Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
This weekend is the Dream Cruise. I had always wondered why the Cruise never started in Detroit. Why not Highland Park in the parking lot in one of the massive strip malls that lined both sides of Woodward? Will Detroit ever participate in the Dream Cruise? Any thoughts or answers?
Because the Dream Cruise is meant to be a "tribute" to the days back in the 1950s and 60s when kids cruised from drive-in to drive-in looking for members of the opposite sex. Everyone went north of 8 Mile to make the loop up to Square Lake Road. There was the Wigwam restaurant at 10 Mile then the Totem Pole. North of 12 Mile was Suzie Q's and so forth until you got to Ted's up at Square Lake Rd. Maybe you saw a "speed competition" on the dark stretches of Woodward north of Maple Road.

Then you did a U-turn and headed south and cruised the drive-ins to see who was there, what cars they were driving and who had the hot cars.

So the heritage and history of cruising was on that section of Woodward - north of 8 Mile and south of Square Lake Road. No conspiracy theories needed.

Even if you wanted to re-write history to fit a narrative the cruisers will go where they can be seen. I just made a lap of Woodward and there are tons of people lining Woodward from Long Lake Road to as far south as I went - 12 Mile Road.

My guess is no one is sitting in lawn chairs along Woodward south of 8 Mile.