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  1. #76


    Maybe Donald Trump as a narcissist got in way over head [[if possible), and never expected it to go this far?

    Now we are stuck with it.

  2. #77


    So this is what were left with? Do not make eye contact. Avoid orange hair at all cost
    Look closely at the mouth for suppositories.. And avoid all rabid followers.

    #Rabid followers

  3. #78


    She said,30 years ago after take off he lifted the armrest and started groping me.

    Has anybody ever saw an arm rest in first class that could be lifted?

    Looking at pics of 80' s planes private and public,do not see any.

  4. #79


    I refuse to vote for Mussolini or Nixon in a pantsuit. I'm voting for Stein in the hopes she'll get 5% with matching federal funds and guaranteed ballot access. That is if WW3 doesn't cancel the 2020 election.

  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by KJ5 View Post
    I refuse to vote for Mussolini or Nixon in a pantsuit. I'm voting for Stein in the hopes she'll get 5% with matching federal funds and guaranteed ballot access. That is if WW3 doesn't cancel the 2020 election.
    That is kinda like the same hope everybody else has with their preferred candidates.

    The one thing that is showing the truly disgusting side of this country is the name calling and degradation of those who not believe in their choice of candidates,people are just out right mean,I will choose who I feel is right and I respect everybody else who chooses their candidate that is of their choice.

    We do not need WW3 we are doing just fine imploding on ourselves without outside help.

    What is really odd is I have a friend from the UK and he was in phone conversation,kinda like trying to convince me that the US should stay and why they should,with England.

    He is here 120 days out of the year and has been for over 20 years and is in his early 60s and knows both systems pretty well, so it makes me wonder about if there is a message being sent that we are going to become a nation upon itself ?

    Granted Mr. Trump has said some things that at face value mean nothing when it comes to implementation and Hillary does have some scary stuff going on in the middle east,but it would appear that other countries are viewing their alignment and seeking to find out who their friends are when it hits the fan.

    We only receive the news that media wants us to see but I am thinking something much bigger is brewing over there.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Trump may not be a good choice but Hillary is a known poison. Trump's willingness to promote detente with Russia is an easy choice compared with Hillary's neocon positions and history of rekindling the cold war. Why would anyone in their right mind want to vote for Hillary after her catastrophic policies in Ukraine, Libya, and Syria and her cheerleading support and vote for the Iraq war? Hillary's desire to overthrow Assad is not worth risking WWIII.

    Trump has also been explicit in supporting the reigning in free trade treaties, enforcing border security, and naturalization law; all of which would help US workers whose wages have been in decline. Hillary, in contrast, supports the Soros agenda of open borders, groups fighting each other, cheap labor, and 1%er control. Trump wants to temporarily restrict Muslim immigration. Hillary wants the Syrian refugees her policies created to flood into the US even after what happened in Europe and incidents like 9/11 here.
    Yes, the war and trade issues are getting him votes from some of the former Bernie people.

  7. #82


    I'm getting all sorts of "agro" from my wife over this Election. Evidently I groped her about 50 years ago and I haven't done it again in the last 45 years and she wants to know why! [[my memory is completely blank on the subject).

    She says she rejected me the first time round but she's not pleased that I've stopped trying. Just goes to show how dangerous groping is; you try it out when you suffer from an excess of virility and you can end up with the same gropee forever, and you're never allowed to forget how you got there.
    Last edited by coracle; October-14-16 at 07:41 AM.

  8. #83


    I'm confused as to why conservatives think they should be able to control the Supreme Court. Only 3 out of 10 voters identify as being conservative. How does that warrant a majority ? Certainly being politically conservative is different than judicially conservative, but they're cars being pulled by the same train. Allow me to fulfill your Halloween conservative nightmares...if there's multiple openings, your current President may very well be a nominee. I can feel your shivers from here.

    Forget the issues a second, and look at Trump's campaign organization. He's had 3 managers. He's had 3 because he's not very good at taking advice from other people. Like the Lions, he also has no political ground game whatsoever. If organizational skills and finding the right people are supposed to be part of his skill-set, he sure hasn't demonstrated that in his campaign.

