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  1. #776

  2. #777


    Detroit battles growing coronavirus outbreak
    Michigan officials say the city of Detroit has over 6,700 confirmed coronavirus cases and more than 5% have died, making it one of the country's hardest-hit areas. To help control the spread of the virus, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan initiated the Coronavirus Water Restart Plan in March after a series of controversial water shutoffs since 2014. Jericka Duncan examines how the city, where 36% of the population lives in poverty, is working to contain its growing virus outbreak.

  3. #778


    Please note that a string of posts regarding Florida allowing pro wrestling as an essential occupation has been moved to the NON DETROIT forum's Corona Virus discussion thread.

    Kindly use this thread for discussion of Detroit Detroit-Windsor Metro-only topics that are non-political.
    Last edited by admin; April-15-20 at 09:46 AM.

  4. #779


    Another bad day of numbers for Michigan.
    1050 new cases
    153 deaths.....https://www.michigan.gov/Coronavirus

    What's going on?
    I know we have the highest rate of death of those infected. Is the lack of testing a problem?
    I think they're going to find that the virus spread is much higher and much more contagious.

  5. #780


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    That's a nonsense article trying to mis-direct.

    It refutes a claim that no one is making.

    The claim isn't that CHINA is falsely reporting non-covid deaths as being Covid.

    The claim is that Doctors here are being pushed to mark down deaths as covid when they're not,.. or when they're not a contributing factor. [[ I.E. an obeese guy with pneumonia and diabetes dies a few hours after getting admitted to hospital. Later they find his corpse tested positive for covid, and they mark that down as the primary cause.) WHY? Because if a patient comes in with pneumonia and has Obamacare Bronze plan,.. the hospital knows they're not getting paid. Because if the guy has a family, he also has a $13,800 deductible. But if he tests pos for covid [[or they just claim he did),.. the fed govt automatically gives the hospital $13,000. So the hospital goes from not getting paid anything, to collecting $13k

    Tough spot to be in as a hospital admin. You wanna help people, you want to be honest, but hospitals also run on money,.. LOTS of it. And you can't help people if you're out of business.

    Agree, good points

    Now I am trying to see if this was a pro or anti ACA post... ironically, could go both ways.

  6. #781


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    A national emergency was declared,hospitals will be reimbursed for anything virus related by the Feds,no matter what ones income may be.

    The Feds cut checks no questions asked,so if you pass from something less billable then the virus then it would be more profitable to bill virus related.

    National emergency,any dollar spent by the state related to the virus,will be reimbursed by the Feds.

    Before it was a cost shared based,States had to kick in 25% but that was waved by the Feds from the start.

    For those in a position when disasters are declared it is a massive cash grab of fed money,it is just replacing a $400 toilet seat with a $400 aspirin.

    CCP virus- Chinese Communist Party virus.

    Watch what happens next,the states will say,our state revenue is down directly related to the virus during a national emergency and will look for reimbursement.

    That is the reason we keep hearing from the Feds,we are not taking the reins,we are allowing the individual states to decide events.

    Otherwise if the Feds took control then 325 million American could put in a claim of being directly effected by the virus,and could claim compensation.

    Being on lock down you are directly effected,imagine the trillions that would be.

    Another reason some were pushing for a national disaster declaration verses a national emergency.

    New York bury’s 1500 unclaimed bodies in mass graves every year,without the view of the camera,now that the cameras are on,they are virus related mass graves and reimbursed by the Feds.
    I understand the point, I get it... but... never 1,500 bodies at essentially the same time.

    Still trying to wrap my head around how far apart we are here in MI on COVID. Are we not seeing the same facts?

    MI has the highest death rate even after we have done everything we can to mitigate it, and there is still this need to either over dramatize or over simplify the problem.

    In my opinion, relatively a professional one, but by no means expert... I can live with those who will over dramatize, yes excessive toilet paper is well... excessive... but not that dangerous overall.

    But to look at all the dead bodies [[26K and counting) within the matter of weeks and be dismissive?

  7. #782


    If President Trump and all governors of each U.S.state opens the economy. The American People will have to deal with folks who has COVID-19 but do not have symptoms. And they are not enough antibody testing or any testing kits to see if any more people got COVID-19. Opening the nation up in the middle of a global pandemic will be a powder keg ready to explode.

    Here what will be as we enter the 'New Normal Age:'

    This is to prevent human civilization collapse!

