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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    I am not sure where you are getting your information from on Trump supporters but there are plenty of surveys out there that would disagree with you.
    Hillary beat Trump among college educated whites by 17%, which is the largest margin in modern history. In contrast, Trump beat Hillary among whites with high school education or less by 40%, which is also the largest margin in modern history.

    The parties have completely inverted. Hillary easily won Birmingham-Bloomfield, which is crazy, considering all the old, fuddy-duddy conservative country club types. In contrast, Trump overwhelmingly won the union strongholds in Macomb, which is even crazier considering he's at war with their employers and unions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    When you actually research what is happing in the developed world when it comes to social programs,immigration and other things anti Trump supporters are constantly being vocal about you will find they are all pretty much in the same direction that he is.
    This is [[obviously) wrong and irrelevant. Leaders like Merkel are quite popular and the opposite of Trump. Whether or not you think Germany, France, Japan, Australia all are eventually going to turn into Russian banana republics headed by racist, habitually lying lifelong grifters/reality show hosts is besides the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Even more so they are all struggling with the common denominator of figuring out how to pay for it all.
    No, the U.S. is the one "figuring out how to pay for it all". We just slashed taxes on corporations, which is exploding the deficit. And corporate investment and wages have dropped under Trump, since the tax cut was all put into stock buybacks [[ie making the CEOs even richer). And Trump insisted on an idiotic military buildup, further bankrupting our future.

    In contrast, places like Sweden and Germany have record surpluses and stronger economic growth than the U.S.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Yes the Dems cheated. Here are some examples.


    Bernie was filling stadiums while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gym.

    Last edited by Pam; August-13-18 at 12:00 PM.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Yes the Dems cheated. Here's some examples.
    No, the Dems didn't "cheat". I'm not clicking on some spammy fringe troll link.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Bernie was filling stadiums while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gym.
    Putting aside the fact that this is nonsense, has zero to do with anything. You don't ascertain relative vote totals by measuring rally crowd size, as if Honey Boo Boo would win more votes than Angela Merkel because she could fill a mud-pit in Livingston with more onlookers.

    And it doesn't even make any sense. Assuming your wacky conspiracy is correct, and the DNC secretly worked to undermine the more popular candidate, then the obvious question is "why in the hell would the DNC want to lose the Presidency". Time for another conspiracy, I guess. Maybe aliens? Bigfoot?

    But your responses do offer insight into why Bernie would have been a potentially dangerous candidate - his rhetoric is basically the same as Trump [[populist tripe with no regard for facts or reality) and his supporters are often cult-like and desperate for simple solutions to complex questions.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Yes the Dems cheated. Here are some examples.


    Bernie was filling stadiums while Hillary couldn't fill a high school gym.


    Great photo of her.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    No, the Dems didn't "cheat". I'm not clicking on some spammy fringe troll link.

    Putting aside the fact that this is nonsense, has zero to do with anything. You don't ascertain relative vote totals by measuring rally crowd size, as if Honey Boo Boo would win more votes than Angela Merkel because she could fill a mud-pit in Livingston with more onlookers.

    And it doesn't even make any sense. Assuming your wacky conspiracy is correct, and the DNC secretly worked to undermine the more popular candidate, then the obvious question is "why in the hell would the DNC want to lose the Presidency". Time for another conspiracy, I guess. Maybe aliens? Bigfoot?

    But your responses do offer insight into why Bernie would have been a potentially dangerous candidate - his rhetoric is basically the same as Trump [[populist tripe with no regard for facts or reality) and his supporters are often cult-like and desperate for simple solutions to complex questions.
    Counterpunch is a well known alternative media site. It's not spam.

    There is way more evidence for the DNC cheating Bernie than the Russiagate fairy tale which you believe. There were 20 -some states with documented voting issues, all of which benefited Hillary. Donna Brazile admitted to stealing debate questions for Hillary. Superdelegates alone are unfair. Bernie won the Democratic primary in Michigan but none of the superdelegates voted for him. etc. etc.

    As for why they cheated- Hillary was the pre-selected candidate that represents the interests of the corporate donors. They didn't think she could lose to Trump.

