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Results 751 to 775 of 1381
  1. #751


    Any evidence must be a thing rather than talk.

  2. #752


    Gistok for somebody that has 7.5 million degrees in logic you must have skipped the reading comprehension classes.

    How exactly does one withhold the materials needed for investigation,then claim that there was no fraud,knowing full well there was none because they will make sure of it by stonewalling.

    It just shows you guys care little about voter integrity and it truly is about orange man bad.

    The kicker in all of this,30% of democrats that voted for Biden believe the election was stolen.

  3. #753


    Richard, it's over.

    "Election fraud" is Trump's new "Obama's birth certificate". A completely unfounded claim that will fracture the GOP further. People have to decide if they want to be decent and do what's right and best for America, or follow Trump's unfounded conspiracy theories.

    Donald Trump, one of the most obvious conmen of our time, has lost the election over and over again. His band of misfit lawyers, lunatic witnesses, and their empty lawsuits have lost. The GOP has accepted this lost and is moving on.

    Donald Trump is a fraud. Claims of election fraud are fraudulent. Trump is lining his pockets to the best of his abilities using both the government and the GOP's fundraising machine.

    The best thing that the GOP can do at this point is jettison Donald Trump and his supporters. They're done. Exposed. A band of raving lunatic conspiracy theorists.

  4. #754


    The left has a well documented history of accusations while providing no evidence ending in failure.

    How do you figure the GOP has excepted it and moved on?

    Because Mitch took a neutral stance based on a safe move,he still has to keep in mind what happens in Georgia,but you can bet if the Republicans take control of the house and senate he can flip on a dime.

    It is not over,until it is,you guys should know that by now.

    Thats a false hope to even say the best thing the GOP can do is dump Trump and his supporters,you are talking about 80 million people,silly to even think that will even be thought about.

    Russian conspiracy theorists ,complaining about conspiracy theorists.
    Last edited by Richard; December-17-20 at 12:41 PM.

  5. #755


    Accepted. Do you KNOW what excepted means? Look it up.
    Come to think of it, I AM giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are a human and not a bot. Arguing with a bot about English usage is pretty pointless and I've been doing it for a while, so I guess Russian Bot it is...
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    How do you figure the GOP has excepted it and moved on?
    Last edited by jcole; December-17-20 at 12:47 PM.

  6. #756


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    A band of raving lunatic conspiracy theorists.
    It's a miracle they didn't blow up the entire world. Knock on wood

  7. #757


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Accepted. Do you KNOW what excepted means? Look it up.
    Come to think of it, I AM giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are a human and not a bot. Arguing with a bot about English usage is pretty pointless and I've been doing it for a while, so I guess Russian Bot it is...
    Lol why even bother arguing it,my REAL name is Richard,nice to meet you although it is kinda sketchy discussing things with people that use a fake name,it does make one wonder what they have to hide.

    But that has been the whole mantra all along,divert attention onto others in order to take the limelight off of your misdeeds.

    Answer this one.

    This country went to war where American military and innocent civilians lost their lives,all because the media was used to perpetuate a lie based on zero evidence to convince you.

    How come the day after the election the media and public officials stood up and said that this was the most secure election in the history of the country and there was no fraud.

    Before even 1/2 the country had completed the process?

    Do you not think that they would have at least waited a few days to at the very least give the impression that they actually even checked to see if there was fraud?

    How does one know that there was no fraud if you claim it before even the results were in?

    After all of that do you really expect anybody to actually admit they got it wrong?

  8. #758


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The left has a well documented history of accusations while providing no evidence ending in failure.
    Whataboutism. Why talk about Trump when you can change the subject?

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    How do you figure the GOP has excepted it and moved on?
    McConnel has sent the signal. Some GOPers are even leaving the party over the shenanigans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    It is not over,until it is,you guys should know that by now.
    It's over.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Thats a false hope to even say the best thing the GOP can do is dump Trump and his supporters,you are talking about 80 million people,silly to even think that will even be thought about.
    80 million, not sure where you get that number from. ~74 million voted for Trump. Just because someone voted for Trump doesn't mean they're a democracy-hating foaming-at-the-mouth conman-loving Trump fanboy.

