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  1. #276
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    AJ which presidential candidate was pushing for a conflict with Russia? Hint it wasn't DT.
    So Hillary Clinton made Trump do it?

    Which member of the Deep State held a gun to Donald Trump's head and made him give that policy speech? Couldn't Trump, as the President, just reject any advice that went against what I'm sure are his very strongly-held personal principles? Or is he a nutless coward who does what's he told?

    Isn't that why people like you voted for him and continue to support him? Because he was an "outsider", because he was a strong leader and a businessman with brass balls and he takes charge and gets shit done? Because he was going to "drain the swamp?"

    Listen to yourself. Trump gives a speech saying he's sending more troops to Afghanistan and you have blamed everyone and anyone under the sun for it EXCEPT for the one man who actually uttered the words. Under what grounds do you absolve Donald Trump for his own words and actions?

    Harry Truman famously kept a sign on his desk in the Oval Office that said "the Buck Stops Here." In your mind, Donald Trump must have a sign on his desk that reads "Anything I say or do is not my fault, Hillary Clinton MADE me do it!"

  2. #277


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    So Hillary Clinton made Trump do it?

    Which member of the Deep State held a gun to Donald Trump's head and made him give that policy speech? Couldn't Trump, as the President, just reject any advice that went against what I'm sure are his very strongly-held personal principles? Or is he a nutless coward who does what's he told?

    Isn't that why people like you voted for him and continue to support him? Because he was an "outsider", because he was a strong leader and a businessman with brass balls and he takes charge and gets shit done? Because he was going to "drain the swamp?"

    Listen to yourself. Trump gives a speech saying he's sending more troops to Afghanistan and you have blamed everyone and anyone under the sun for it EXCEPT for the one man who actually uttered the words. Under what grounds do you absolve Donald Trump for his own words and actions?

    Harry Truman famously kept a sign on his desk in the Oval Office that said "the Buck Stops Here." In your mind, Donald Trump must have a sign on his desk that reads "Anything I say or do is not my fault, Hillary Clinton MADE me do it!"
    AJ is all black and white with you? Do you need everything spelled out?
    DT now owns the last 2 administrations mess. That we can agree on. He made the call to continue the fray. "The Buck Stops Here."
    What I am trying to demonstrate is the operation that led him to the decision, "The Deep State" military interests that will now funnel millions of dollars down a hole for a lost cause.
    We hit the Taliban, they just splintered and in the void a new group rose up. By striking in Afghanistan, are our borders more secure?
    DT is a man and man is flawed but I ask why would he 180 on this issue when it serves no purpose but to make military contractors and their representatives in Congress richer?
    Perhaps it is an agreement to call off a witch hunt of an investigation into collusion with Russia? Mabey it was to give a little to the neocons in hope that they will put some support behind him to pass some of the agenda of secure borders, more jobs and lower taxes that got DT elected? That's a laff! [[sp intended)
    They will never support him. Never have, never will.
    DT is an outsider to politics and he might of just been Trumped at the art of making a deal in Washington.
    Meanwhile the media will squeal like excited little girls when the whole thing starts to fail and the citizens of America will be sold out yet again with little chance of recovering from another NEW WORLD ORDER created by non elected demigods.
    Last edited by GMan; August-24-17 at 06:25 AM.

  3. #278
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Jimmy Dore show -"Trump's Base Turns On Him Over Afghanistan "


    and "Rachel Maddow Promotes Stealing Afghan Minerals & Endless War "


  4. #279


    Here's an RT op piece on the Afghan situation.


  5. #280


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Here's an RT op piece on the Afghan situation.

    I didn't expect more from you than an opinion piece from a Russian rag. Miserable.

  6. #281
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    I didn't expect more from you than an opinion piece from a Russian rag. Miserable.
    It's been pointed out to him on multiple occasions that RT is Russian government propaganda, funded by the Kremlin. He gets his facts from them because he chooses to, they tell him what he wants to hear. Are you really surprised that a Donald Trump supporter gets his "facts" directly from the Kremlin? I'm not. It's par for the course with these people. They are beyond hope, beyond redemption. There is no having a rational discussion with them because they subsist entirely on a diet of fake news, Russian propaganda, and conspiracy theories.

  7. #282


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    It's been pointed out to him on multiple occasions that RT is Russian government propaganda, funded by the Kremlin. He gets his facts from them because he chooses to, they tell him what he wants to hear. Are you really surprised that a Donald Trump supporter gets his "facts" directly from the Kremlin? I'm not. It's par for the course with these people. They are beyond hope, beyond redemption. There is no having a rational discussion with them because they subsist entirely on a diet of fake news, Russian propaganda, and conspiracy theories.
    I have to laugh that you and others can't accept that other sources can have an opinion on a subject and then weight those source's known biases to discern what information is valuable from them.
    Go ahead and just read Wiki then if you can't perform the mental reasoning required to do this.

