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  1. #26


    were the demonstrations and counter-demonstrations peaceful?

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    What's funny is I see a lot of these women invest in designer clothing, elaborate grooming, and $800 cell phones. Perhaps self responsibility and a $5 investment in a box of condoms would spare everyone a lot of grief?
    Did you ever think that people hold political or ethical beliefs that extend beyond their personal convenience? I'm not a woman, and am personally opposed to abortion, but am absolutely, unequivocally pro-choice.

  3. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Originally Posted by Honky Tonk
    Glad to hear you've stopped ovulating, Cole, it also explains the PMS. I donate plenty of my time and money to support the needy, Thank You. I also don't believe in creating or fostering dependency on society to support unaccountable behavior. Of course it's easier to walk around with a protest sign for a few hours then it is to actually implement a solution. How righteous we are.

    Removing your post didn't help, Honky Tonk; that's why I always quote when I reply


  4. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    How could anyone possibly DEFEND Planned Parenthood?

    It's purely a baby chop-shop.

    They sometimes lie and say they offer lots of different services for women,.. such as mammograms, pre-natal care, etc,... but the truth is they do almost none of that.

    They offer some contraception,.. and the ENTIRE rest of their business is abortions. They even have quotas for how many abortions their employees are to get women to have. using tricks like doing the abortion right after the sonogram so as to prevent the woman from having much of any time to change her mind. Abortion is the advice given at all times.


    Then the fetuses are cut up for parts and sold.

    It's not my place to decide if someone has an abortion or not,.. but how can anyone with any shred of morals or ethics DEFEND such an organization?

    It's sick,.. just sick.

    And that these sickos are given our tax dollars against our will is even more twisted.

  5. #30
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    How could anyone possibly DEFEND Planned Parenthood?

    It's purely a baby chop-shop.
    Um, maybe you should get your news from reputable news sources and not sound so utterly ridiculous?

    Planned Parenthood does great work, and very little of their work is tied to abortion.

    In any case, anyone who is "pro-life" re. embryos and "pro-death" re. everything else in life is a massive hypocrite. Unless you're a pacifist, anti-death penalty, pro-migrant, anti-gun, you are complete hypocrite, don't care about babies, and just want to subjugate women.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    And that these sickos are given our tax dollars against our will is even more twisted.
    Again, absurd fake news. They aren't given your tax dollars. Your tax dollars goes towards "moral" things like bombing and killing babies in the Middle East, which apparently doesn't concern you.

    Stop hating women and babies, stop lying about PP, and if you're so concerned about prenatal issues, get involved in promoting healthy, happy pregnancies and births.

  6. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Um, maybe you should get your news from reputable news sources and not sound so utterly ridiculous?

    Planned Parenthood does great work, and very little of their work is tied to abortion.

    In any case, anyone who is "pro-life" re. embryos and "pro-death" re. everything else in life is a massive hypocrite. Unless you're a pacifist, anti-death penalty, pro-migrant, anti-gun, you are complete hypocrite, don't care about babies, and just want to subjugate women.

    Again, absurd fake news. They aren't given your tax dollars. Your tax dollars goes towards "moral" things like bombing and killing babies in the Middle East, which apparently doesn't concern you.

    Stop hating women and babies, stop lying about PP, and if you're so concerned about prenatal issues, get involved in promoting healthy, happy pregnancies and births.
    I know that this won't change Bigdd's mind because he's been spoon fed propaganda by Right to Life and other organizations whose best interest are served by not giving women choice on what they want to do with their own bodies, but here is a list of the services they offer to people of all incomes, race and creed. They are SO much more than an abortion mill and what they do on a daily basis saves lives and makes life better for so many.
    Name:  PP.JPG
Views: 573
Size:  107.5 KB
    And a chart if you're a more visual believer
    Name:  PPchart.JPG
Views: 619
Size:  32.1 KB

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Um, maybe you should get your news from reputable news sources and not sound so utterly ridiculous?
    Better than managers of PP locations? Who would that be? Their marketing department?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Planned Parenthood does great work, and very little of their work is tied to abortion.
    Such as what exactly? You're just making that up aren't you? You sound like the media trying to defend the Clinton Foundation "Gee,.. we all agree they do great work",.. though none of them can name what that is exactly,.. or explain why none of the money collected for Haiti went there,... or why the donations dries up as soon as she was out of politics.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    In any case, anyone who is "pro-life" re. embryos and "pro-death" re. everything else in life is a massive hypocrite. Unless you're a pacifist, anti-death penalty, pro-migrant, anti-gun, you are complete hypocrite, don't care about babies, and just want to subjugate women.
    You just made that up. I never said I was against abortions. In fact I said it wasn't my place to say. And for your reference,... there are in fact responsible places to get abortions. Baby parts mills like PP aren't the only option.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Again, absurd fake news. They aren't given your tax dollars. Your tax dollars goes towards "moral" things like bombing and killing babies in the Middle East, which apparently doesn't concern you.
    Again,.. you lie. they ARE given more than 1/2 BILLION dollars a year from the Feds alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Stop hating women and babies, stop lying about PP, and if you're so concerned about prenatal issues, get involved in promoting healthy, happy pregnancies and births.
    I don't hate women or babies. Please stop lying about people you do not know.

