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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    Fixed that for ya skippy
    LOL Didn't see that coming...so original!

    But you still haven't proven how multi-billionaire Soros is a communist.

  2. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    LOL Didn't see that coming...so original!

    But you still haven't proven how multi-billionaire Soros is a communist.

    And what's worse being "endorsed" by a dead senator who was as much a part of the KKK as Pope Benedict was part of Hitler Youth and disavowed his KKK past or being endorsed by a staunch white nationalist and former grand wizard of the KKK and currently still is a bigot?
    Research, critical thinking and an open mind are your friends. Contrary to what your leftist prof indoctrinated you with.
    So I say get to learning Instead of regurgitating. The interwebs open the entire globe and governments to you if you truly want so I say get to learning .
    Break that leftist brainwashing once and for all.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    Research, critical thinking and an open mind are your friends. Contrary to what your leftist prof indoctrinated you with.
    So I say get to learning Instead of regurgitating. The interwebs open the entire globe and governments to you if you truly want so I say get to learning .
    Break that leftist brainwashing once and for all.
    Right the whole, all profs are lefists thing...

    And yet you still haven't answered my question.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    Right the whole, all profs are lefists thing...

    And yet you still haven't answered my question.
    and im not going to. YOU see when I was young I to was a victim of the publically funded brainwashing/indoctrination centers.
    I also refused to listen to or argue every point someone made about my libtarded beliefs.
    It just went back and forth and no one could change my mind.
    Well one day I decided to venture out of my lil leftist libtarded utopia and decided to do my own research and wow, the matrix analogy really does apply to real life.
    You have the tools, I.e. computor, Internet ,critical thinking[[i hope) etc. Use them and free your mind.

  5. #105
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    Research, critical thinking and an open mind are your friends. Contrary to what your leftist prof indoctrinated you with.
    Be honest. You've never set foot on a college campus, receive all your "news" from alt-right and white power websites, and resent/fear others. Now you have a white nationalist in power and are reveling in the idiocy.

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Be honest. You've never set foot on a college campus, receive all your "news" from alt-right and white power websites, and resent/fear others. Now you have a white nationalist in power and are reveling in the idiocy.
    Wrong. But then again so is everything you say.

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    and im not going to. YOU see when I was young I to was a victim of the publically funded brainwashing/indoctrination centers.
    I also refused to listen to or argue every point someone made about my libtarded beliefs.
    It just went back and forth and no one could change my mind.
    Well one day I decided to venture out of my lil leftist libtarded utopia and decided to do my own research and wow, the matrix analogy really does apply to real life.
    You have the tools, I.e. computor, Internet ,critical thinking[[i hope) etc. Use them and free your mind.
    Aka "the complex history and theory of Marxism and communism goes right over my head so anything in my warped mind that goes against what I think is right is therefore socialist/Marxist/communist because those are the buzzwords the Fox News and the alt-right media have told me to use"

  8. #108
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    Could you expand on how "forcibly removed" is even possible in The United States of America? The way I understand our country that is not a viable option. That whole democracy thing comes into play.
    If Trump were impeached, probably by Republicans, would he willingly leave? I doubt it. He has been very clear that he despises the Constitution, rule of law, separation of powers and freedom of press. In such a case, he would likely have to be forceably removed.

    Will he be impeached? No clue. We're in totally uncharted territory.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    Wrong. But then again so is everything you say.
    You're so engrossed in the nutcase interwebs that you're completely confused; fumbling about lost, looking to racists and conspiracy theorists for salvation. Grow up, fix your life, cut the lies, and stop blaming everyone else for your ignorance and inadequacies.

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    "the complex history theory of Marxism and communism goes right over my head so anything in my warped mind that goes against what I think is right is therefore socialist/Marxist/communist because those are the buzzwords the Fox News and the alt-right media have told me to use"
    See what I mean? Its like having a drug addiction. "You" have to want to quit. I can not make you and even if I tried you would fight the truth to the death to keep it from taking over.

    Maybe one day youll get there. Maybe you wont. My job Is to plant the seed and hope it grows and flourishes.
    The red pill blue pill analogy Is fitting and in a strange way true. Once you leave you cant go back.

  11. #111


    Looks like this thread could use some...