    What does Bernie say that isn't reality? Every other major country on the face of the earth has national healthcare except us. The middle class is shrinking. Politicians work for corporate donors before people. These are all real. I'm not a member of a "cult". I've been a regular Democratic voter for decades. They have become too corrupt and too right wing for the most part. Bernie represented to me what they should be.

    Here's another link that you probably won't click. I've posted it before.
    A report on election problems in 2016:

    Last edited by Pam; August-15-18 at 05:08 AM.

  6. #81

  7. #82
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Counterpunch is a well known alternative media site. It's not spam.

    There is way more evidence for the DNC cheating Bernie than the Russiagate fairy tale which you believe.
    There is zero evidence for your wild claim. None. It makes as much sense as bigfoot in a UFO. The DNC's goal is to win the Presidency, obviously. They are not in a conspiracy to elect Trump.

    Russiagate is 100% confirmed fact, supported by every U.S. intelligence agency. In case you haven't noticed, the largest criminal investigation in Presidential history is underway, and there are already more indictments than under Watergate.

    If you deny reality, that's on you. Can't fix crazy.

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    This is [[obviously) wrong and irrelevant. Leaders like Merkel are quite popular and the opposite of Trump. Whether or not you think Germany, France, Japan, Australia all are eventually going to turn into Russian banana republics headed by racist, habitually lying lifelong grifters/reality show hosts is besides the point.



  9. #84


    ^ yea,he will not click on those links,he thinks only his spammy links are revalent,anything that opposes his view is irrelevant,kinda like how dictators work.

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    anything that opposes his view is irrelevant,kinda like how dictators work.
    You mean like Trump's Fox News—only policy, which he enforces even for Melania? What a fragile ego. What a petty man.

    Trump Reportedly Threw a Tantrum After Seeing an Air Force One TV Tuned to CNN
    Last edited by bust; August-17-18 at 03:31 PM.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    You mean like Trump's Fox News—only policy, which he enforces even for Melania? What a fragile ego. What a petty man.

    Trump Reportedly Threw a Tantrum After Seeing an Air Force One TV Tuned to CNN
    I do not watch Fox News,so I would not be able to comment on the content.

    I do notice it being brought up quite often as a stab at commentors,but wondered how someone can use it as a talking point without watching it.

    How does one know how horrible it is without actually watching it and then condoneing others for watching it? Just makes no sense,unless they are just following what they are programmed to hear about it from other news providers,which would indicate a weak mind.

  12. #87


    Richard, you missed the point.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by bust View Post
    Richard, you missed the point.
    You were providing an example of the use of the word Reportedly,as in maybe maybe not,or more or less tabloid material.

    Some will think that is fact.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You were providing an example of the use of the word Reportedly,as in maybe maybe not,or more or less tabloid material.

    Some will think that is fact.

    Reportedly or not, Richard; you don't need to crane your neck to find consistency in this story relative to Chump's barrage of tweets on the subject of Fake News = any media that questions his authority. Totally, unabashedly consistent.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Reportedly or not, Richard; you don't need to crane your neck to find consistency in this story relative to Chump's barrage of tweets on the subject of Fake News = any media that questions his authority. Totally, unabashedly consistent.
    Most people go to work in the morning and then come home at night,deal with evening things and catch glimpses of news at best,contrary to what some may lead people to believe,not everybody is glued to Twitter and prefer to care more about what is being done then what is being said.

    At the end of the day,he made campaign promises,what most are looking at,is he doing or addressing the promises that he made,everything else is just filler.

    I think the whole concept of actual news is lost somewhere outside of the local news,you have news agencies that spend thier entire day obsessed with everything he does and says,then they go out of thier way to find commentators that agree with what they say in order to make it seem plausible.

    News would be a reporter saying something and then backing it up with facts and confirmed sources,unbiased.

    News is not an opinion piece placed in print and presented as factual,it is no different then how we post our opinions here,they are just that.

    Now you hear things as,unamed sources have said,somebody reportedly said,a mouse overheard a conversation between two squirrels and it becomes considered factual news.

    It is not news anymore,it is reality TV being played out in order to bump ratings and clicks.

