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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    No GDDT Clarify your own ignorance. Everything you mention about Trump reads like a HRC resume. The only difference is that she never completed anything that benefited the general populace. Only her own bank account. She has destroyed lives in all she has touched from her time in her personal law practice to S.O.S. it's a story of death and deception and a growing bank account.
    No I don't worship the ground Trump walks on. He's only a man. But I see that fact that everyone deeply entrenched in this corrupt system of government is against him. The government media complex is against him. The worlds socialist leaders are against him. The corporate globalists are against him. And yet there he is. Exposing them for the hypocrites they are.
    To vote for a third party now is a vote thrown away. I did this in my younger day and I've seen the results. Trumps election will probably be the fertile ground that does bring about a viable third party in the future especially since the Republican establishment is self destructing.

    So go ahead and worship the Hillary corporate globalist Democrat. It shows your allegiance to the current government structure of handouts.

    I.O.U. a beer...

  2. #102


    I agree! Illustrated indeed-full color! And well, even when Mrs. Clinton wins how do you forget about all of this, especially if her policy going forth pings loud to what was debated?

    Mr. Trump won't be there to focus upon eh', um, in stark contrast? Interesting times ahead.

    Yet, how does one un-see what which has been seen? Then again, we'll all be so doggone burnt out that anything may go forth. But your party won! Woo-hoo!

    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    He was just practicing before hand. The one positive out of him running is he is helping to illustrate the hypocrisy and back room maneuvering that everyone knew existed in politics.

    He is outmaneuvering the creators at their own game.
    Last edited by Zacha341; October-16-16 at 11:35 AM.

  3. #103


    A probable Hillary presidency has Russia building bomb shelters and recalling its citizens living abroad. US workers should be equally worried about their futures based on Hillary's record and stated goals.

    Recent email leaks have portrayed Hillary as the champion of the elite. She promises "immigration reforms" to bring in more foreign workers and keep the illegal ones here. The Law of Supply and demand says more people competing for the same number of jobs drives down wages. She promises to bring in huge numbers of Syrian refugees she created to similarly take US jobs and soak up social services designed to help Americans assuring us they will be vetted. In one of her speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs for $675,000, Hillary described the 83% of Americans who do not want immigration increased as being "fundamentally unAmerican". In another WikiLeak, Hillary supports "open borders" when giving a paid speech to a Brazilian Bank. "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders..." But now, for the election, Hillary claims she is against the TPP that she previously described as"the gold standard in free trade agreements" As Senator, Hillary helped open up a TATA office in New York. TATA is the Indian firm specializing in replacing higher paid US workers with lower paid Indian IT workers and known for its contracts requiring fired US workers to train their replacements.

    Hillary bombs Muslims and then brings in the survivors as refugees. Hillary does everything imaginable to hurt US workers and then supports higher minimum wages [[let them eat cake). Hillary accuses Trump of groping after defending rapists and while she supports drafting our daughters. Its a pattern. Perhaps Hillary is appealing to the sado-masochist vote and the rest of us just can't see that. What next in Hillary's sado-masochist narrative, teaching our children to hide under their desks when the air raid siren goes off?
    Last edited by oladub; October-16-16 at 10:57 AM.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    What next... teaching our children to hide under their desks when the air raid siren goes off?
    No, teaching our children to hide under their desks, while "well vetted" Jihadists blast away @ a school Christmas party.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; October-16-16 at 11:34 AM.

  5. #105


    ^^^ Or perhaps both!

  6. #106


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    I agree! Illustrated indeed-full color! And well, even when Mrs. Clinton wins how do you forget about all of this, especially if her policy going forth pings loud to what was debated?

    Mr. Trump won't be there to focus upon eh', um, in stark contrast? Interesting times ahead.

    Yet, how does one un-see what which has been seen? Then again, we'll all be so doggone burnt out that anything may go forth. But your party won! Woo-hoo!
    Zacha it will be easy to forget what happens when HRC wins.

    There will be the fairness doctrine limited free speech as anything disputing the offical party line will be labeled as "Hate Speech."

    Unemployment and crime will be up as unchecked immigration is the norm.

    You won't be able to fight for personal safety because an executive order will ban the individual from buying ammo, especially for handguns or "Assault Weapons."

