Quote Originally Posted by aoife View Post
MAcc, I have no idea why you are trolling social media trying to find pictures of the victims of a horrific act of violence and I cannot fathom in what world it is appropriate to take the personal photos of minors and post them on a message board. That is beyond creepy. As for your comments on their perceived class or inclinations-- WTF, man. They are kids. Who just saw their friend murdered at close range. A little more compassion and a little less stereotyping is probably in order here.
MAcc isn't doing anything that the more savvy web/social news sites are already doing.

Big business is doing it, the LEO are doing it, Private Investigators are doing it the NSA/CIA/Government are doing it.

I am somewhat impressed by MAcc skills as I will not go the Social networking route. Mainly because the less they know about me the better off I am.

But don't think for a minute it's wrong. Might be for your sensibilities,but this stuff being put out there by teens can and will come back to haunt them.

There is already to much out there on me for a price.