Quote Originally Posted by Bham1982 View Post
Toronto has had massive development because it has had massive demand. In 50 years, it has gone from smaller and less important than Buffalo to one of the most important cities in North America, probably only slightly less important than Chicago, SF and DC. It's the #2 or #3 immigration hub in North America [[behind only NYC and maybe LA) and replaced Montreal as the primate city of one of the more important countries on earth.

And Toronto is very pro-development. They are not known for historic preservation, at all. The city core has basically been an orgy of [[usually ugly) highrise development from the 1960's onwards.
Toronto is arguably far more important than Chicago or San Francisco from any non-US-centric viewpoint. It is the financial, cultural and population center of its country, the capital of its largest province, has more foreign embassies/consuls than any NA city besides DC, Ottawa, NYC and Mexico City

in 1961, Buffalo had a population of around 525,000, Toronto had 1.8 million within its current boundaries, 1.9 in the CMA.
Toronto's CMA grew by 800,000 since 61, it's suburbs, however, went from 100K to over 3 million