    1. Everyone will have to wear a mask when going outdoors to shop and exercise or play in a distance. Make sure everyone wash their hands or use sanitizer after you have touch any surfaces. There will be a 'NO MASK NO SERVICE' order to all non-essential and essential businesses. No customer should enter any place of business without a mask. They will be turned away. There will be a 'NO MASK NO WORK' order to all non-essential and essential businesses. No employee should enter any place of business without a mask. They will be turned away or be fired. Any businesses is not following that rule will be fined $10,000, their businesses will be shut down to be clean and disinfected for 2 weeks and resume their duties as they follow state and federal guidelines. Any more repeat offenses the owner or manager will face criminal charges and up to 90 days in jail. Any other serious crimes that will lead to a sudden death of a customer or employee will be federally charged of promoting bio-hazzard exposure or acts of bio-terrorism. Anyone who promotes bio-hazzard exposure or acts of bio-terrorism to any public or private areas will be federally charged! All non-essential businesses depending on the square feet of space for customer service will allow a certain amount of people by appointment only basis with them wearing a mask otherwise they will be denied service.

    All essential businesses depending on the square feet of space for customer service will allow a certain amount of people by setting up a distant line or by appointment only basis with them wearing a mask otherwise they will be denied service. If your very sick STAY HOME! and contact your doctor.

    2. All social events that evolves human contact will not be prohibited until further notice ie. sports, carnivals ect... There will be no social crowds more than ten people in any areas even at their homes.All dine in restaurants will ONLY do carry out and drive thru and customer pick up with them wearing a mask.

    3. All elementary schools will remain closed until further notice. Children from 3 to 12 years will learn the basic skills of social distancing and completed their home school curriculum and learning online computer skills. Teachers will be provided books, and other instructions online if they have access to a computer. Otherwise they will have to use books and school supplies to continue with home education. After the work is done they can return their work online or to their school with their paperwork fully clean and sanitized. School lunches will be given to them or be available at their local elementary school. Make sure you and your children wear masks when going out taking care of educational businesses.

    4. All middle and high school, colleges and universities will be opened. All students, teachers and custodians MUST wear a mask when coming into the building. If anyone does not have a mask before entering a school campus, they will be turned away unless they facility has masks. Students will had to be extremely careful not touching any surfaces or people. There will had be socially distant from each other. Classrooms will be up to 15 kids by 6 feet or 2 meters apart from their desks. They will be taught not to misbehave or face detention. Any more serious offenses i,e, fighting and the student will be expelled, parents will face fines or jail for promoting bio-hazzard or bio-terrorism. All schools MUST be deep cleaned after dismissal even when there is a cases of COVID-19 or other bio-hazzards or other crises. Any extra curricular activities that evolves close human contact will be distant.

    5. All public transportation from planes, cabs, essential rides, ships and buses will be socially distant with a few amount of people per ride. All drivers and passengers MUST wear a mask. Any passenger is not wearing a mask will be denied entering a public transportation unless they will provide a supply of masks. For public bus transportation the rides are absolutely free. Passengers will had to enter from the back door. Passengers will be at their own risk sitting close by another passenger as long as they are wearing a mask and not to touch anyone or anything. Passengers are not allowed to sit close to a bus driver. Passengers are not allowed to sit at any priority seats meant for people with disabilities. Any such violations will face fines or up to 90 days in jail. Any serious offense if contact fighting will face federal charges for promoting bio-hazzard or bio-terrorism.

    THIS WILL BE THE NEW NORMAL AFTER COVID-19 PANDEMIC.HUMAN SURVIVAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN PLEASURE. Until we get a new treatment, vaccine, herd antibody programs or a miracle from GOD, we all MUST make extreme sacrifices to prevent another outbreak.

    Last edited by Danny; April-15-20 at 08:58 PM.

  8. #783
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post

    This is to prevent human civilization collapse!


    Wow, I hope not.

    The reality is, the infection rate is probably 20 x the current "confirmed' case number. [[Probably 12 million infected in the USA now). Some 86% of people that get it do not even go to the hospital. Even those that do go,... more than half have not been tested. This is changing as testing kits and lab access gets more plentiful. So we should see confirmed case numbers sky-rocketing as testing gets more plentiful,.. but it's not. Increasing yes,.. but not doubling or tripling in rate like we'd expect. Possibly indicating that we're further down the down-slope that it seems.

    Death rates fall a couple weeks after case rates,... so I think we'll see those fall fast in a week.

    Nurses I talked to last night report far less total patients than in normal times,... and deaths from Covid have fallen from 5 a day to between 0 and 2.

    Anti-body testing is the key to a safe re-opening. I had the Covid thing 3 weeks ago. A badge that we could wear for a few months if they already have the anti-bodies? It's being considered,.. but legal questions remain.
    Last edited by Bigdd; April-16-20 at 07:07 AM.

  9. #784


    Yeah the slowdown feels like its happening but those dead numbers bumped up quite a bit for a few days there.

    I think I just got it. Tightness in chest, shortness of breath. Really mild but annoying because we took a lot of precautions. This thing travels between people well.

    Bigdd, how are your conspiracy theorist Trumpers going to handle a badge on the chest indicating antibodies? Feels like a nightmare and impossible.