  9. #759


    ^ nice comments,what will they be next year when we enter the 6th grade?

    Nothing to do with whataboutism,you guys come up with words for everything you want to avoid,it goes more along the lines of hypocrisy so deep you can float a cruise ship in it.

    Given the percentage of people with split personality’s on both sides,the 80 million could very well be a closer number,taking into consideration nobody has a accurate count of how many people legally voted,who is to dispute any number thrown out there.

    CISA the one branch of government that is set up under the intelligence agencies after 2016 to deal with cyber security and the one that supplied the information that the federal agencies used to make the statement that this was the most secure elections in US history.....

    Now finds out that the United States has been under cyber attack,even as high up in Las almos where our nuclear secrets are stored,was implemented over 9 months ago and they did not know.

    The guy was fired and he stands up and tells the country that this was the most secure election in the history of the US,while under his watch we have literally lost control of some of our most secretive systems,they are now and have been in control of a foreign government for over 9 months.

    Good to know that the voting machines are the only electronic machines in the world connected to the internet that are immune to penetration.

    We lost control of our national security on a massive scale that he was in direct control to prevent ,and his response after being fired is orange man bad and to sue the government for firing him.

    After China’s Equifax attack where they complied the intimate financial details of over 175 million Americans including DOB,social security numbers,banking information and your credit history and now quite possibly your voting record,they have the most comprehensive file on the majority of US citizens quite possibly in the world.

    Nothing to see here,move along.

    What people need to understand is that there are also republicans that do not care for a economic nationalist in control.

    Senate majority leader that is married to a Chinese woman who’s father controls some of the largest business in China.

    Business that profit from relaxed immigration polices that profit from cheap labor.

    Corporation’s that profit from free trade because they can set up on foreign soil with cheap labor and import back to this country for free.

    There is a lot more at stake then simply orange man bad.
    Last edited by Richard; December-17-20 at 11:29 PM.

  10. #760


    ^^ Richard, are you going to still be talking about this in August? My God, let it go.....

  11. #761


    The audit of Antrim county is complete. Trump gained votes. All 11 of them. This was a hand recount of the paper ballots.

    The error rate of the machines was 0.07%. Basically pretty damn close to perfect and well within the federal requirements for voting machines.

    Antrim County audit shows 12-vote gain for Trump [[detroitnews.com)

  12. #762


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    ^^ Richard, are you going to still be talking about this in August? My God, let it go.....
    It is an open thread on the subject,as much as you like to not hear anything that you do not agree with.

    I am still confused with that statement after we just went through 4 years of turmoil based entirely on trying to unseat a sitting President based on zero evidence.

    A recount is exactly what it implies,it matches the number of votes counted by hand verses what the machines tabulated.

    It does zero to actually address the fraud aspect,which is what Georgia is doing now.

    like I posted before,12 votes may mean nothing on the general election but on the local election side of things, elections have been won and lost over 4 votes.

    I notice how the newspaper now printed the “mistake “ went from 6000 votes down to 3500 votes,big disparity.

    That is what they caught,they still do not know what they have not caught.

    The ideal system would be pen n paper ballots with ID and signature verification,both parties signed off on separating the ballots from the envelope and allowing for the destruction of the original signature.

    Which makes ballot stuffing easier.

    One of the ways to find fraud is to signature match ballots,Michigan and a few other states removed the signature ballot match requirements and the destruction of the original mailing envelope which makes it hard to actually track fraud.

    But that was a bi partisan flop.

    While they say the state of Michigan has a reported 300,000 possible fraudulent ballots it is not that horrible compared to Pennsylvania with a reported 600,000.

    Michigan being 154.88 Biden lead with a estimated 300,000 fraudulent ballots.

    Pennsylvania 81,660 Biden lead with an estimated 600,000 fraudulent ballots.

    Georgia 11,679 Biden lead with estimated 400,000 fraudulent ballots.

    Arizona 10,457 Biden lead with estimated 100,000 fraudulent ballots.