    And finally my favorite subject, the religious right. Still hell-bent on over-turning a more than 50 year old law from the last century, without even a thought that the Republican Party has given them nothing but lip service for two generations. Poll after poll will tell you that most of America is against abortion, yet the Religious Right fails to understand that isn't even the issue. They're still hell-bent on making a personal decision a group one. Most women will choose against abortion, they're just not interested in ever giving up the option to a bunch of old grey-haired men. Stay out of my house, my bedroom, and my vagina. Still lost on the issue, such 'reputable' people like Jerry Falwell Jr. are willing to look past sexual assault and a moronic bigoted birther movement just for the lost cause. It's truly amazing to watch and listen to their supposed rational thinking towards the separation of church and State. What others embrace let's me know why I left the 'hocus pocus' behind years ago.

  9. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I'm getting all sorts of "agro" from my wife over this Election. Evidently I groped her about 50 years ago and I haven't done it again in the last 45 years and she wants to know why! [[my memory is completely blank on the subject).

    She says she rejected me the first time round but she's not pleased that I've stopped trying. Just goes to show how dangerous groping is; you try it out when you suffer from an excess of virility and you can end up with the same gropee forever, and you're never allowed to forget how you got there.

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I'm getting all sorts of "agro" from my wife over this Election. Evidently I groped her about 50 years ago and I haven't done it again in the last 45 years and she wants to know why! [[my memory is completely blank on the subject).

    She says she rejected me the first time round but she's not pleased that I've stopped trying. Just goes to show how dangerous groping is; you try it out when you suffer from an excess of virility and you can end up with the same gropee forever, and you're never allowed to forget how you got there.
    Timely. And possibly offensive. Based on context as portrayed, seems safe though. The witty self-deprecation makes this anecdote ironic. After all, this would likely be sexual assault or domestic abuse were the groped [[wife) to find the groping objectionable. My virgin ears and all [[courtesy to Ben Carson).

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by GMan View Post
    Well it wasn't quite 50 years ago; it only feels like it. The bit about the loss of memory is an "I don't recall" tactic in case I get questioned on detail and get mixed up with an unrelated grope and initiate a "that wasn't me" moment.

  12. #87


    Stuck wid the both of 'em! Hah!

    He needed to know you usually have to be a politician FIRST before you can get away with what he's done. You cannot become a politician with that much baggage!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bigb23 View Post
    Maybe Donald Trump as a narcissist got in way over head [[if possible), and never expected it to go this far?

    Now we are stuck with it.
    Last edited by Zacha341; October-14-16 at 01:54 PM.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Stuck wid the both of 'em! Hah!

    He needed to know you usually have to be a politician FIRST before you can get away with at least what he's done. You cannot become a politician with that much baggage!
    He was just practicing before hand. The one positive out of him running is he is helping to illustrate the hypocrisy and back room maneuvering that everyone knew existed in politics.

    He is outmaneuvering the creators at their own game.

  14. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Yes, the war and trade issues are getting him votes from some of the former Bernie people.
    "I sure won't sleep well at night if Donald Trump is elected, but I sure won't sleep well at night if Hillary Clinton elected. We have another choice other than these two candidates who are both promoting lethal policies.

    On the issue of war and nuclear weapons, it is actually Hillary's policies which are much scarier than Donald Trump who does not want to go to war with Russia.

    He wants to seek modes of working together, which is the route that we need to follow not to go into confrontation and nuclear war with Russia."
    -Jill Stein

    Jill Stein: Trump Is Less Dangerous Than Clinton; She Will Start Nuclear War With Russia

  15. #90


    When I watched the last debate, Trump paced like a brutish animal behind Clinton and interrupted her and carried on much longer when he was told his time was up.

    When the issues of taxes not being payed came up, Trump: a.) said Clinton didn't do enough in office to prevent the loopholes that allowed him to do this. This is basically stating "I did it, and it was justified because you didn't keep a better eye on me." My brother pointed out that this was the same excuse used by the woman who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from the school/church I used to attendhttps://books.google.com/books?id=2h...%20ann&f=false-she basically said "well, you should've kept a better eye on things." Great way to blame the victim for not having the omnipotent power to be everywhere at once. Oh, and yes, there were priggish church lady friends of her's who would swear up and down that she didn't do it-making excuses all the way, like some folks do Trump. b.) Trump also justified his tax problems by saying that all of "Hillary's friends got away with the same thing." This is the childish "Well, everyone else was doing it" excuse, and it doesn't work with the police when they pull you over for speeding like everyone else.

  16. #91


    Oh, and I can't resist providing you with these Oliver updates.

    He may be no Thom Hartmann, but enjoy....

