Quote Originally Posted by jt1 View Post
So running from problems absolves people? Someone can completely crap on the city but if they move out they didn't cause the problems? The only problems the city faces are those brought about by the current residents?

People that made decisions that impacted the city in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc but left no longer are responsible for any of the issues in the city?

Man, people here are really dense.
i left Detroit, my hometown, back in the early 90's after living there for 50 years. My home was paid for, taxes were up to date, no outstanding debts, I was free and clear. I sold my home, which was in pristine condition, to a very nice working woman, for a very modest price. What happened within a year is unbelievable. Trash, broken windows, grass turned to mud, cars on the lawn, even a beautiful maple tree destroyed in front.....was that my fault?