    On and on ,you do not get those kind of numbers and say nothing to see here move along.

    Fraudulent ballots covers a wide spectrum of reasons,moved out of state and still voted,ballot mailed from non existent address,ballot mailed from commercial address,ballots mailed from vacant lot,illegal citizen placing mail in ballots,under age voting,voting 3 or more times,etc.

    It does not matter,republican or democrats when you are seeing those kinds of numbers,it is enough to sway an election and should be unacceptable,we will never see a perfect election but we should always strive to obtain that,otherwise it defeats the whole process.

    You will never know unless you question it,there seems to be a fair share of people just willing to fall into step and never question anything,the spirit of America has never been to fall into lockstep as ordered or back down when the going gets tough or pressure is applied.

    Not sure why people are expecting it now,although some are for personal reasons and should have nothing to do with it.

    This all could have been avoided from the start with transparency,but even from what we see happened in the TCF building and other places the whole process seems to be about not providing transparency from the start.

    Why do the democrats feel they are authorized or entitled to run their own little private federal election?
    Last edited by Richard; December-18-20 at 03:16 PM.

  13. #763


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The non-Detroit section of this forum was ruined with lies, propaganda, and disinformation.
    Richard was by far the worst offender.
    Fine, a non-Detroiter blathering about non-Detroit topics on a non-Detroit section of the forum.
    I used to read what he wrote and spent hours proving he's wrong.
    Thankfully and regrettably the non-Detroit section was closed [[big ups to the admin).
    Here he is again.
    This time he's a non-Detroiter polluting the Detroit forum with non-Detroit lies and propaganda.
    Now I know better, and don't read him. He's a waste of time.
    I strongly suggest you don't either.
    And I suggest we don't respond even to his most ridiculous disinformation.
    If the admin won't keep his shit off the forum, let's not feed him.
    He's the worst kind of troll.
    Last edited by bust; December-18-20 at 06:39 PM.

  14. #764


    ^ nice try,your post is still over there where you publicly apologized to the admin for doing your part in getting that forum shut down,and here you are doing the exact same thing.

    Why even say things like,that is why I do not read his posts.

    That has to be one of the dumbest statements ever,if you did not read them you would not know what to attack,posting that little picture just shows how childish you really are,you have some serious issues.

    Go ahead and repeat again,like you have already.

    Sing it in unison.

    The 2020 election was the most secure election in history and there was no fraud.

    Who told you that

    CISA the very organization that is tasked with recognizing and preventing cyber attacks.

    CISA the very institute that has been under cyber attack for the last 9 months and did not even know about it.

    You guys are being spoon fed what people want you to believe and you eat it up like crack while repeating everybody else is wrong.

    Bust you pick a name that is a women’s chest like a little immature kid,how about growing up a little bit,then you can maybe discuss trolls,but as everybody knows
    the whole reason behind all of that is deflection from your own actions.

    Just like before 17 intelligence agencies that said this and that,what has been proven now is those 17 intelligence agencies were internally devoted to trying to remove a sitting President.

    That is your followers problem,you have no problem removing a sitting president at any cost,because you do not like him.

    Like I said you would gladly burn down the entire city with all its inhabitants just to destroy the one you hate.

    That has been coming back to bite you for the last 4 years and you still do not get it.
    Last edited by Richard; December-18-20 at 07:21 PM.

  15. #765


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ nice try,your post is still over there where you publicly apologized to the admin for doing your part in getting that forum shut down,and here you are doing the exact same thing.

    Why even say things like,that is why I do not read his posts.

    That has to be one of the dumbest statements ever,if you did not read them you would not know what to attack,posting that little picture just shows how childish you really are,you have some serious issues.

    Go ahead and repeat again,like you have already.

    Sing it in unison.

    The 2020 election was the most secure election in history and there was no fraud.

    Who told you that

    CISA the very organization that is tasked with recognizing and preventing cyber attacks.

    CISA the very institute that has been under cyber attack for the last 9 months and did not even know about it.