    Oh by the way, there were aspects of Hiliary's "performance" that did annoy me, as she did exploit some heart-tugging human interest shielding and manipulation tactics. Also, I had to cringe heavily when one station brought out James Carville to interview. I felt like I was back in the 90's, and I like the 90's, but it was more like the most unsavory aspects of the 90's.

    Folks, I never liked Jesus Jones, please make them and Right Said Fred go away.
    Last edited by G-DDT; October-14-16 at 10:37 PM.

  17. #92


    I will have to go with the candidate that isn't insane.

  18. #93


    The first presidential campaign I worked on was for Goldwater. I have been a Republican all my life, and while I often cross the aisle, I stay pretty close to my belief that center-right is the best way to go.

    Not this year.

    I am for Gary Johnson even though he hasn't a smidgen of a chance. I am voting for Johnson because the two-parties have brought us two horrid choices and we feel we have no choice but to vote for evil or the spawn of evil.

    Part of the reason we have no choice is because no third party has been able to crack into the public funds that have been set aside for presidential elections.

    They need 15% in 2016 to qualify for public financing in 2020.

    So I am not wasting my vote, voting for the future.

    Join me.

  19. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    The first presidential campaign I worked on was for Goldwater. I have been a Republican all my life, and while I often cross the aisle, I stay pretty close to my belief that center-right is the best way to go.

    Not this year.

    I am for Gary Johnson even though he hasn't a smidgen of a chance. I am voting for Johnson because the two-parties have brought us two horrid choices and we feel we have no choice but to vote for evil or the spawn of evil.

    Part of the reason we have no choice is because no third party has been able to crack into the public funds that have been set aside for presidential elections.

    They need 15% in 2016 to qualify for public financing in 2020.

    So I am not wasting my vote, voting for the future.

    Join me.
    Sorry cant join you here. A vote for a 3rd party a such in such a crucial time as this is a vote thrown away.
    We will end up with a known failure at foreign and domestic policy [[ Hillary) or an unknown that the establishment is doing its best to defeat because he just might put a damper on their raping and pillaging of this country.

    No I am not enamored with Trump, but if you look at the enemies trying to defeat him, his flaws look small in comparison.
    It's sort of funny how the liberals have a new found morality when it comes to Trumps supposed aggression's to women but how they gave B. Clinton a pass when his aggression's were proven actions, some committed while he was on the job. [[Blue Dress)

    Let's take this off the table and talk about Hillary's actions while S.O.S.
    She fueled the unrest in the middle east which allowed our enemies to flourish all the while the Clinton Foundation was accepting money from the Saudi's and Qatar who were also funding what is now ISIS
    Hillary and Bill... Give up that money from those foriegn governments and send it to Flint, or Baltimore or Furgeson.
    Stop using this country to make your family richer.

  20. #95


    People saying flipped out things online that all Trump "ever did" was "say some mean things". To clarify the ignorance of a previous poster, Trump has been courting politics since the 80's when we had guys like David Duke, Pat Robertson, and just some old Yale-y Phi Beta Kappa/Skull & Bones oil millionaire envoy to China who also happened to be a UN ambassador and head of the CIA and member of the Council of Foreign Relations and among many clubs-the Bohemian Grove and [[like Goldwater) despised Civil Rights [[but we were constantly fed this line from everyone in the media to SNL that he was just an "innocuous wimp"-yeah, I don't think so....) all looking to get a foothold in the main political spotlight.

    Trump is in the business of ruining lives. He pisses away other folk's investments and comes out unscathed. He sociopathically steps on every little person in his land grabs and developments. He ruined folks with his university and with his casinos http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-dru...-little-people. Alsohttp://www.syracuse.com/politics/ind...our_state.html.

    Do not fool yourself. Trump is in it for Trump. Whether he is placed there to sow discord and make others look better, give Pence a leg up to get in, be the figurehead for the fascist "new clampdown" that may affect the entire Western Hemisphere, or just playing out some garishly epitomized role of an "Anti-Christ" to prove the dispensational evangelicals right in their "prophetic time-lining" that they want to get everyone locked into, Trump will cause much more bad than good and not care what path of destruction he leaves in his wake. He is not mere bluster and bad manners. He is as I pointed out, someone who acts like a despised callous sociopath who wallows in his own crapulence.

    There is no apologetics for him. There is no excuse for his behavior. There are veteran members of the press who frequently comment that this is the most ridiculous election they have ever seen.