  8. #33


    Ok, here's your abortion video's REAL story:
    Abortion photo actually stillborn childThe photo was not an aborted fetus at a Planned Parenthood clinic. It was the stillborn child of Alexis Fretz, whose son was stillborn in 2013. Fretz took the photo and posted it on the Internet to memorialize the son she named Walter.
    Without Fretz's knowledge, Daleiden and his two-man documentary group called the Center for Medical Progress plucked that photo from her web page and dropped it into his anti-Planned Parenthood documentary.
    "Was it clear?" Fretz asks herself in a CNN interview, "No it was not clear. Was it deceitful? I don't know that."

    Daleiden told CNN the fact that the photo is not an actual photo of an aborted fetus makes no difference. He insists the fetus is the same age as the one referred to in his film, and he used it only as an illustration.
    In an interview in Southern California earlier this month, Daleiden now admits he has no information on where the video was actually taken. There is no evidence it was taken at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
    Daleiden says the image came from an outside source, an anti-abortion group called the Center For Bioethical Reform and he doesn't know its origin beyond that. A spokesman for the group tells CNN it won't disclose the location either, only that the video in question was paid for. Despite its source, Daleiden again insists the video is only used as an illustration of what an intact aborted fetus would look like, not the actual fetus referred to in his film.

  9. #34
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I know that this won't change Bigdd's mind because he's been spoon fed propaganda by Right to Life and other organizations whose best interest are served by not giving women choice on what they want to do with their own bodies, but here is a list of the services they offer to people of all incomes, race and creed. They are SO much more than an abortion mill and what they do on a daily basis saves lives and makes life better for so many.

    And a chart if you're a more visual believer
    Prenatal services 19,000,.... abortions 327,000.

    That chart is of their "claims" of course,.. with each number being "a service". So it counts everything as equal. So give out 100 condoms and do one abortion,.. and the chart would show abortions as merely 1% of their business. Yet those two things are hardly equals in substance or cost.

    Just from the raw data we know that at least 12% of their clients had an abortion,.. and that presumes no one had more than one.

    And a lot of those services [[sonograms, testing etc are done at the same time as the abortion,.. so for a few of those "service" categories,.. you have to subtract 300,000. to get a number that was offered outside of an abortion trip.

    Essentially that's the cooked data that PP uses to keep getting their $523 Billion a year in fed money. [[At to pacify the public they must claim that they don't use the Fed money for abortions.
    Last edited by Bigdd; February-13-17 at 05:54 PM.

  10. #35


    I said it wouldn't matter to you, but I tried. Believe what you will.
    Someone could literally take you by the hand, walk you to PP, sit with you for a year and tally up everything they did and you would say "But, but, the video. They chop up babies here and that's all they do; you hired actors to come in here for other reasons."
    Sit back, watch FoxNews and relax. It's probably for the best
    Last edited by jcole; February-13-17 at 06:02 PM.

  11. #36
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    Dec 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    I said it wouldn't matter to you, but I tried. Believe what you will.
    Someone could literally take you by the hand, walk you to PP, sit with you for a year and tally up everything they did and you would say "But, but, the video. They chop up babies here and that's all they do; you hired actors to come in here for other reasons."
    Sit back, watch FoxNews and relax. It's probably for the best

    Perhaps YOU watch videos with actors,.. but the one I linked with Sue Thayer and others are actual PP workers and managers,.. who also testified before Congress.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Perhaps YOU watch videos with actors,.. but the one I linked with Sue Thayer and others are actual PP workers and managers,.. who also testified before Congress.
    Yeah,she worked for PP for 17 yrs and then got fired, filed a lawsuit against them for Medicare fraud, lost the law suit and suddenly became a convert to the anti abortion cause. She's just FULL of credibility.

  13. #38


    PP is a large outfit that works with 12 other countries and operates over 650 clinics in the US. Have there been a few major problems in a few clinics? I would question if there wasn't the occasional fire to put out i.e. former disgruntled employees, workplace conditions, etc. This is the nature of the healthcare system we currently operate.

    On a side note, if anyone is interested, I saw these documentaries that were a real eye opener for me. Once upon a time the government of Romania outlawed abortion and contraception:


    And this one is about the conditions that were created for Romania's children in the years after the citizens executed their politicians on the street for their treachery:

    Last edited by detroitsgwenivere; February-13-17 at 10:28 PM.

