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  1. #101


    This is nothing new. People have worshipped Ishtar, Anu, Enlil, Enki, Allah, Osiris, Amon-Re, Amon, Yahweh, Shiva, Zeus, Tlaloc, Isis, Ra, Poseidon, Rama, Odin

    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Any intelligent, thinking person faced with this reality won't touch religion with a barge pole."

    Your President believes in God.

    Quote: "You don't have mega-churches in other nations like you do here."

    Yeah and thats what makes this country great, if you don't like it, I'll extend the same invitation you did to me, Leave. I like all the churches here in this country, we need more of them. Put an active church on every block in Detroit and it wouldn't look like it does. Know that.

    Quote: "But to the point that it influences our public policy, this is where the "believers" need to take a step back, and remember that we are a secular society, and have separation of church and state, and never shall they meet. Religion by it's nature is exclusive, and prejudicial. I'd rather not be at the mercy of a law enforcement officer or judge who believes in "the rapture" or in talking snakes and virgin births."

    Lorax, you're outnumbered in this country 9:1. Get over it already. You have this fixation about anyone's faith, I think you're lost.

    Quote: "My lack of belief sets me up as a target for discrimination by those who are dogmatic in their faith. I'm called "godless" "a devil worshipper" "socialist, communist," yaddda, yadda, yadda."

    By whom? Show me on this forum where you've been called any of that? I think you're lying.

    The only attack you're experiencing is going on between your earmuffs. Nobody is attacking you for your beliefs.

  2. #102


    Still no answer to my question, Sstashmoo:

    If God directed the writing of the Bible and intended it for our clear instruction, why didn't He ensure that inconsistencies and contradictions weren't introduced by later editors, revisionists, translators, and copyists?

    When you can answer that in a rational and believable manner, you will have a leg to stand on. Until then, it's just myth masquerading as Truth.

  3. #103


    Quote: "Still no answer to my question, Sstashmoo:"

    Quite a superiority complex you have there. I asked you a question, "What do you believe in? It's your turn, shoot.

  4. #104


    Quote: "If God directed the writing of the Bible and intended it for our clear instruction, why didn't He ensure that inconsistencies and contradictions weren't introduced by later editors, revisionists, translators, and copyists?"

    You obviously cannot read as well. I answered this already "I don't know". I think it's a very tangential query, considering all other things.

  5. #105
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Any intelligent, thinking person faced with this reality won't touch religion with a barge pole."

    Your President believes in God.

    Quote: "You don't have mega-churches in other nations like you do here."

    Yeah and thats what makes this country great, if you don't like it, I'll extend the same invitation you did to me, Leave. I like all the churches here in this country, we need more of them. Put an active church on every block in Detroit and it wouldn't look like it does. Know that.

    Quote: "But to the point that it influences our public policy, this is where the "believers" need to take a step back, and remember that we are a secular society, and have separation of church and state, and never shall they meet. Religion by it's nature is exclusive, and prejudicial. I'd rather not be at the mercy of a law enforcement officer or judge who believes in "the rapture" or in talking snakes and virgin births."

    Lorax, you're outnumbered in this country 9:1. Get over it already. You have this fixation about anyone's faith, I think you're lost.

    Quote: "My lack of belief sets me up as a target for discrimination by those who are dogmatic in their faith. I'm called "godless" "a devil worshipper" "socialist, communist," yaddda, yadda, yadda."

    By whom? Show me on this forum where you've been called any of that? I think you're lying.

    The only attack you're experiencing is going on between your earmuffs. Nobody is attacking you for your beliefs.

    You really are lost, and fail to see the point of this growingly arcane discussion.

    What? Barack isn't your president too? He can believe in whatever superstition he wants to. What you fail to realize, is I'm not attacking religion like you seem to think I am- I speak for myself when I say that intelligent people [[in this context I was referring to youth who are indoctrinated at a young age) when faced with this shouldn't touch it with a barge pole- does that render the individual unintelligent and non-thinking? In my view, yes.

    You use Barack Obama as a sledgehammer to attack me, as if I worship the ground he walks on. Have I ever expressed this point of view? No. Did I vote for him, yes- that doesn't mean I rubber-stamp his entire life view.

    I don't subscribe to his policies as a whole either- but as the saying goes, he's better than a crass Republican politicain like the elitist fascist, John McCain.

    You problem is critical thinking.

    If you think megachurches make this country great, you're delusional. It only reinforces the "us" against "them" mentality of the ingorant followers of the charlatans who run them.

    You say "Get over it"- get over what? I'm not lamenting anything here, but as a member of a secular society known as the United States, I have the secular laws of the land to protect me from the theocrats who would turn this nation into a Christian Fascist State.

