the first month of his administration. Whoopie. By the time he implements his 'Covid plan', some large percentage of Americans will already have received their Trump vaccines. Biden just announced that he was buying enough vaccines for another 200M Americans claiming that Trump had only bought enough vaccine for 100M Americans. That's not true. Johnson and Johnson agreed to sell vaccines for 100M Americans. 400M vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna have also been purchased; enough for 200M Americans. One has to wonder what uncle Joe plans to do with the extra 200M vaccines. Spend, spend, spend.
    Last edited by oladub; January-30-21 at 12:36 AM.

  16. #166


    The model allows the country that produces the vaccine to hold onto enough of a supply to reach a threshold for herd immunity [["Rt below 1"). Beyond that, the model supports distributing the vaccine internationally, which means giving away or selling doses of the vaccine before it's available to every citizen in that country, Emanuel explained to Scientific American.


    The thing about all of that is it was not long ago where the experts and parrots were all telling everybody herd immunity was a bunch of bunk.

    My guess it it will show up on the black market and those funds will be sent to a offshore bank.

  17. #167


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The model allows the country that produces the vaccine to hold onto enough of a supply to reach a threshold for herd immunity [["Rt below 1"). Beyond that, the model supports distributing the vaccine internationally, which means giving away or selling doses of the vaccine before it's available to every citizen in that country, Emanuel explained to Scientific American.


    The thing about all of that is it was not long ago where the experts and parrots were all telling everybody herd immunity was a bunch of bunk.

    But Biden said he was buying vaccines for another 200M Americans and that only 100M had so far been purchased. Am I counting two lies or he is providing for another 200M illegal non-citizens and refugees? My guess leans toward his first lie that the extra vaccines were never intended for Americans.

    The E.U. lags behind the U.S. in its per capita distribution of Covid vaccines. It's probably Trump's fault somehow. The E.U. has also temporarily reneged on some of its promises to distribute vaccines outside of the E.U.. However, the E.U. has committed to purchasing 2.3B vaccinations, an amount far in excess of its population's needs. "This vaccine portfolio would enable the EU not only to cover the needs of its whole population, but also to supply vaccines to neighbouring countries." As a globalist, Biden is probably more beholden to international interests than Americans' interests. It's a better use of our children' money than wars. I wouldn't mind if some of Biden's surplus was made available to Canada since Canada's health care system relies on foreign innovation and Canada has helped us on many occasions.
    Last edited by oladub; January-30-21 at 10:27 AM.

  18. #168


    He is also getting heat from the two senators from Georgia about the $2000 he promised everybody there for their vote.

    They are being leaned on by the people wanting what was promised.

    The guy spent the last 6 months in his basement,he had no plan for anything,he did not need one,his only job is to sit their and sign whatever Pelosi and Harris puts in front on him.

    It reminds me of an episode from,The Last Ship.

    I think they are telling him that he needs to sign what is put in front of him or they will have the republicans open up the Ukraine investigation and he will be replaced by Harris and they will help impeach him.

    People called Trump a dictatorship but here we are with a president signing EOs with zero public input with actions that depict an actual dictatorship.

    With the full support of the democrat party,so we have to view the democrat party as the real party of wanting full out dictatorship in this country.

    Thats not hitting the ground running,that is sending the message of who is in charge while the house and senate sets about eliminating anybody that does not agree with the party.

    That is the very definition of a Democratic socialist,useing the system to convert to a socialist society,That is why Bernie was pissed,like the Chinese they took his agenda and stole it and are implementing it.

    They are making it clear,my way or the highway and we will destroy you if you disagree with us.

    That is why posters are attacking me so much here,the content that they do not want to see is proving they were just patsys in the vote,they were not actually voting for Biden,because he is just the facade,they voted to implement a dictatorship socialist society.

    He spent over 40 years in government signing off on policies that destroyed cities,then as Vice President he helped Obama throw millions in the streets and transfer the money to the banks and Wall Street,they built those hedge funds,money and power gains control.

    Now all of the sudden people actually believe he was going to help Americans and the country ?

    That is why people are angry,they having to admit to themselves that Trump policies were actually about the country and its citizens and he did do exactly what he campaigned on.

    Over 40 EOs and counting in under 2 weeks,more then all of the other presidents in the history of the country combined.

    Everything he has signed is designed to undercut the benefits of the US citizens and destroy the working class.

    Watch - The next EO will be about implementing UBI because nobody has any jobs after he destroyed them all and he wants to help the American people.
    Last edited by Richard; January-30-21 at 10:49 AM.

  19. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Here is Biden signing an EO,while fully admitting he does not know what he is signing,and then signs it anyways.


    That’s Pelosi and Harris just putting EOs in front of him to sign,and he has no clue as to what he is signing.

    Wag the dog.
    Now that Chump has retired to Florida, you should call him up, get together and toast Biden's victory over a coupla cans of Lysol.

  20. #170


    Bombshell information coming out of the Biden state office.

    Iran will have a nuclear weapon in two weeks.

    They have only been trying for 65 years.

    Code speak for war.