    You guys are being spoon fed what people want you to believe and you eat it up like crack while repeating everybody else is wrong.

    Bust you pick a name that is a women’s chest like a little immature kid,how about growing up a little bit,then you can maybe discuss trolls,but as everybody knows
    the whole reason behind all of that is deflection from your own actions.

    Just like before 17 intelligence agencies that said this and that,what has been proven now is those 17 intelligence agencies were internally devoted to trying to remove a sitting President.

    That is your followers problem,you have no problem removing a sitting president at any cost,because you do not like him.

    Like I said you would gladly burn down the entire city with all its inhabitants just to destroy the one you hate.

    That has been coming back to bite you for the last 4 years and you still do not get it.
    Didn't read it, but for posterity, here's what he's editing [[thanks Gistok):
    His looong winded blather, way before I logged in.
    Last edited by bust; December-18-20 at 07:48 PM.

  16. #766


    What does Richard contribute here?
    Is he worth our time?
    Richard supporters, say yeah!
    Last edited by bust; December-18-20 at 07:27 PM.

  17. #767


    Anyone with more than half a brain knows that there was very little in the way of fraud in Detroit's elections based on this historic graph of the way Detroiters vote heavily Democratic.

    And as for Antrim County... I know Antrim County... a family member has a cottage on Torch Lake there. There are only 23,500 residents in the entire county... they vote heavily Republican... all 14,000 voters. it doesn't mean squat for a change in the Michigan turning blue [[again).

    So now that we see there was no big voter fraud in Michigan... this thread should be closed. End of story.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  18. #768


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Anyone with more than half a brain knows that there was very little in the way of fraud in Detroit's elections based on this historic graph of the way Detroiters vote heavily Democratic.

    And as for Antrim County... I know Antrim County... a family member has a cottage on Torch Lake there. There are only 23,500 residents in the entire county... they vote heavily Republican... all 14,000 voters. it doesn't mean squat for a change in the Michigan turning blue [[again).

    So now that we see there was no big voter fraud in Michigan... this thread should be closed. End of story.
    You are basing your expertise based on what investigation outside what you have been told.

    The chart you posted is totally irrelevant because it is based on votes that have not been verified,it is totally irrelevant the number of votes,what is at question is the validity of the votes and the following of procedures during the process as outlined by the state and United States constitution.

    Look Trump got more votes so it has to be fair.

    You do not know,he could have picked up 5000 more votes or he could have picked up 100 votes,same thing with Biden he could have smoked Clinton’s numbers but you will never know without checking will you.

    What you are saying and backing is,it does not matter if or how the numbers are achieved for a win as long as they are achieved.

    IF one was going to manipulate the numbers,you are not going to do it as a landslide victory you are going to make it look like it was a close race in order not to draw attention.

    I say IF because you have zero proof of the validity of the election outside of what you have been told,and you certainly are unwilling to look at any proof that has been provided.

    Backed up by states unwillingness to provide transparency.

    If you were not told by CISA that this was the most secure election in the history of the country,who clearly lied,how would you know it was?

    Governors,secretary of states,judges,election committees violated the United States and individual states laws as outlined in the constitution.

    The worst being the judges who are sworn to uphold the law,they broke them.


    That is proof enough to change the results,unless you say the constitution is trash and it is okay to break the laws both federal and state in oder to win an election.

    While at the same time supporting the concept that the constitution was designed to be used where and when one sees fit.

    You guys parroted for 4 years ,nobody is above the law,apparently you are when it comes to your advantage.

    Kinda like the democrat governors writing Covid restrictions then immediately leaving the office and doing exactly what they forbid the people to do.

    A ballot counted is meaningless and the numbers that are produced is meaningless unless you can prove it is a valid ballot,that is why other states are doing forensic analysis on the ballots.

    You can stand up all day shouting there was no fraud but unless it is proven or determined outside of somebody telling you,then you are kidding yourself.

    Is that how we wish to move forward in the future,elections are determined by who can bend or break the laws the most?

    That is a no win game for the country.

    That was the reason laws governing the election were put in place in the first place,if people had followed the laws and stop gaps then we would have never even been where we are at today.

