Quote Originally Posted by GUSHI View Post
I agree he was a known racist, my thing is this if you would of substituted derogatory slang term for a African American, this board would of erupted, but do to it was toward a white person, it's no big deal right? I'm just trying to point out the double standard in society, and if it was a derogatory slang term for a homosexual, it might of got a little buzz, Donald Sterling says he doesn't want black at his game, he is forced to sell his team, Kobe uses derogatory slang term for homosexuals, no big deal-keeping on dribbling Kobe.
I speak only for myself, and not the world, but words do not generally bother me. Donald Sterling isn't a racist ass because he said some insulting things about black people. He's a racist ass because he wouldn't rent apartments to minorities. Actions speak louder than words. People are free to have their own thoughts in their head, and say whatever they please, however horrible their sentiments may be. It is when one does bad things that it becomes problematic. The Clippers players are right to not want to play for such an awful owner; they are hypocrites, though, because his bad behavior was documented and well known before his recent comments. They had no problem cashing checks from the man who was known to have mistreated black and hispanic people. But when he said that he didn't want his prostiut- um, girlfriend- to bring black people to games, THAT was the straw that broke the camel's back? They were just covering their asses. I think they don't actually care what an 80-year billionaire doddering weirdo thinks. And, yes, Kobe and many other players have said bad things about various groups of people. And I don't care. I might not want to hang out with them, but their comments don't bother me [[not against gay people, black people, white people, religious people, etc). When players shoot people, slap their wives around, neglect child support payments, get arrested for DUI or drug possession, those things do bother me. Saying bad things? Well, I still believe that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt. If they hurt you, grow a set. Life is too short to be offended by everything. Save the hurt for the terrible stuff and get on with your life. Rant over.