    Might be better to do it by age. 60 and younger can go out and about, understading the risks and abiding by all the protocols [[masks, screens, no large events). They wear a sticker on mask if they have Covid-19 - its self reporting though. They wear a second one if they have pre-existing conditions. People without stickers then can be subjected to a 15min test by Police and medical personnel at any time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Wow, I hope not.

    The reality is, the infection rate is probably 20 x the current "confirmed' case number. [[Probably 12 million infected in the USA now). Some 86% of people that get it do not even go to the hospital. Even those that do go,... more than half have not been tested. This is changing as testing kits and lab access gets more plentiful. So we should see confirmed case numbers sky-rocketing as testing gets more plentiful,.. but it's not. Increasing yes,.. but not doubling or tripling in rate like we'd expect. Possibly indicating that we're further down the down-slope that it seems.

    Death rates fall a couple weeks after case rates,... so I think we'll see those fall fast in a week.

    Nurses I talked to last night report far less total patients than in normal times,... and deaths from Covid have fallen from 5 a day to between 0 and 2.

    Anti-body testing is the key to a safe re-opening. I had the Covid thing 3 weeks ago. A badge that we could wear for a few months if they already have the anti-bodies? It's being considered,.. but legal questions remain.

  10. #785


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Yeah the slowdown feels like its happening but those dead numbers bumped up quite a bit for a few days there.
    I don't think you can look at day-to-day numbers for information on how the virus is progressing. As Duggan pointed out a couple of days ago, testing can take a while, and as batches are processed through the labs and backlogs are cleared the reported cases can spike. I think week-to-week is a better indicator as the spikes and troughs are smoothed out.

  11. #786


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    I think I just got it. Tightness in chest, shortness of breath. Really mild but annoying because we took a lot of precautions. This thing travels between people well.

    It was designed to do that. I hope you're Ok. Go seek help immediately. Don't wait until it's out of control.

  12. #787


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    It was designed to do that. I hope you're Ok. Go seek help immediately. Don't wait until it's out of control.
    Thanks bud, I'm good so far a few days in w symptoms. A week in, I guess it can get worse is what my Doctor said. I also thought a week in, it can get better too, but he didn't mention that.
    The Germans really monitor people a week later to see how their case is developing. They have coronacabs that would go to people's homes to check in on them at a week in.
    Last edited by DeLemur; April-16-20 at 02:00 PM.

  13. #788


    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    Thanks bud, I'm good so far a few days in w symptoms. A week in, I guess it can get worse is what my Doctor said. I also thought a week in, it can get better too, but he didn't mention that.
    The Germans really monitor people a week later to see how their case is developing. They have coronacabs that would go to people's homes to check in on them at a week in.
    I know 3 people who suspect they had it based on mild symptoms of cough, chest soreness, etc. All 3 self-quarantined based on medical advice but weren't tested. The one thing all 3 had in common was the complete loss of sense of smell. My daughter-in-law said she couldn't even smell the cat's litter box after a major event.

  14. #789


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    I agree with you that these are the measures we should have been taking months ago, but there is a lack of leadership as well as a lack of willingness on the part of many of our fellow citizens to continue social distancing and wearing masks for another 12-18 months or whenever a vaccine is developed.

    I personally will be wearing a mask whenever I go outside for the remainder of the year and practice social distancing as much as I am able to when I have to return to the office. I'll be doing a lot more cooking a lot less dining out and socializing.

    Because widespread testing was not conducted in February, and most Americans still lack access to a test [[unless you are wealthy, famous, and influential), we aren't ready to go back outside and return to our normal lives.

    My prediction is that the president and a lot of governors around the country will be eager to go back to business by May or June. There will be a second wave of infections within a month and a half after the stay at home orders are lifted, and many of us will be forced to go back indoors by winter. This is what happens when the correct measures aren't taken the first time around.

  15. #790


    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    I agree with you that these are the measures we should have been taking months ago, but there is a lack of leadership as well as a lack of willingness on the part of many of our fellow citizens to continue social distancing and wearing masks for another 12-18 months or whenever a vaccine is developed.

    I personally will be wearing a mask whenever I go outside for the remainder of the year and practice social distancing as much as I am able to when I have to return to the office. I'll be doing a lot more cooking a lot less dining out and socializing.

    Because widespread testing was not conducted in February, and most Americans still lack access to a test [[unless you are wealthy, famous, and influential), we aren't ready to go back outside and return to our normal lives.

    My prediction is that the president and a lot of governors around the country will be eager to go back to business by May or June. There will be a second wave of infections within a month and a half after the stay at home orders are lifted, and many of us will be forced to go back indoors by winter. This is what happens when the correct measures aren't taken the first time around.

    Good post, and you're 100% correct. Masks and gloves should be mandatory for entering a place of business. "No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no gloves, no service..." Anyone refusing, $200 fine. You'll see how fast all this settles down.

