Michigan Central Restored and Opening

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  1. #151


    A few random thoughts,not sure why.

    How does a white boy in the hood that has known him all of his life all of the sudden gain the trust of the much older players and begin moving weight as a wholesaler? Surly they will red flag his connections from the start.

    As a wholesaler they find 8 kilos,if he was moving weight and wholesaling,why 8 kilos?He would have been fronted 10,20,30 etc.Not that I would know,but 8 is odd,or part of a much larger shipment.I would say there was a much larger shipment that was known about but they could only tie the 8.

    His sentence should be lighter because he had no gun? He is playing the game and wholesaling,carrying 8 kilos with no gun? Seems like he would be a easy mark for every crack head with a baseball bat.No matter who he is a dealer with 8 kilos would have been a target for the likes of the curry brothers and he would have been found floating without a second thought.

    Why did he dump his original lawyer for the next one? Because a girl told him to? Then the next one he already knows has connections to the very people that are reportedly keeping him in prison.Makes no sense.

    There are 4000 incarcerated for life in drug cases what makes him any different?

    So he becomes a snitch,then he becomes picky on who he snitches with and gets nothing in writing concerning what was in it for him,he had a lawyer and his lawyer surly would have made sure of that.

    Parole board.

    So what they going to look at?

    1. Does he show remorse and accept his actions?

    No,he seems to be constantly blaming others for his reason being there it is their fault he is still there.

    Constantly berating everybody and saying they are all stupid etc. is probably not going to gain one any points.

    2. Has be been a model prisoner and shown he is ready to assimilate back into society.

    While in has he received his GED?

    Has he taken any other courses that would help him on the outside to make a living without returning back to the life of crime?

    Has he committed other crimes while incarcerated?

    Does he really think others are so stupid to believe that someone incarcerated doing a deal with another inmate is or was above the line? He tried a game and lost and it was everybody else fault and he was the bystander.

    These are just some of the things that the parole board are going to be looking at.

    If what is posted is true and others are conspiring to keep him there one could guess the history,which seems to continue today,of constantly running his mouth and unable to keep secrets is proving time and time again he cannot be trusted,maybe it would have been better to do the time and keep to ones self without all of the name calling and trying to out others and make them to look like the fool.Not helping the cause.

    To stand up an say it was a victim less crime is just plain stupid I do not not care what agency one works for and is an insult to others.

    It was the 80s and the country was awash with cocaine and the violence and destruction that followed,a reaction was needed and tough laws were enacted in an attempt to stem the tide and show others that the leadership in power at the time that something was being done.

    There are agency's that are involved with the process to amend those laws including some judges that feel it a bit harsh,with some results,they take on cases pro bono,or become involved with cases on the national level which is what it is going to take to resolve some of these situations,maybe try that.

    Everything you are saying is hearsay no proof,if he was working for the feds he would have cut a deal to do his time federal and have a change of venue,bid his time and go in front of a more lenient federal judge.

    It kinda sounds like he was playing all the agency's against each other trying to be smarter then them and lost the game and pissed somebody off.

    Bottom line start kissing ass no matter what it takes if one wants to get out.
    You are not going to fight the system and win.

    Close the mouth.stop name calling and blaming the system and everybody involved in it and be the little church mouse and prove to the panel that one is ready to return to society.

    It does not matter the difference between who is right or wrong,or who did what,what matters is who is sitting behind bars at the end of the day.Because in the end everybody else is going to be looking out for their interests maybe start looking out for yours by telling people what they want to hear.

  2. #152

  3. #153


    Sounds like you have a lot of questions you failed to answer yourself, Dick. You're making assumption and wrong guesses based on little information and little to knowledge of Rick.

  4. #154


    I wonder how many youtube documentaries have sprung up over time?

  5. #155


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    His sentence should be lighter because he had no gun?

    because murderers and rapists have gotten less time than rick.

    his punishment dont fit the crime. its really simple.

  6. #156


    None worth watching. imo.