    Remember before the elections the talk was about how the newspapers and news stations were a dieing breed,all of the sudden they are realavent again and revenue has increased,they found something that works,the mixing of reality TV and reporting the news,all it needs to do is sound good and draw ratings.

    It does not matter what newscast you watch,do a search on news retractions and they are all loaded with them,the only way for one to form an opinion is believe nothing that you read and check as many sources as you can and then form an individual opinion or interpretation as to what one thinks is accurate.

    It should not be like that and not many have the time to devote to spending hours to get to the bottom of something that was the reporters responsiblitly in the first place.

    My thinking is the reporter has x amount of time to fill x amount of space so they come up with whatever is going to draw the best ratings and revenue and worry about what is actually the truth later.

    If you think about it,what would happen if they said,okay we are going to spend 30 miniutes a day discussing Trump,what would be left for them to talk about.

    Bills and laws are being written and passed everyday and the media does not discuss them and how they impact our future and daily life,they are important and people need to know what is going on.

    So really who is worse,a president hanging a carrot out on a stick or the media jumping up like little dogs trying to grab it?

  16. #91


    I would agree with some of what you say if there weren't such a discrepancy between that and the President's actions,and especially comments about not only the Press, but about, pole dancers, pole vaulters, pollsters, whosoever comes in conflict with his whims and desires. His attitude which I suppose to be a strategy, hammers the same nail, namely the total crassness of the Fifth Estate.
    In this, he mimics all the small and bigtime dictators that wrestled power for themselves, and a few cronies. His cultivated and ingrained self satisfaction is resistant to all that would disagree with him, this was clear from day one.
    Last edited by canuck; August-20-18 at 11:41 AM.

  17. #92


    Meh,he is a showboating alpha male,always has been always will be,what are people expecting? A meek mouse telling you what you want to hear and doing little about it,it is like anything else,you take the good with the bad,as long as the good outweighs the bad.

    Bad is subject to interpretation.

    The day Ormossa started promoting her book,that was the entire news scope,but on the same day he signed 5 bills into law that nobody heard about.

    What should one be more concerned about? Something that actually happened or something that may have happened?

    Not relevant but the whole failed businessman aspect keeps popping up but his income is 1.3 million per day,his 7 golf clubs bring in 15 million per year starting out with his Scotland one where he stayed at while visiting the UK brings in 50 million a year on its own,Mar a Largo brings in 20 million a year.

    That is just the golf club aspect and not even touching on the real estate arm.

    His net worth is 3 billion a year plus,when you look at Cargil 50 billion,Cox 53 billion,Mars 60 billion,wal mart family 100 billion plus,those are all private company family net worth that are not involved because they do not need to be.

    With his income and America is already great for him,why would he be concerned about anybody else and go through all of the headaches that he is going through to make it a better place for everybody else.

    Who cares about what he or news media tweets,most care about how thier life,country and neighbor is today and the long term path of the country for our children.

    That is our choice,pay attention to what matters or pay attention to the distractions.

    I do not read or follow his tweets but from what I hear,it just seems like he is bored and throws something out there to stir the pot and many seem to like to grab the ladle.

    At the very least his name is burned into everybodies mind everyday and you have to admit there are a lot of names out there in the public eye that have gained notoriety who nobody would have given a second thought before.

    He should be charging them a cut for that.
    Last edited by Richard; August-20-18 at 12:30 PM.

  18. #93
    Join Date
    Mar 2009



    WASHINGTON, Sept. 5 – Sen. Bernie Sanders [[I-Vt.) and Rep. Ro Khanna [[D-Calif.) announced legislation Wednesday to give large, profitable corporations such as Amazon and Walmart a choice: pay workers a living wage or pay for the public assistance programs like Medicaid, food stamps and public housing its low-wage workers are forced to rely on.Low wages cost taxpayers about $150 billion per year, according to a study from the University of California, Berkeley Labor Center.Sanders' bill, the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies [[BEZOS) Act, aims to end corporate welfare by establishing a 100 percent tax on corporations with 500 or more employees equal to the amount of federal benefits received by their low-wage workers. For example, if a worker at Amazon receives $2,000 in food stamps, the corporation would be taxed $2,000 to cover that cost.