    It was not enough to ramp up the troops in Syria let’s make war with Iran.

  21. #171


    Blinken: If it further breaks deal, Iran could amass material for nuke in weeks
    US secretary of state says at current rate Tehran is months away from being able to produce material for weapon, but timeframe could shorten

    A diversion?
    Who's fault anyway?
    He's craved war with Iran.

    He withdrew from the accord ignoring protests from top allies.
    Good for once, would it twice: never soldiers sent abroad.

    Ignore he set the stage for even bigger social battles?
    Right wingers want our end times with an armageddon goal!
    Last edited by bust; February-01-21 at 11:57 PM.

  22. #172


    Because the nuclear deal did not stop the enrichment of uranium.

    That deal was set up by Obama to kick the can down the road,who tells somebody,you cannot have nukes but you can continue to enrich uranium, the critical component used to build them.

    He bought Iran time to complete their program by design,maybe because the democrats wanted to use the violence of Iran against US citizens after Antifa became weak.

    Typicial democrat no balls mentality,you cannot have nuclear weapons,but if you play nice while I am in office,I will set it up so you can have all the materials needed to build a nuke,just wait until I am out of office before you assemble it and launch it at Americans.

    You left wingers are already burning and destroying American cities,you are more of a danger to this country then Iran,Israel will smoke them out with out hesitation.

    See they also have a set of balls,unlike the democrats left wingers that think it is cool to loot and burn American cities while terrorizing the citizens,you are actually no different then the likes of Iran or Rocket man who would like nothing better then to see America destroyed.

    The difference is they talk about it,while you guys are actually carrying out their wishes and doing the work for them.
    Last edited by Richard; February-02-21 at 12:06 AM.

  23. #173


    The Biden regime favors foreign interests over American workers. Cheaper foreign labor is a priority of corporatist entities who bankrolled Biden's election. It's payoff time. The Biden Department of Justice just went to bat for a foreign worker complaining that U.S. citizens were being given job preference at Elon Musk's SpaceX.

    "The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating SpaceX over whether the company discriminates against non-U.S. citizens in its hiring practices and said Elon Musk’s company is stonewalling a subpoena for information." “The charge alleges that on or about March 10, 2020, during the Charging Party’s interview for the position of Technology Strategy Associate, SpaceX made inquiries about his citizenship status and ultimately failed to hire him for the position because he is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.”

    SpaceX didn't hire him because he "not a lawful permanent U.S. resident"?

  24. #174


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    I'm guessing you didn't read it Richard. These facilities were also given $5,000/patient and $200/patient/day, more than enough to facilitate a dedicated area and enough PPE. Hospitals were not to release a patient unless testing negative for the virus. So you tell me, these independently owned facilities, what did they do.....they took the money and ran? Maybe FEMA should have thought about these people when setting up wasted space at TCF and Novi.

    There appears to be a fly in that soup

    Feds demand answers from Gov. Whitmer on Michigan nursing home deaths

    Whitmer's nursing home policies have sparked controversy, a partisan congressional inquiry and bipartisan action in the state Legislature, which in June approved a measure that would have created COVID-only facilities to house infected nursing home residents.
    Whitmer vetoed the bill, calling it a "a political game that would relocate vulnerable seniors without any requirement for consent, doctor’s approval, or notification to patients and their families."

    https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/feds-demand-answers-gov-whitmer-michigan-nursing-home-deaths?fbclid=IwAR0YG9JuTFfvvf0cHfxtp8FSFHDRYCNbLu VGrccBV4_h6VQxr9UXT2gMYbw

  25. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The Biden regime favors foreign interests over American workers. Cheaper foreign labor is a priority of corporatist entities who bankrolled Biden's election. It's payoff time. The Biden Department of Justice just went to bat for a foreign worker complaining that U.S. citizens were being given job preference at Elon Musk's SpaceX.

    "The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating SpaceX over whether the company discriminates against non-U.S. citizens in its hiring practices and said Elon Musk’s company is stonewalling a subpoena for information." “The charge alleges that on or about March 10, 2020, during the Charging Party’s interview for the position of Technology Strategy Associate, SpaceX made inquiries about his citizenship status and ultimately failed to hire him for the position because he is not a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident.”

    SpaceX didn't hire him because he "not a lawful permanent U.S. resident"?
    The guy that just was nominated into the smurf clan,was the same guy that was personally fast tracking EB5 visas for the politically connected when he was DHS head,they caught him doing it,and now rehired him so he can do the exact same thing.

    That was the same time Disney World used him to fast track EB5 visas in order to replace their entire IT department with cheaper labor,to add injury to insult,they made the ones being fired,train the incoming replacements.

    That is why the big tech supports liberal immigration policies,it is a swimming pool source of cheap labor,but it kills the technology training of Americans,who then cannot even make enough to pay off their student loans.

    On a side note

    When the Rocket exploded on landing yesterday,they would not say it exploded,they called it a forced disassembly.

    So in the future there will be no such thing as bombs that explode on impact,they will be referred to as mechanisms of forced disassembly on impact.
    Last edited by Richard; February-03-21 at 03:56 PM.

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