    For your information, there is an active Christian church on every block in Detroit, and look how much it's helped.

    And my lack of belief has set me up with regard to those who bring their petty personal beliefs into their secular jobs.

    I keep my lack of belief to myself, much as those who try and spread theirs around, should keep it to themselves, but rarely do.

    If a co-worker comes in, or a boss, who acknowledges "Jesus" at every turn of phrase, and uses people's "personal relationship with Jesus" as a litmus test to judge others, or offer promotions, then we have a problem.

    I have never accused posters on this site of discrimination based on my lack of belief. Where did you get that from?

    Probably from your position of assuming too much. You show your lack of critical thinking when you assume based on your own blanket bigotry.
    Last edited by Lorax; August-23-09 at 03:10 PM.

  6. #106


    You wrote: "You don't have mega-churches in other nations like you do here. It's a big business run by charlatans, and is about selling phony salvation to ignorant people."

    Then you wrote: "I'm not attacking religion like you seem to think I am"

    Talk about lack of thinking skills. I think it's more your inability to recognize the obvious.

  7. #107
    cheddar bob Guest


    What a change. Usually it's me delivering a literary smack down to sstashmoo. It's kind of nice seeing other people doing it. The guy must enjoy the punishment.

  8. #108


    Quote: "Usually it's me delivering a literary smack down to sstashmoo."

    You wish kid. I've owned you on this forum so many times it's not even funny anymore. Punishment? I'm enjoying myself. Care to join in?

  9. #109
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Usually it's me delivering a literary smack down to sstashmoo."

    You wish kid. I've owned you on this forum so many times it's not even funny anymore. Punishment? I'm enjoying myself. Care to join in?
    Uh-huh, right. I wouldn't even bother asking you to provide a single example of that happening because like always, you won't do it. Kind of like when you accused me of "Turtling" and then I asked you to provide a single instance of it, but you would not do it. So, while we waited for you to never respond I posted about 10 instances of you doing it. Remember that? This is kind of like that, huh?

  10. #110
    cheddar bob Guest


    Also, getting advice from sstashmoo about marriage and infidelity is like asking a priest for advice about sex, asking a vegetarian about cuts of meat, or asking ccbatson about computer advice. Did you ever find yourself a woman sstashmoo, or are you still "happily single"?

  11. #111
    Lorax Guest


    SStashmoo thinks he's some sort of stealthy Rethuglican, working behind the scenes, sniffing out conspiracies. I think Cheddar Bob and I could care less.

    Hey, Stash, did you know how childish and mocking it is to pull out quotes from other people's posts and throw it back in our faces as if it has some weight of credibility?

    Anyone notice how it's only the Rethuglicans who do this? Check out Batboy and others for using the same tactic.

    Sorry, it ain't workin'.

    Let's see if you can resist the temptation of pulling out the quotes. Learn to use the quote feature like the rest of us.

  12. #112
    ccbatson Guest


    G-d forbid liberals should be consistent, and even worse that they should have their own hypocrisies thrown back in their faces constantly.

    Wondering why liberals are the common victims Lorax? Hmmm...common perpetrators perhaps.

  13. #113


    Quote: "Did you ever find yourself a woman"

    Yes, Now you go get yourself a personality.

  14. #114


    Quote: "I think Cheddar Bob and I could care less."

    Oh please. Yeah you two act like it.

    Quote: "Hey, Stash, did you know how childish and mocking it is to pull out quotes from other people's posts and throw it back in our faces as if it has some weight of credibility?"

    Why don't you ask your side-kick Cheddar Boob that. He spends hours amassing posts with the quotes in question and even adding the quotes of others. Lying about who actually said what. I've caught him red-handed in that bit more than once.

    Lorax's thought process:

    Anyone who disgrees with me = Rethuglican
    The woes of the economy = Tush and his Reich
    People smarter than me = Religious Zealot, Charlatan, Christian etc.

  15. #115
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Lying about who actually said what. I've caught him red-handed in that bit more than once.
    Oh, please. I missed a quote bracket one time and it had nothing whatsoever to do with the fact of the matter. Also, you didn't catch it, Pam did so who's the real liar? The fact of the matter is that since you can't seem to figure out a simple quote function, I had to manually put them in so my post would look like shit like yours and I forgot one. Again, it didn't change my argument one bit.

    I thought there was an "Absolutely No name Calling Rule"?

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Still no answer to my question, Sstashmoo:"

    Quite a superiority complex you have there. I asked you a question, "What do you believe in? It's your turn, shoot.
    Not a superiority complex, I just am looking for a rational answer and haven't seen one yet. For something as important as the basis of Universal Truth, "I don't know" isn't sufficient.