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    You're so engrossed in the nutcase interwebs that you're completely confused; fumbling about lost, looking to racists and conspiracy theorists for salvation. Grow up, fix your life, cut the lies, and stop blaming everyone else for your ignorance and inadequacies.
    Quite responsible and extremely capable. On the other hand you are a brainwashed leftist that reguritates the msm leftist false narrative to a t and then cry out in anger and stomp your little feet when things dont go your way.
    Well, America [[like myself) has decided It is time to get back to business. We allowed you children to try to run our nation but all youve done is ruin it.
    So before you have us In complete and total ruin , [[not too mention had us on the brink of nuclear war with Russia ) we took it upon ourselves to take away this toy from you spoiled brats because its obvoius you dont know how to play nice.
    Now back back to your room In mommy's basement and let the grown folk fix what you incapable tards broke.
    Last edited by snf; November-14-16 at 12:24 PM.

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Looks like this thread could use some...

    So youre against people's rights to speech Iif its not speech you approve of. How appropro

  14. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Looks like this thread could use some...

    I think we have the president elect part covered,maybe a bit more on the inner city aspect discussion?

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    So youre against people's rights to speech Iif its not speech you approve of. How appropro
    Well, he or she stays pretty much level headed in most discussions,you have to look at the bigger picture of posters and take everything into perpestive,it is a bit different then Facebook or newspaper comments.

  16. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Well, he or she stays pretty much level head in most discussions,you have to look at the bigger picture of posters and take everything into perpestive,it is a bit different then Facebook or newspaper comments.
    if you choose to run away from conversation because someone says something you dont like then you have no business being in that conversation in the first place.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    So youre against people's rights to speech Iif its not speech you approve of. How appropro
    Not against free speech but this love fest is way off topic.
    Start another thread.

  18. #118
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    Quite responsible and extremely capable.
    Which is apparently why you claim that Obama, the most conservative political leader of any major first world nation on earth is a "brainwashed leftist". Sorry, but no.

    If you were a bit less deplorable, and sought knowledge, global travel and higher education, you would know that the U.S. is a very conservative nation, and that Trump is an off-the-charts nutcase. Obama is well to the right of Merkel, who is probably the next most conservative leader. If Obama is a "commie", then the whole planet, outside of the alt-right and KKK types are "commies". Heck, even Sanders would be very middle-of-road in major first world nations.

    You think ANYONE who isn't a mouth-breathing racist is a "leftist". Reagan and both Bushes are "leftists" in your view. Every American President in history is a "leftist" because they don't subscribe to alt-right idiocy. Completely absurd.

  19. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by snf View Post
    if you choose to run away from conversation because someone says something you dont like then you have no business being in that conversation in the first place.

    You can say that the sky is blue and find opposition and a debate,sometimes it is better to just walk away.

    When the election results came in the market dropped,then it was all over social media how we were going to be in a depression and the sky is falling,nobody thought about the drop is common,but then the next day it at record levels.

    let the smoke clear and things fall in place.

    So anyways I still am thinking we need to get the schools in order and provide a safe learning expirence,at the same time implement a aggressive skills training program.

    Is that debatable? as that is kinda the plan.

  20. #120


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Which is apparently why you claim that Obama, the most conservative political leader of any major first world nation on earth is a "brainwashed leftist". Sorry, but no.

    If you were a bit less deplorable, and sought knowledge, global travel and higher education, you would know that the U.S. is a very conservative nation, and that Trump is an off-the-charts nutcase. Obama is well to the right of Merkel, who is probably the next most conservative leader. If Obama is a "commie", then the whole planet, outside of the alt-right and KKK types are "commies". Heck, even Sanders would be very middle-of-road in major first world nations.

    You think ANYONE who isn't a mouth-breathing racist is a "leftist". Reagan and both Bushes are "leftists" in your view. Every American President in history is a "leftist" because they don't subscribe to alt-right idiocy. Completely absurd.
    Sigh, you might be too far gone.
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  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    You can say that the sky is blue and find opposition and a debate,sometimes it is better to just walk away.

    When the election results came in the market dropped,then it was all over social media how we were going to be in a depression and the sky is falling,nobody thought about the drop is common,but then the next day it at record levels.

    let the smoke clear and things fall in place.

