Quote Originally Posted by motz View Post
Would you hire someone who is without shelter and what we take for granted, such as a shower and basic toiletries? Because yeah, I don't think anyone would. So if that person doesn't get that minimum wage job, which also does not provide them enough income to get by on, how do they pull themselves out of that cycle? The argument of "Just get a job!!" or "Work harder!!" doesn't solve the issue that people without jobs often don't have the means to get, let alone keep, that job. Stop shaming the poor and homeless and start asking what you can do to make their lives better.
Maybe for a 6 figure corporate position, I would say not. But construction sites, restaurants, and other businesses do pick up day laborers for meager positions @ minimum wage, which someone has already oh this forum has pointed out. Finding that job isn't easy but it's an "IN" and a start. Lately, there's been an influx in Detroit of young, able bodied, men and women, sitting on corners and asking for hand-outs. To me, they don't appear to be locals. One woman I know for sure I've seen in various locations around Metro-Detroit, as far as 8 miles out. Stop shaming the employed who are constantly being hit on to give more, and let them live out their lives in peace, and enjoy what they've earned.