  7. #157


    "Detroit media coverage of the story of Richard Wershe, Jr., better known to the public as White Boy Rick thanks to relentless media use of that nickname, has been deplorable, shoddy and often wrong for close to 30 years. The inexcusable erroneous reporting calling him a “drug lord” and “kingpin” is one of the reasons Wershe has been in prison since age 18. Detroit's news media owes it to this man to finally tell his story correctly." - http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...nearly-30.html

  8. #158


    "Richard Wershe, Jr., known to most of the public as White Boy Rick, grew up in and was prosecuted as a drug dealer in one of the most corrupt cities in America. The police case against Wershe is shaky, to put it mildly. But the deck was stacked against him. Working as a teen confidential informant for the FBI he told on some very powerful people who were corrupt and politically connected. It appears his prosecution and continued imprisonment was/is an organized effort to teach a lesson to others who would dare to tell the truth about drug corruption in the criminal justice system of Detroit. This blog post focuses on one example of why that may be true." - http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...k-wershes.html

  9. #159

  10. #160



    Richard Wershe appeal to change his conviction case had been dropped! At last his prison will be his tomb forever!

    Here's the proof!


    I do believe some of Coleman Young's Gang members and his clique friends who now work for the Michigan Court of Appeals want the snitch in prison forever. Coleman Young in fact called him " a stool pigeon."
    Last edited by Danny; September-29-15 at 04:08 PM.

  11. #161


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post

    Richard Wershe appeal to change his conviction case had been dropped! At last his prison will be his tomb forever!

    Here's the proof!


    I do believe some of Coleman Young's Gang members and his clique friends who now work for the Michigan Court of Appeals want the snitch in prison forever. Coleman Young in fact called him " a stool pigeon."

    Coleman Young. In other news: Kwame loves bubba..

  12. #162


    Danny.. you'll be dead long before Rick. Rick will be freed.

  13. #163


    "Rick Wershe’s battle for freedom continues. He suffered another legal setback when the Michigan Court of Appeals rejected a Detroit judge’s plan to re-sentence him to time served. It may be time to start fighting for Wershe’s civil rights. This post explains why there is a good case to be made that his civil rights have been and continue to be violated." - http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...unishment.html

  14. #164


    "At Rick Wershe’s 2003 parole “hearing” a Drug Enforcement Administration agent presented “evidence” to show Wershe, known in the media as White Boy Rick, was a drug “kingpin” in Detroit. He submitted a DEA investigative report of a “debriefing” of Roy Grisson, one of Wershe’s close associates, alleging the then-17-year old Wershe was peddling 200 kilos of cocaine a month in Detroit. Grisson has at long last been located and he categorically denies everything in the DEA document attributed to him. “I never heard such a crock in my life,” Grisson says." - http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...enies-dea.html

  15. #165


    "Law enforcement and the criminal justice system need to hang their heads in shame for keeping Wershe in prison for a life prison term when everyone else in Michigan prisons convicted of the same non-violent drug crime committed as a juvenile has been set free. The only difference between Wershe and all the others is he exposed police/political corruption." - http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...in-prison.html

    Information, documents, links, etc related to Rick Wershe and his case:

  16. #166


    "Police officers lying in court to support criminal cases is a long-standing scandal of nationwide proportions. Prosecutors and judges know it but there’s little they can do to stop it because it’s become so ingrained in our “law and order” criminal justice system. It certainly is a factor in the life sentence of Richard J. Wershe, Jr. In fact, his reputation as a “drug lord” and drug “kingpin” is built on police lies as Informant America has demonstrated week after week."

    read more: http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...-of-lying.html

  17. #167


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyM View Post
    "Police officers lying in court to support criminal cases is a long-standing scandal of nationwide proportions.
    I don't know where you folks dig up these lines. I spent 29 years with the DPD. I can honestly state I have never lied in court. I never would. I respect all the oaths I took, both with the DPD and in court testimony. I can remember at least a half dozen cases where a case was dropped on me [[as a detective) that just didn't look right, and I busted my ass to prove the arrested subject was wrongly accused [[although the circumstances at the time of the arrest pointed to him/her.). I don't know of any other officer who lied in court. It may have rarely happened in matters I was unaware of, but if I knew of ANY perjured testimony, I would have reported it to the prosecuting attorney. I think any fellow officer I knew of felt the same. Goddam it, we had enough good cases without having to invent any! Lots of times we'd have a legitimate businessman arrested for carrying a concealed weapon [[dummy should have obtained a permit) and his attorney would call us and say he was going to obtain a writ of habeas corpus for a 1 pm hearing. We'd tell him not to do that; we'd simply request a denial of warrant from the proscutor due to improper search and we'd have him out of the slammer by 9:30 a.m. [[Oh....we'd also tell the defendant that his attorney did a good job for him so he got paid!) But that's another story.