    So anyways I still am thinking we need to get the schools in order and provide a safe learning expirence,at the same time implement a aggressive skills training program.

    Is that debatable? as that is kinda the plan.
    he promised more than $100 billion to the inner cities for improvements along with allowing anyone vouchers for schooling on top of disbanding fed oversight of education and bringing it back to state control.
    Its a glorious day In America come jan 20th.

  22. #122


    First off: Dood! WTF?!? I've got my share of notes in my inbox when I didn't go as far as snf -- butts I guess whateva.

    Next, let's take the whole racism topic outta this discussion for a second and let's talk about class; as in having some class. When you take a look at Trumps campaign as a whole; it involved a ton of hypocritical content and clearly unattainable / unconstitutional goals. What this provided was modifiable messaging on the fly as they saw fit that would appease the fickle citizenry, didn't matter if they said one thing one day, it changed and continue to change as the election got closer and if that messaging stuck, they ran with it.

    So, Trump could pretty much say whatever if wanted to and didn't have to walk it back because they never expected to win, even after the primary. Reports that are coming in via non-MSM sources state that Trumps campaign was caught completely off guard the night they won. That's why they fumbled a bit the next day with the transition team. So, seeing this, and other glaring inadequacies we are seeing, such as him already breaking a ton of campaign promises, it's no wonder Trump ran a typical sleazy, tacky and classless campaign. And what's better in life in the great ole U.S of A. than watching shitshows; Hell -- it's our nation past time.

    The uniting factor on the Republican's side of the aisle was their favorite whipping post: the Clinton's. By goodness, Republicans have been running election after election demonizing the Clinton's for over 30 years, have spent countless billions of taxpayer and donor monies, had spent resources that supposedly drummed up another 2 years worth of investigations should be become President -- and STILL Republicans came up empty handed. Not very fiscally conservative now, is it?

    It will be interesting to see what the justification will be from Trump supports when Mrs. Clinton is still walking the streets and there is no wall built by this time next year. Will they hold Trump accountable? With the Clinton's out of the picture [[yes, the Dems are already working on a Clinton purge), now Republicans will not have them to bash for votes. In two years, they will have to run on what they have actually done for the people, instead of pointing and screeching "but but evil Clinton's" like Southerland at the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. So, we'll see how that all works out for ya.

    Alt Right press is already reporting real fractures within the Republican party. Priebus is hated in Tea Party nation and while the recent staffing move pointing him and Bannon in a co-top leadership position will not satisfy TP nation -- they have already threatened war if Priebus is in any position. Also, staffing positions with re-tread, Republican establishment has-beens is not playing very well in TP nation, either. So while Republicans gloat and through their win in everyone's faces, once they come down from their euphoric high there will be more than a few that will start having buyers remorse.

    And it will be these same people with buyers remorse that will be the first to turn on Trump once the already talked about plan to impeach Trump in order to get a real conservative as President, like Pence, gets rolling.

  23. #123


    Not a democrat or republican, hate them equally but I must admit I was rooting for Trump. Not because I liked the guy, but I simply couldn't trust Hillary. IMO, Hillary lost the election by her own doing but only after she vowed to accept the results whatever they may be. In retrospect, I doubt she ever meant that because she thought she could never lose, because she was being lied to by her staff and the complicit liberal media about her meteoritic advance in the polls 😏😝 Evidently, she still doesn't accept the results by her silence to the protests which are now being dubbed the "purple revolution".

    Back to the topic. What will Trump do for Detroits inner city? We know DG met with Hillary but I'm not sure if he eluded to supporting her. Personally, I have more confidence in two experienced businessmen and property developers doing what's right for Detroit over a corrupt career politician reverting back to the old style Detroit pay-to-play economics.

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by SammyS View Post
    Personally, I have more confidence in two experienced businessmen and property developers doing what's right for Detroit over a corrupt career politician reverting back to the old style Detroit pay-to-play economics.
    Who are these "two experienced businessmen" you're referring to, and why would you assume that "experienced businessmen" would have the acumen to solve social problems?

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
    Who are these "two experienced businessmen" you're referring to, and why would you assume that "experienced businessmen" would have the acumen to solve social problems?
    You know exactly who I'm talking about. Would you agree DG has done more for Detroit than any politician in the recent past? And I also mean socially through job opportunities and new businesses.

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