    An anthropologist spent some time among the !Kung people of Eritrea years ago. He noticed that every household had metal pots for cooking, yet they did not produce the pots but traded for them with neighboring tribes. So he asked one of the elders what the people did before they had metal pots. The elder thought for a moment, then answered, "Well, since it is well-known that people cannot live without metal pots, I suppose we died."

    This is the kind of answer you offer me, one which on its face is absurd, but one which you still believe in implicitly despite its internal contradiction.

    As for what do I believe? I believe God is rational and reasonable. Whatever isn't rational isn't from God. I believe that the Bible was written by men to make a point, and what is written by men is open to rigorous scrutiny and debate. I believe that if God wanted to give a message to mankind, He could very well make it clear, concise, and unequivacal. Since the Bible is none of these, it was not inspired by God.

    "Unless you see signs and wonders, you do not believe" describes me perfectly. Show me a sign, and I will believe. Until then, I will remain a skeptic.

  17. #117


    Quote: "This is the kind of answer you offer me,"

    "I don't know" is a legitimate answer. I don't know everything and neither do you. Show me in any religious teaching that states or etched in stone as you like it, where it says you or any other human will know everything, or should at least expect to.

    Jesus is the Messiah, get over it. Prophecy is being fulfilled even as we speak, nothing you can do about that. Or do you have a reasonable explanation for why everything is happening just as the New Testament said it would? Just look at the middle east, how many more signs do you need?

  18. #118
    cheddar bob Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Jesus is the Messiah, get over it.
    No, he's not.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Prophecy is being fulfilled even as we speak, nothing you can do about that.
    No it's not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Or do you have a reasonable explanation for why everything is happening just as the New Testament said it would?
    It's not.

  19. #119


    Succinctly put, cheddar bob. I concur.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "This is the kind of answer you offer me,"

    "I don't know" is a legitimate answer.
    It is not a legitimate answer when you categorically state that something is true. For that, you need more. You need evidence. And the evidence you present must be internally consistent. Yours is not.
    I don't know everything and neither do you. Show me in any religious teaching that states or etched in stone as you like it, where it says you or any other human will know everything, or should at least expect to.
    My knowledge base is not at issue, nor is yours. Once again you seek to shift the discussion into an area where you can answer questions I didn't ask or refute statements I didn't make.
    Jesus is the Messiah, get over it.
    Depends on who you ask.
    Prophecy is being fulfilled even as we speak, nothing you can do about that.
    So is Nostradamus. Are you saying he was a prophet of God?
    Or do you have a reasonable explanation for why everything is happening just as the New Testament said it would? Just look at the middle east, how many more signs do you need?
    People have been pointing to these events or those events for centuries and saying, "See! This is the fulfillment of prophecy!" when in fact the further passage of time shows that it was not. There was a great movement across the face of Europe in the year 1000 that said that the end times were at hand, and all sorts of "fulfillments" were pointed to as evidence. I think we can all agree that the end times didn't happen in 1000, and I doubt very much that what is going on in the middle east is a sign of them, either. Seems like just the usual politics of hate to me. Nothing prophetic or miraculous about it.

  21. #121


    Quote: "No, he's not."

    Yes He is

    Quote: "No it's not."

    Yes it is.

    Quote: "It's not."

    It is

    An equally intellectual reply.

  22. #122
    Lorax Guest



    Looks like the Reich has their collective panties in a bunch. SStashmoo has it about right, though, with his assertions of what I'm all about- with the exception of Christofascists being "smarter" than me. Do we still use "smarter" as adults? Why use a 50 cent word when you can use a 5 dollar one?

    The only "prophecy" being fulfilled here is my prediction that the Reich is wearing the Emperor's New Clothes- keep believing in fairy tales.

    I see you couldn't resist mocking my post, I had money on that one, thanks!
    Last edited by Lorax; August-24-09 at 08:47 AM.

  23. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by cheddar bob View Post
    Also, getting advice from sstashmoo about marriage and infidelity is like asking a priest for advice about sex, asking a vegetarian about cuts of meat, or asking ccbatson about computer advice. Did you ever find yourself a woman sstashmoo, or are you still "happily single"?
    Cheddar Bob- the Don Rickles of D-yes.

  24. #124
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by cheddar bob View Post
    Also, getting advice from sstashmoo about marriage and infidelity is like asking a priest for advice about sex, asking a vegetarian about cuts of meat, or asking ccbatson about computer advice. Did you ever find yourself a woman sstashmoo, or are you still "happily single"?

    Yeah, SS has found a woman, it's DYES- while typing with one hand, no doubt.

  25. #125


    Now, that's just mean. And uncalled for.

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