    And the majority of "Merica" [[hahaha...) will be on the government teat.

    But who will care as long as one gets their government handout of "Pot" the modern day "Soma."

  7. #107
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    The first presidential campaign I worked on was for Goldwater. I have been a Republican all my life, and while I often cross the aisle, I stay pretty close to my belief that center-right is the best way to go.

    Not this year.

    I am for Gary Johnson even though he hasn't a smidgen of a chance. I am voting for Johnson because the two-parties have brought us two horrid choices and we feel we have no choice but to vote for evil or the spawn of evil.

    Part of the reason we have no choice is because no third party has been able to crack into the public funds that have been set aside for presidential elections.

    They need 15% in 2016 to qualify for public financing in 2020.

    So I am not wasting my vote, voting for the future.

    Join me.
    Agree that a third party vote is not a wasted vote except I'm going Green.
    People saying it's the wrong time to vote third party are wrong. It's the perfect time with the 2 worst candidates in history. [[Though I don't have a lot of hope that all the votes will be counted accurately.)
    Last edited by Pam; October-17-16 at 12:26 PM.

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Agree that a third party vote is not a wasted vote except I'm going Green.
    People saying it's the wrong time to vote third party are wrong. It's the perfect time with the 2 worst candidates in history. [[Though I don't have a lot of hope that all the votes will be counted accurately.)
    Problem is that 3rd party bleeds votes from election. Neither stands a chance and haven't built a platform up to a national level to even be considered. The argument that they don't have the funds to do so is represented by the fact that they don't have the groundswell of support to warrant it.
    The fact is that the major parties use the third party support to bleed votes away from their candidates opponents.
    During a national election where supreme court justice nominations and the approval of a global socialist agenda are at stake, a vote for a third party is wasted.
    "United We Stand." R.P.

  9. #109


    The same man who sponsored 'the birther movement' now brings you 'the fixed election'....no coincidence there ! When this is over, the Republicans will still have to face their biggest enemy....themselves.

    Before the release of the sex tape, I wouldn't have known Billy Bush Jr. from Billy Carter Jr. Then I hear they were paying the guy 3 million bucks a year. He wouldn't have done that job for $300,000 ? We should all be pissed that he didn't alert his own cousins about the tape's existence during the Republican primaries.

    Still chuckling about Geraldo's tapes. Apparently left on the cutting room floor of his brother's basement...probably after someone pointed out to him his own career might be in jeopardy by what they included. What a circus !

  10. #110


    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    The same man who sponsored 'the birther movement' now brings you 'the fixed election'....no coincidence there ! When this is over, the Republicans will still have to face their biggest enemy....themselves.

    Do you mean Podesta, HRC's advisor? He was the one that suggested citizenship as an issue during HRC's run against O.

    And yes the Replublican and Democrat parties are both imploding.

  11. #111
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    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Problem is that 3rd party bleeds votes from election. Neither stands a chance and haven't built a platform up to a national level to even be considered. The argument that they don't have the funds to do so is represented by the fact that they don't have the groundswell of support to warrant it.
    The fact is that the major parties use the third party support to bleed votes away from their candidates opponents.
    During a national election where supreme court justice nominations and the approval of a global socialist agenda are at stake, a vote for a third party is wasted.
    "United We Stand." R.P.
    Sorry neither Trump or Clinton reflect my views so I won't vote for either.
    What global socialist agenda? There is a global oligarchic corporate agenda.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bong-Man View Post
    The same man who sponsored 'the birther movement' now brings you 'the fixed election'....no coincidence there ! When this is over, the Republicans will still have to face their biggest enemy....themselves.

    Before the release of the sex tape, I wouldn't have known Billy Bush Jr. from Billy Carter Jr. Then I hear they were paying the guy 3 million bucks a year. He wouldn't have done that job for $300,000 ? We should all be pissed that he didn't alert his own cousins about the tape's existence during the Republican primaries.

    Still chuckling about Geraldo's tapes. Apparently left on the cutting room floor of his brother's basement...probably after someone pointed out to him his own career might be in jeopardy by what they included. What a circus !
    The Democratic primary was rigged. May I suggest you do some reading starting here? The Bernie Sanders supporters watched it happen. People stuck in lines to vote for hours, people finding their registrations were flipped or erased, people finding boxes of ballots with Bernie's name whited out...and more. These things all happened.