    Trump did not break those laws,I did not break those laws,nobody has even checked to see if the republicans broke those laws but there is solid proof who did break those laws.

    But it is Trump and Richards fault,maybe Trump and Richard should have told the democrats,screw those laws and piss on the constitution do what it takes to win.

    Then you guys would have done the exact opposite and we could have had a free and fair election,you guys created this mess then blame it on everybody else,then get mad and call people names when you do not get your way.

    Right along with suppressing everybody you do not agree with.

    Now when you are starting to see the proof come out,you want to take your ball and go home.

    I will use TCF as an example because it is local,but in no way singular in actions.

    If the supervisors at the TCF center had not allowed it to become a shit show on national television,nobody would have paid it a second thought.

    They allowed the anger and hate to flow over into the voting process and created a hostile environment drawing attention to themselves.

    You know what they say - the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Full disclosure- Trump or Richard was not present at the TCF center that night.

    Just as you can say Richard there was no voter fraud in Detroit,I can say there was because at the end of the day and as of right now,nobody can prove there was or was not without the forensic analysis.

    What I can say for a fact is both state and federal constitution laws were broken,that is a crime that you cannot deny and more then you can offer.

    Lets be honest,nothing President Trump has done in the last 4 years can be used in any statistical analysis or charts or graph ever produced in history and used as a comparison.
    Last edited by Richard; December-18-20 at 08:59 PM.

  19. #769


    Gistok, etc.: I know it's hard, but it does no good to try to counter his propaganda with logic.
    If logic mattered he couldn't get away with his claims in the first place.
    People want to believe.

    Sad facts:
    Cons will con, and if they're good at it will get away with it.
    Fools will be fooled, and if they're so dumb they can't be helped.

    Let's focus our efforts where we can make a bigger difference.
    Our Nation is us, and we need us.
    Last edited by bust; December-18-20 at 09:02 PM.

  20. #770


    Can anyone translate this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You are basing your expertise based on what investigation outside what you have been told.

  21. #771


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Can anyone translate this?
    Sure....conspiracies mean more than facts.

    This was never about illegal votes to Republicans. It's nothing more than the same old voter suppression tactics. All one needs to do is listen to what they're saying...

    Rand Paul Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, Promotes Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theories | Crooks and Liars

    Top Trump adviser: Republicans have 'always' relied on voter suppression | US politics | The Guardian

    Voting by mail eliminates tactics like limiting polling stations, making people jump through hoops to get approved to vote by mail [[making voters get a notary public sig witness when the closest is 20-25 miles away).

    It was the Republicans that tried their best to not have absentee ballots counted until after in-person votes were counted. How else could they scream they were illegal ? They saw the writing on the wall months before the election.

    If you don't vote Republican, their claim is you're stupid & ill-informed.
    Last edited by Bong-Man; December-19-20 at 11:30 AM.

  22. #772


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    It's nothing more than the same old voter suppression tactics...
    I wonder how much money Republicans have squandered on voter suppression during the past year alone?

    Imagine if it had been used for education, reparations, or any other worthy cause.

  23. #773


    OMG, let it go! It's over....It's been over. New sheriff in town come 1/20/2021. Richard, you're talking in circles and getting nowhere. There's more things in life, move on!
    Last edited by Maof; December-19-20 at 04:30 PM.

  24. #774


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    OMG, let it go! It's over....It's been over. New sheriff in town come 1/20/2021. Richard, you're talking in circles and getting nowhere. There's more to things in life, move on!
    You have people that are really "butthurt" the dictator lost. The Proud Boys are threatening to protest Biden's inauguration. Didn't realize how many misguided, hate filled people are in this country. Trump brought them all out the woodwork like termites.

  25. #775


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Gistok, etc.: I know it's hard, but it does no good to try to counter his propaganda with logic.
    I usually only read his first sentence, then the rest of his long winded posts just become a soliloquy... where he's just talking to himself, without anyone else paying attention.

    He drank the Trump Kool-Aid... and expects us to follow suit.... HA!

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