  16. #791


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Good post, and you're 100% correct. Masks and gloves should be mandatory for entering a place of business. "No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no gloves, no service..." Anyone refusing, $200 fine. You'll see how fast all this settles down.
    Absolutely NOT.

  17. #792


    Interesting, yeah I've heard that. Smell still here.

    I went to the drugstore and despite having my face covered, a plexiglass in front of me, and sanitizing my hands before entering my car...but I don't know where in the hell I got it. Only been inside a store 4 times in the last month. Let's be honest we still don't know jack about this virus.

    Michigan numbers holding steady. Maybe the increased testing is keeping new cases steady, while deaths are lagging the decline in infected overall. One can hope.

    Glad we're going through this. If or when the airborne virus comes we'll be better prepared.

    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    I know 3 people who suspect they had it based on mild symptoms of cough, chest soreness, etc. All 3 self-quarantined based on medical advice but weren't tested. The one thing all 3 had in common was the complete loss of sense of smell. My daughter-in-law said she couldn't even smell the cat's litter box after a major event.

  18. #793



    Shit, might just as well be dead.

  19. #794


    For the

    people, turns out that may have been a YUUGE factor in all this, both over there and here. The NYC subway system is being blamed, the Qewpie line is shut down I seem to recall someone posting and some bus drivers and others in ride hailing have gotten the bug. And then there are the airlines .....

    All just long tubes of cram packed people, ripe for spreading stuff.

  20. #795


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Wow, I hope not.

    The reality is, the infection rate is probably 20 x the current "confirmed' case number. [[Probably 12 million infected in the USA now). Some 86% of people that get it do not even go to the hospital. Even those that do go,... more than half have not been tested. This is changing as testing kits and lab access gets more plentiful. So we should see confirmed case numbers sky-rocketing as testing gets more plentiful,.. but it's not. Increasing yes,.. but not doubling or tripling in rate like we'd expect. Possibly indicating that we're further down the down-slope that it seems.

    Death rates fall a couple weeks after case rates,... so I think we'll see those fall fast in a week.

    Nurses I talked to last night report far less total patients than in normal times,... and deaths from Covid have fallen from 5 a day to between 0 and 2.

    Anti-body testing is the key to a safe re-opening. I had the Covid thing 3 weeks ago. A badge that we could wear for a few months if they already have the anti-bodies? It's being considered,.. but legal questions remain.

    Oh it's going to happen as people are living in fear of COVID-19 pandemic. The whole world is still in lock down.
    And another chance of the second wave could happen. Yes we need more testing but our government is playing politics and thinking about which spike cases of people who are infected with COVID-19 will either live or die! President Trump who is hungry to save the economy and his precious TRUMP TOWER INC. wants people out an about to buy buy buy. But it's up own businesses if they can pay their bills. And stimulus checks are the key and more antibody testing and other drug treatments are the key.

    Some states are planning a NO MASK NO SERVICE Policy. California is the first state to do so. Michigan will be next if Governor Whitmer has her say. So be prepare for the New Normal Age. You can look, but you can't touch.

  21. #796


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Absolutely NOT.
    It will happen.

  22. #797


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    It was designed to do that. I hope you're Ok. Go seek help immediately. Don't wait until it's out of control.
    Make sure you move around, exercise, eat only clean antioxidant foods keep coughing all day to flush the mucus build up from your lungs. You will boost your immune system strong enough to develop its antibodies to fight COVID-19. Stay Home until you get better and then call your doctor to tested.

  23. #798


    ^^^ Yes, moving about and exercising the lungs is crucial for general health. It's easy to get way to sedentary now. Drink good, healthful teas as much as possible too...

  24. #799


    I have one friend who tested positive for C-19. He is rallying but very VERY tired to the point of bed-ridden. Self quarantining for three weeks. Doing better after three weeks. Lungs not affected much beyond a cough.

    He did not get the loss of smell symptom. Two others I know [[a couple) both had a fevers and sick in bed. Lungs not affected... they're ok now.

    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    I know 3 people who suspect they had it based on mild symptoms of cough, chest soreness, etc. All 3 self-quarantined based on medical advice but weren't tested. The one thing all 3 had in common was the complete loss of sense of smell. My daughter-in-law said she couldn't even smell the cat's litter box after a major event.

  25. #800


    I think that good followup is an advantage. I was recently made aware of two people who went home to quarantine and were found dead days later and the other near deceased. One person 70+ the other under 50.

    Don't get too isolated. Make sure people are checking in on you. One friend was so sick we just texted as he went thru C-19. He was not up for talking but we agreed we'd check in at certain times while he quarantined.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeLemur View Post
    The Germans really monitor people a week later to see how their case is developing. They have coronacabs that would go to people's homes to check in on them at a week in.

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