  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Sorry neither Trump or Clinton reflect my views so I won't vote for either.
    What global socialist agenda? There is a global oligarchic corporate agenda.
    Pam I understand your frustration with the candidates at hand but that is what we are left with.

    One has had the reigns of government in her hands, is backed heavily by foreign dollars and wants open borders and the TPP. [[her words not mine.)

    The other throws around rhetoric around that attempts to unify and then says something to inflame the very parties he is courting. He has the status quo entrenched against him but at the very least has used his dollars to run a campaign aimed at making changes to the globalist positions that those corporations are lobbying government for. [[Mabey because he didn't get invited to the party I don't know.)
    Either way we know the outcome if HRC gets in. We are less sure we know if it's Trump.
    Logic say's doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome is ridiculous. Voting for a third party will assure HRC's election.
    I'll take the chance on the unknown.
    But it is your vote and at least you are casting it.

  14. #114


    I just wonder how little will be on social media once the election is over.

  15. #115

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Pam I understand your frustration with the candidates at hand but that is what we are left with.

    One has had the reigns of government in her hands, is backed heavily by foreign dollars and wants open borders and the TPP. [[her words not mine.)

    The other throws around rhetoric around that attempts to unify and then says something to inflame the very parties he is courting. He has the status quo entrenched against him but at the very least has used his dollars to run a campaign aimed at making changes to the globalist positions that those corporations are lobbying government for. [[Mabey because he didn't get invited to the party I don't know.)
    Either way we know the outcome if HRC gets in. We are less sure we know if it's Trump.
    Logic say's doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome is ridiculous. Voting for a third party will assure HRC's election.
    I'll take the chance on the unknown.
    But it is your vote and at least you are casting it.
    A lot of former Democrats are going Green, so them voting for a third party is not going to help Hillary.

    There are actually 6 party choices for President on the Michigan ballot. Dem. Repub, Libertarian, Green, US Taxpayers, and Natural Law party.
    Last edited by Pam; October-18-16 at 05:47 PM.

  17. #117


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post

    There are actually 6 party choices for President on the Michigan ballot. Dem. Repub, Libertarian, Green, US Taxpayers, and Natural Law party.
    Either Clinton or Trump will be President and voting for any of the others is a vote against both of them. SO IT'S A WASTED VOTE and dodging a responsibility.

    Pam, when the s**t hits the fan on the 8th vote for Donald - remember it will be payback time for what she did to Bernie; [[or vote for Clinton).

  18. #118


    There is no truth to the rumor that Donald Trump has modeled his campaign on that of
    J. R. "Bob" Dobbs.
    The theology holds that "Bob" is the greatest salesman who ever lived,...
    Last edited by Jimaz; October-19-16 at 07:51 PM.

  19. #119


    Debate #3 results: Clinton is the next President, Trump "News" TV is born.

  20. #120


    Lol,I think it is to early to tell,still 20 days left and a lot can happen.

    You have to give him credit for not taking her bait.

  21. #121


    Woo-hoo! Let the coronation begin! And a new reality show to soothe the masses! Awesome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobl View Post
    Debate #3 results: Clinton is the next President, Trump "News" TV is born.
    Last edited by Zacha341; October-20-16 at 05:27 AM.

  22. #122

  23. #123


    Hmmn Both articles focus in on Trumps not embracing the results with out a fight.
    They must have short term memory as Al Gore didn't embrace the results and kept fighting for the hanging chads.

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    Either Clinton or Trump will be President and voting for any of the others is a vote against both of them. SO IT'S A WASTED VOTE and dodging a responsibility.
    You are right, it is a vote against both of them! I don't call that a waste. I think that is the responsible thing to do and we should all do it.

  25. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    You are right, it is a vote against both of them! I don't call that a waste. I think that is the responsible thing to do and we should all do it.
    I agree with Pam. Clinton's rhetoric towards Russia is particularly terrifying. Let's get into Iraq 2.0 only this time Russia and Iran are on their side. Whatever could go wrong with that?

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