  21. #96


    The scariest thing about this election is the enthusiasm for Trump that borders on hero worship for a chump. I really hate to see folks rave for a new messiah to flat out dismiss everything that seems wrong in their lives. Looking for a strong leader in someone like Mussolini, a soulless clown, a weathervane, a lazy hate monger that screams for the masses but never has a thought for a single one of them.

  22. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    The scariest thing about this election is the enthusiasm for Trump that borders on hero worship for a chump. I really hate to see folks rave for a new messiah to flat out dismiss everything that seems wrong in their lives. Looking for a strong leader in someone like Mussolini, a soulless clown, a weathervane, a lazy hate monger that screams for the masses but never has a thought for a single one of them.
    Granted, I wouldn't wish this on anyone, but this is what became of Benito in the end.http://www.historyinanhour.com/2010/...ini-execution/

  23. #98


    One point I forgot to bring up in post #95 is that Clinton [[like Carter before him, but oddly enough, not like Obama, which has me lawyers seeing Obama leaning more towards Reagan than Clinton ever could) boycotted the Alfalfa Club.

  24. #99


    I hear you on this perspective G! "...evil or the spawn of evil"...... Yeah it's all a bit too derivative for me as well.

    And I hate how this specific election is causing so much enmity between friends/ family to even discuss, defend or defer not to re. these two.

    The latest argumentation advancing Mrs. Clinton I engaged to a point was that if she were REALLY that corrupt, the debate moderators would of course bring up examples for her to explain. So she must be ok! ---- How do you even respond to that?

    Where do you even start!?

    I find many of the pro Trump arguments and justifications equally troublesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    I am voting for Johnson because the two-parties have brought us two horrid choices and we feel we have no choice but to vote for evil or the spawn of evil.

    Part of the reason we have no choice is because no third party has been able to crack into the public funds that have been set aside for presidential elections.
    Last edited by Zacha341; October-16-16 at 09:24 AM.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by G-DDT View Post
    People saying flipped out things online that all Trump "ever did" was "say some mean things". To clarify the ignorance of a previous poster, Trump has been courting politics since the 80's when we had guys like David Duke, Pat Robertson, and just some old Yale-y Phi Beta Kappa/Skull & Bones oil millionaire envoy to China who also happened to be a UN ambassador and head of the CIA and member of the Council of Foreign Relations and among many clubs-the Bohemian Grove and [[like Goldwater) despised Civil Rights [[but we were constantly fed this line from everyone in the media to SNL that he was just an "innocuous wimp"-yeah, I don't think so....) all looking to get a foothold in the main political spotlight.

    Trump is in the business of ruining lives. He pisses away other folk's investments and comes out unscathed. He sociopathically steps on every little person in his land grabs and developments. He ruined folks with his university and with his casinos http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-dru...-little-people. Alsohttp://www.syracuse.com/politics/ind...our_state.html.

    Do not fool yourself. Trump is in it for Trump. Whether he is placed there to sow discord and make others look better, give Pence a leg up to get in, be the figurehead for the fascist "new clampdown" that may affect the entire Western Hemisphere, or just playing out some garishly epitomized role of an "Anti-Christ" to prove the dispensational evangelicals right in their "prophetic time-lining" that they want to get everyone locked into, Trump will cause much more bad than good and not care what path of destruction he leaves in his wake. He is not mere bluster and bad manners. He is as I pointed out, someone who acts like a despised callous sociopath who wallows in his own crapulence.

    There is no apologetics for him. There is no excuse for his behavior. There are veteran members of the press who frequently comment that this is the most ridiculous election they have ever seen.
    No GDDT Clarify your own ignorance. Everything you mention about Trump reads like a HRC resume. The only difference is that she never completed anything that benefited the general populace. Only her own bank account. She has destroyed lives in all she has touched from her time in her personal law practice to S.O.S. it's a story of death and deception and a growing bank account.
    No I don't worship the ground Trump walks on. He's only a man. But I see that fact that everyone deeply entrenched in this corrupt system of government is against him. The government media complex is against him. The worlds socialist leaders are against him. The corporate globalists are against him. And yet there he is. Exposing them for the hypocrites they are.
    To vote for a third party now is a vote thrown away. I did this in my younger day and I've seen the results. Trumps election will probably be the fertile ground that does bring about a viable third party in the future especially since the Republican establishment is self destructing.

    So go ahead and worship the Hillary corporate globalist Democrat. It shows your allegiance to the current government structure of handouts.


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