    Anyway, DaveyM, your generalization of police officers lying in court sucks.

  18. #168


    I will chime in here that I was in court in 2014 related to a crime that occurred in
    my neighborhood, and had to sit through several other court proceedings as well.
    Many of the accused had to have court-appointed attorneys. The accused drug
    dealer was somehow able to have his own attorney, who gave the testifying
    police officer in that case who had pulled over a car for a traffic matter and
    found quantities of drugs in it, a very thorough haranguing and grilling. I
    don't think there was any perjured testimony there, and what a tough job.

  19. #169


    Quote Originally Posted by daveym View Post
    "police officers lying in court to support criminal cases is a long-standing scandal of nationwide proportions. Prosecutors and judges know it but there’s little they can do to stop it because it’s become so ingrained in our “law and order” criminal justice system. It certainly is a factor in the life sentence of richard j. Wershe, jr. In fact, his reputation as a “drug lord” and drug “kingpin” is built on police lies as informant america has demonstrated week after week."

    read more: http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...-of-lying.html


  20. #170


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post

    Anyway, DaveyM, your generalization of police officers lying in court sucks.
    I posted a quote and a link. The post and Vince Wade's piece was not about you. The fact that too many cops lie, file false reports and worse is well known. That piece relates to Rick Wershe's case. Read his whole block for more insight.

  21. #171


    "The fact that too many cops lie, file false reports and worse is well known."

    Well, it ain't known by me through my 29 years experience, nor those of my colleagues in those years. I hold my head high. Vince Wade is looking for ratings. Go figure.

  22. #172


    There is a lot of drug dealers in prison that would have gladly paid up to millions to buy a cops or agents testimony but yet they still sit in prison.This is not 80s South Florida anymore.

    I do not see the end game here,if there was a reason for a LEO to alter their testimony they would have a long time ago or been outed over something else,if all of this was as dramatic as it seems WBR would not even be walking around,somebody holds that 17 kilo debt some where.That is a chunk of change to write off.

    Legal wrangling is understandable,but the whole blaming others seems, instead of accepting responsibility,a bit vindictive and not getting very far.

    Even if he was released today he would still have to come back to Florida to face the time in the whole auto theft thing,based on Florida's points system and willingness to incarcerate he will still be doing time for awhile.

    While we are at it maybe it is time to free Ben Kramer he is also doing life for a lousy 250,000 pounds of weed.
    Last edited by Richard; October-28-15 at 11:08 PM.

  23. #173


    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyM View Post
    I posted a quote and a link. The post and Vince Wade's piece was not about you. The fact that too many cops lie, file false reports and worse is well known. That piece relates to Rick Wershe's case. Read his whole block for more insight.
    There are also a lot of Davey's in the world who are bullies. That does not make you a bully, Davey. And it doesn't make Davey's any more likely to be a bully than the average Joe.

    Calling cops liars just because some reporter has made an allegation is irresponsible and frankly, ignorant.

    We hold cops to high standards. They have great responsibility. Yes, I've met and worked with bad cops. But overall, you insult Ray1936 and others when you can't keep your perspective properly attached.

  24. #174

    Default Another Scholarly Post

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveyM View Post
    "Police officers lying in court to support criminal cases is a long-standing scandal of nationwide proportions. Prosecutors and judges know it but there’s little they can do to stop it because it’s become so ingrained in our “law and order” criminal justice system.

    read more: http://www.thedimedroppers.com/2015/...-of-lying.html
    You’re not just indicting police officers [[shame), you indict our entire justice system. Judges, as well as prosecutors, are included in your scurrilous rant.
    Also your post is a falsehood, filled with ignorant and inflammatory comments.

  25. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    "The fact that too many cops lie, file false reports and worse is well known."

    Well, it ain't known by me through my 29 years experience, nor those of my colleagues in those years. I hold my head high. Vince Wade is looking for ratings. Go figure.
    Yeah that must be it. Guess your years of experience has taught you to look the other way and keep your mouth shut?

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