  8. #283


    Quote Originally Posted by aj3647 View Post
    It's been pointed out to him on multiple occasions that RT is Russian government propaganda, funded by the Kremlin. He gets his facts from them because he chooses to, they tell him what he wants to hear. Are you really surprised that a Donald Trump supporter gets his "facts" directly from the Kremlin? I'm not. It's par for the course with these people. They are beyond hope, beyond redemption. There is no having a rational discussion with them because they subsist entirely on a diet of fake news, Russian propaganda, and conspiracy theories.

    Some people skim over "facts" like the one about Putin being head of the KGB before transforming himself into a "Great Leader". In this, Putin and Trump both have a Great Leader stance, and both are feller billionaires with tons of hangers on, sycophants, pilot fish and family members all wrapped in one. All milking the Government for what it is worth. Draining the swamp indeed.

  9. #284


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Some people skim over "facts" like the one about Putin being head of the KGB before transforming himself into a "Great Leader". In this, Putin and Trump both have a Great Leader stance, and both are feller billionaires with tons of hangers on, sycophants, pilot fish and family members all wrapped in one. All milking the Government for what it is worth. Draining the swamp indeed.
    I'm aware of all this and I AGREE on many of your points.
    Trump was in the position to accomplish a partial draining of the swamp but I fear he has found comfort in it's warm waters instead. The Deep State will drown him slowly.

    He also needs to get family out of advisory positions especially since they are even more left than Donald himself.

    Still better than HRC and the DNC by far.
    Borders, Borders, Borders Canuck.

  10. #285


    Yep. I'm sure his [[Trumps) staunch initial supporters ain't happy. We're continuing in Afghanistan, when he initially said we weren't doing that during his campaign. So the military industrial complex makes money [[as always has no matter dem or repub). And everyone gets the be general of their select war.

    In the meantime our military can grow which is not all bad, but growing the complex? You know the fix is in as some of the big-wig dems want this continuation. A conflict we can never win. Especially as no one, including the president has defined what winning in Afghanistan will even look like!!

    Feels like I'm watching that Lord of War flick!
    Last edited by Zacha341; August-25-17 at 07:40 AM.

  11. #286


    A little country above Afghanistan runs a pipeline through the country to have access to the port,the pesky rebels like to destroy the pipeline,we fund another group to fight the rebels and Russians,the pipeline gets saved but now the other group is fully armed and bored.

    Russia fought there for years and all of their might at the time they could not crush them.

    Military and terrorism are both large money machines,yea sometimes one really does have to wonder how much of it is really designed to feed the machines.

  12. #287


    Here's Canadien article on US military spending.


  13. #288


    All the papers and newscasts have been talking about this in the past coupla days. Another power play that may prove to be a Swan Song for Chump. For those who keep defending him for his defense of constitutional rights in the Charlottesville debacle, think again:


  14. #289


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    All the papers and newscasts have been talking about this in the past coupla days. Another power play that may prove to be a Swan Song for Chump. For those who keep defending him for his defense of constitutional rights in the Charlottesville debacle, think again:

    Another reason why this guy should not be in the White House. He did it just because he could. Pardoning a racist who, for years, wouldn't investigate rape of children, spending tax payers money on vacations , nearly broke a paraplegic's neck because he asked for a catheter to pee, prisoner's [[many of which were not convicted) kept in tents with temperature's exceeding 110 degrees. And that's not even half it.

    Don't want to hear what Arpaio did was justified. No one should come to his defense.
    Last edited by Maof; August-27-17 at 07:35 AM.

  15. #290


    Quote Originally Posted by Maof View Post
    Another reason why this guy should not be in the White House. He did it just because he could. Pardoning a racist who, for years, wouldn't investigate rape of children, spending tax payers money on vacations , nearly broke a paraplegic's neck because he asked for a catheter to pee, prisoner's [[many of which were not convicted) kept in tents with temperature's exceeding 110 degrees. And that's not even half it.

    Don't want to hear what Arpaio did was justified. No one should come to his defense.
    Hell, Mao, they'll defend Nazis; why not this jackass. I've already seen them agreeing with 45, saying that he was charged for "doing his job". If our Police chief did his "job" that way, he'd already be in prison with no hope of pardon.

  16. #291


    Ana Navarro BRILLIANTLY Destroys Arpaio apologist. Granholm appears.

    With Arizona's Evan Mecham history, we see a pattern continuing.

  17. #292


    Nice to see part of the plan working.


  18. #293

  19. #294

  20. #295


    Another hipster uses a swear word.

  21. #296
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    So what are your thoughts on Trump reportedly cutting a deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on DACA?

    The deal apparently will not only allow the DACA recipients to stay in the U.S. legally [[amnesty), but also gives them a path to citizenship [[which even Obama's DACA program didn't have). In exchange, Democrats will agree to increased border security measures and hiring more Border Patrol agents...but no wall.

    Here I'll even give you your preferred news sources, Russia Today and Breitbart, so you can't claim that it's "fake news."