  19. #94


    It becomes a slippery slope.

    Remember when they hit ma bell for being to big?

    So all they did was invest in a bunch of company’s and created a bunch of baby bells and never lost control.

    So Amazon moves headquarters to another country,then creates individual state companies,thus no longer being on paper the size,that they are targeted as,ordering is done online,delivery is,on paper done by independent contractor supply warehouses.

    See that is the whole thing,instead of job and improved skills training and encouraging people to actually manufacture and buy things in this country,it is easier to force the big evil corporations to pay non skilled labor,skilled labor rates.

    Which has a snowball effect going up the labor market.

    Realize that was that exact same way that Chavez worked,and what happened?

    We may be hungry but there are other countries where people are a lot more hungry.

    All of these politicians on both sides ,who have been in service for over 40 years are that blind on what is really going on and how to fix it?

    Was Ross Perot that wrong when he phrased the giant sucking sound?

    Weather we agree with him or not you really have to ask yourself,how is that whole change to a service industry working out?

  20. #95
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    Sen. Bernie Sanders [[I-Vt.) issued the following statement after the Senate voted 63-37 to advance his resolution to end U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen:

  21. #96


    "For the first time, the U.S. Senate voted to advance a resolution withdrawing U.S. Armed Forces from an unauthorized and unconstitutional war”

    So does this meen that the previous administration can be brought up on war crimes,now that it is widely known verses before when it was first announced,but nothing was done because it was the star can do no wrong democrat president?

    The cry was,Trump was going to start a war,but they had no problem with obama starting a private war based solely on his call.

  22. #97

  23. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The cry was,Trump was going to start a war,but they had no problem with Obama starting a private war based solely on his call.
    Obama didn't start a private war. Obama was a paid agent of US's military-industrial machine, like his predecessors. What other country would arm both their own troops and the enemy's? I guess that's why party members can afford to throw $30 mil weddings for their offspring.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; February-06-19 at 09:21 AM.

  24. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Meh,he is a showboating alpha male,always has been always will be,what are people expecting? A meek mouse telling you what you want to hear and doing little about it,it is like anything else,you take the good with the bad,as long as the good outweighs the bad.

    Bad is subject to interpretation.

    The day Ormossa started promoting her book,that was the entire news scope,but on the same day he signed 5 bills into law that nobody heard about.

    What should one be more concerned about? Something that actually happened or something that may have happened?

    Not relevant but the whole failed businessman aspect keeps popping up but his income is 1.3 million per day,his 7 golf clubs bring in 15 million per year starting out with his Scotland one where he stayed at while visiting the UK brings in 50 million a year on its own,Mar a Largo brings in 20 million a year.

    That is just the golf club aspect and not even touching on the real estate arm.

    His net worth is 3 billion a year plus,when you look at Cargil 50 billion,Cox 53 billion,Mars 60 billion,wal mart family 100 billion plus,those are all private company family net worth that are not involved because they do not need to be.

    With his income and America is already great for him,why would he be concerned about anybody else and go through all of the headaches that he is going through to make it a better place for everybody else.

    Who cares about what he or news media tweets,most care about how thier life,country and neighbor is today and the long term path of the country for our children.

    That is our choice,pay attention to what matters or pay attention to the distractions.

    I do not read or follow his tweets but from what I hear,it just seems like he is bored and throws something out there to stir the pot and many seem to like to grab the ladle.

    At the very least his name is burned into everybodies mind everyday and you have to admit there are a lot of names out there in the public eye that have gained notoriety who nobody would have given a second thought before.

    He should be charging them a cut for that.

    He already is charging you a cut for that.

    Are you using your Chump University diploma at the bottom of your cat litter box or have you found a better place to put it? Hint, hint...

    A collage [[sic) degree is a terrible thing to waste.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    Obama didn't start a private war. Obama was a paid agent of US's military-industrial machine, like his predecessors. What other country would arm both their own troops and the enemy's? I guess that's why party members can afford to throw $30 mil weddings for their offspring.
    I want to report my complete and utter shock at the above post.

    I'm afraid I will deeply offend Honky when I say......

    "This is the most intelligent thing I've ever seen you post."

    and I agree with it, in its entirety.

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