Quote Originally Posted by Dbest View Post
Exxon vice president J.S. Simon told congress in 2008: "The pursuit of alternative fuels must not detract from the development of oil and gas."

Not that he needs to convince anybody within the US government[[from a 2013 article):

"Don’t be fooled. Renewable investments pale in comparison to the amount of money poured into fossil fuel companies since 1918 to fatten their bottom lines and crowd out competition. Fossil fuels have received around 75 times more subsidies than clean energy. Up to 2011 [[adjusted for inflation), the oil and gas industry received $446.96 billion in cumulative energy subsidies from 1994 to 2009, whereas renewable energy sources received just $5.93 billion. An industry that has been enjoying federal tax subsidies for over a century has no standing to argue for a level playing field."

These groups are the ones responsible for the "snail crawl" in alternative energy development I referred to.

Don't forget about the military money spent protecting the oil flow in the middle east. People are paying on the front end and back end for oil..

Its tough going up against big oil/D.C. establishment, just ask Kennedy...
I look at your facts, and see something entirely different.

"The pursuit of alternative fuels must not detract from the development of oil and gas."

Well of course not. You should do both. And while you add green technologies, you still gotta drive that car. The current boom is the result of 'drill, baby, drill'. The result is a savings of billions of US dollars not being sent to the mideast, and perhaps peace with Iran.

These groups are the ones responsible for the "snail crawl" in alternative energy development I referred to.

"Snail Crawl"...? What do you mean. Solar costs are plummeting. Installations are increasing like mad. Cars are dramatically more efficient -- I just drove a gas SUV from Chrysler that actually got ovder 30 mpg. Progress is astounding. But that doesn't mean every single thing you think will come to pass right now.

"Don’t be fooled. Renewable investments pale in comparison to the amount of money poured into fossil fuel companies since 1918 to fatten their bottom lines and crowd out competition.

Renewables are the beneficiaries of a lot of corporate welfare right now. If you doubt that, ask any tea party member. It'll take a few years to catch up to the century of fossil fuel support -- especially if you consider the US military's only job to be protecting oil tankers -- important as that is to your life each day.