    Pelosi and Schumer said they agreed with Trump “to enshrine the protections of DACA into law quickly, and to work out a package of border security, excluding the wall, that’s acceptable to both sides.”
    On Air Force One however, a White House spokesperson confirmed that “legal citizenship over a period of time” for DACA recipients would likely be part of a deal. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted that the plan would offer them a “path to citizenship.”
    Meanwhile the Alt-Right has erupted with rage towards the reports, including sites like Breitbart running headlines like "Trump Voters Burn MAGA Hats"

    Ann Coulter on Trump: "I bet on a loser."

    Drudge Report's banner headline yesterday read "DREAM TEAM" featuring a photo of Trump next to a photo of a sneering Nancy Pelosi.

  22. #297


    No use in arguing too much about this yet. We really have no idea based on conflicting reports what Trump will do. This is, after all, up to Congress. Obama, according to Obama, violated the Constitution when he enacted DACA. However, Congress, and only Congress [[Art.1, Sec.1), has the exclusive delegated authority to enact uniform naturalization legislation[[Art1,Sec.8). Trump, as you know, then has the option of signing or vetoing any such legislation. Its what Obama should have done.

    On the one hand, a good refugee status case could be made for adults who were brought here as infants, don't even know the language of their parents' home country, and are living upstanding lives. On the other hand, we are supposed to be a nation of upheld laws and subsidizing anything increases whatever is subsidized. I hope that some middle ground is reached allowing some long time and qualified illegal alien children to stay. Perhaps they could some day be accepted as citizens within the quota of already determined legal aliens from their respective countries or out of the Nation's already agreed to number of annual refugees.

    The wall is stupid. It would be far better to put the border fence in place that Senator Clinton voted for with walls only where needed. Hire some Israelis who have experience with fences and walls to determine what works best. Funding the fencing necessary to comply with the 2006 legislation should accompany any DACA legislation.

    If aj visits the DRUDGE REPRT, it must be ok for the rest of us to do so.
    Last edited by oladub; September-15-17 at 01:21 PM.

  23. #298


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

    Hire some Israelis who have experience with fences and walls to determine what works best. Funding the fencing necessary to comply with the 2006 legislation should accompany any DACA legislation.
    Better yet, take the 3+ billion we give to Israel every year and pay for our own border security!

    I have no problem with congress making DACA permanent, but Trump better get something massive in return. A generic promise of increased border security and enforcement isn't going to cut it.

    I'd be in support of DACA legislation if it included mandated and enforceable E-Verify nationwide. It would also need to include an enforceable guarantee that proper action would be taken against non DACA eligible illegal aliens currently in the U.S.

  24. #299


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    No use in arguing too much about this yet. We really have no idea based on conflicting reports what Trump will do. This is, after all, up to Congress. Obama, according to Obama, violated the Constitution when he enacted DACA. However, Congress, and only Congress [[Art.1, Sec.1), has the exclusive delegated authority to enact uniform naturalization legislation[[Art1,Sec.8). Trump, as you know, then has the option of signing or vetoing any such legislation. Its what Obama should have done.

    On the one hand, a good refugee status case could be made for adults who were brought here as infants, don't even know the language of their parents' home country, and are living upstanding lives. On the other hand, we are supposed to be a nation of upheld laws and subsidizing anything increases whatever is subsidized. I hope that some middle ground is reached allowing some long time and qualified illegal alien children to stay.
    Yeah it's a wait and see. Any amnesty without increased security is a death blow to the prosperity of this country.
    This exemplifies the importance of programs like DACA to business interests to suppress wages in America at the same time lining their pockets with government money to house, feed and educate the next generation of voters who will spread the global socialist mantra.
    Corporate interests have nullified the vote of the people.

  25. #300
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Yeah it's a wait and see. Any amnesty without increased security is a death blow to the prosperity of this country.
    This exemplifies the importance of programs like DACA to business interests to suppress wages in America at the same time lining their pockets with government money to house, feed and educate the next generation of voters who will spread the global socialist mantra.
    Corporate interests have nullified the vote of the people.
    How does DACA suppress wages? These are kids who speak immaculate English, grew up in the United States, were educated in the American public school system and now attend U.S. colleges. They aren't the types of immigrants who are performing unskilled labor jobs for $8 an hour, undercutting American workers. You could make that argument with illegal immigrants who crossed the border as adults and were not raised or educated in the United States, but not with these DACA kids. They grew up here, fully immersed in American culture, they most certainly are not doing backbreaking manual labor for slave labor wages anymore than any one else raised here would be willing to do those jobs. They work at places like Apple [[250 Dreamers work there) for the same wages that their American counterparts work for. They aren't out picking strawberries in the fields.

    These are exactly the kind of people our economy needs. Educated in America, raised in America, English-speaking, assimilated to American culture, law-abiding and ready to help subsidize the retired Baby Boomer generation with their contributions to Social Security. If unemployment were at 10% right now, maybe these people would be a threat to Americans looking for jobs. But it's not. It's below 5%, and many sectors are experiencing labor shortages. Our economy needs more qualified workers.

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