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Perhaps YOU watch videos with actors,.. but the one I linked with Sue Thayer and others are actual PP workers and managers,.. who also testified before Congress.
    You're so brainwashed, and nothing will convince you otherwise, but if you truly cared about babies and mothers, you would know that PP does great work and abortions have plummeted in recent years thanks to PP and other women's health organizations.

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    Perhaps YOU watch videos with actors,.. but the one I linked with Sue Thayer and others are actual PP workers and managers,.. who also testified before Congress.
    I'll ask you the same question I asked before, defund or eliminate PP and where do you go from there ? You think outlawing or eliminating a program will solve the problem ? Pass a law and suddenly everything is good ? I think abortion is wrong, but passing laws against it will not stop it. Look at my earlier post.

  16. #41


    It seems really important to the right that PP is an abortion mill. Its seems really important to the left that PP does a wide-variety of women's services and not mostly abortion.

    What that tells me is that the debate is really just a proxy for an abortion debate.

    But that said, I do wonder how much non-abortion effort is expended daily in the clinics. It seems like a reasonable thing to know in debating whether this organization should be given public funds, and whether the do work of value to our community.

    Regardless of the value of the other work they do for women's health, it certainly is clear that they do perform abortions. And whether the government should fund abortions is a valid public policy issue. We work ourselves to a lather about whether Obamacare funds birth control, too, don't we.

    Speaking as a former customer of Planned Parenthood for abortion services, I have my doubts about government funding. So I'd like to see good stats on public funding -- not that chart where a condom taken from the counter = one medical procedure -- as much as I'm in favor of public condom distribution.

  17. #42


    I was close to someone who had an abortion and the experience convinced me that abortion should not be legal. It felt like murder at the time, and it still feels that way today. I was relatively undecided before hand, on the grounds that I understood both sides of the argument equally. The experience definitely tipped that.


  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by 1953 View Post
    I was close to someone who had an abortion and the experience convinced me that abortion should not be legal. It felt like murder at the time, and it still feels that way today. I was relatively undecided before hand, on the grounds that I understood both sides of the argument equally. The experience definitely tipped that.

    If it's outlawed do you think it will stop ?

  19. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by 1953 View Post
    I was close to someone who had an abortion and the experience convinced me that abortion should not be legal. It felt like murder at the time, and it still feels that way today. I was relatively undecided before hand, on the grounds that I understood both sides of the argument equally. The experience definitely tipped that.

    One look at the picture of a 20-week fetus makes it clear that murder is a reasonable description. I have little problem with aborting fertilized eggs. We pretty much allow 'test tube' fertilization and 'destruction' of embryos [[at least up to 14-days). So what's the difference between 'embryonic destruction' and 'fetal murder'. Not much. Yet I believe we are best to allow mothers to make their choices, including abortion. Abortion [[after 1st trimester) is a heinous act, yet I prefer to let mother's make their decisions until live birth.

    But what on earth does this have to do with Detroit? Most politics are in-bounds to me, as the future of our fine city is driven by politics. But this is pretty tangential.

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    It seems really important to the right that PP is an abortion mill. Its seems really important to the left that PP does a wide-variety of women's services and not mostly abortion.
    For the sake of argument, I'm probably to the left of the left and wish PP was an abortion mill. Abortion is a great option under a lot of circumstances. I wish it was federally funded and promoted.

  21. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    For the sake of argument, I'm probably to the left of the left and wish PP was an abortion mill. Abortion is a great option under a lot of circumstances. I wish it was federally funded and promoted.
    I don't know. Do you think 7,500,000,000 people on this rock is enough?

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    I don't know. Do you think 7,500,000,000 people on this rock is enough?
    No. Why is 7.5B a magic number. I see a magical future ahead, as good folks like Gates are lifting millions out of poverty. New technologies are allowing people to be productive without having to prostrate themselves in front of corporate America [[or Germany or Japan). Just a little time in the western part of the US, and its clear there's room for a lot more people.

  23. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    No. Why is 7.5B a magic number. I see a magical future ahead, as good folks like Gates are lifting millions out of poverty. New technologies are allowing people to be productive without having to prostrate themselves in front of corporate America [[or Germany or Japan). Just a little time in the western part of the US, and its clear there's room for a lot more people.
    The 'more people' better bring their own water.

  24. #49
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    And whether the government should fund abortions is a valid public policy issue
    A public policy issue that was already decided.


    In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape
    The only federal "funding" PP gets is Medicaid reimbursement for health care, not abortion.

  25. #50
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdd View Post
    How could anyone possibly DEFEND Planned Parenthood?

    It's purely a baby chop-shop.
    Karl, is that you?

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