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  1. #251
    GUSHI Guest


    Danny you proud of what your African American brother did to that guy? give me a break, those guys aren't people they are wild animal and should be dealt with the way they deal with dogs that attack people put the mofkers to sleep.

  2. #252
    GUSHI Guest


    And my feeling would be the safe if they were white blue or green.

  3. #253


    Laughing in court?

  4. #254


    Quote Originally Posted by GUSHI View Post
    Danny you proud of what your African American brother did to that guy? give me a break, those guys aren't people they are wild animal and should be dealt with the way they deal with dogs that attack people put the mofkers to sleep.

    Those five thugs who beat up Utash haven't received help from parents, education or church. Instead of learning love, wisdom and understanding, they know hate, pestilence and ignorance. They grew up in that society. They knew from right from wrong, but they see a threat, they do something about it. If those 'Tupac'-like thugs receive help earlier, they will beat up Utash and they help him instead. People need help, even they don't need it.

  5. #255


    This thread has descending into lunacy... but it still seems like the place to post a reference to the LeDuff NYTimes op-ed. Its well written. Discusses the silence from black leaders on here. It was a great chance for them to heal. Instead, their silence just adds to the negative feelings some whites about race. He also mentions mayoral absence too. I suppose Duggan sees this as a very explosive issue. And he's probably right.


  6. #256


    Well that 'bout sums us up there Danny. Some are clapping in celebration of [[and re-posting what you write) your confirmation. Thanks......

    Would you 'please' re-read what you wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Today black folks get ticked-on everything that throws in their face. Plain and simple, give them respect and they will leave you alone. Express their anger towards them, they will cuss before they fight or kill you!
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-27-14 at 08:45 AM.

  7. #257


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Well that 'bout sums us up there Danny. Some are clapping in celebration [[and re-posting what you write) your confirmation. Thanks......

    Since African American families in inner city ghettos had been broken down after the Crack Epidemic of the mid 1980s, the cycle will continue until society steps up and take action.

    1. 40 percent of black males are in prison.

    2. 30 percent of black males are in death row.

    3. 68 percent of black females are making babies.

    4. 25 percent of blacks are living on poverty.

    5. 10 percent of blacks have a decent career [[not a steady job.)

    The oppression continues.

    I'm not sure that Steve Utash is going to hate black folks or try to stay of the ghettos of Detroit. But I do know that he will forgive those thugs that beat him up once he sees them in court.
    Last edited by Danny; April-27-14 at 08:56 AM.

  8. #258


    Danny, focus on what I said, please.

    The last thing I am is an apologist where systemic and social problems exist such as you reference. You know that.

    What I 'specifically' responded to was your generalization that all black people respond the same way to the same set of circumstances per what you specifically said as part of a recent post:

    "Today black folks get ticked-on everything that throws in their face. Plain and simple, give them respect and they will leave you alone. Express their anger towards them, they will cuss before they fight or kill you!"

    Maybe I was taking you too seriously? Perhaps. But using your logic you would be condemning yourself as well?

  9. #259


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Danny, focus on what I said, please.

    The last thing I am is an apologist where systemic and social problems exist such as you reference. You know that.

    What I 'specifically' responded to was your generalization that all black people respond the same way to the same set of circumstances per what you specifically said as part of a recent post:

    "Today black folks get ticked-on everything that throws in their face. Plain and simple, give them respect and they will leave you alone. Express their anger towards them, they will cuss before they fight or kill you!"

    Maybe I was taking you too seriously? Perhaps. But using your logic you would be condemning yourself as well?
    I,with very little experience with Danny postings, have no idea where Danny is coming from due to the writing style.
    Can't seem to follow the logic because of fragmentation of sentence and thought.

  10. #260


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    ...The oppression continues....
    Perhaps it does. I think reasonable people can disagree about whether the statistics you cite are the result of oppression. But let's take you position as true.

    Why then don't black leaders get on the news media and speak the truth. That beating up on a random member of your oppressing class is unacceptable. 100% unacceptable.

    You may have your opinion about 'oppression'. But not about civilized behavior. Its wrong not matter what the context. No matter who has or is oppressing whom.

    I hear constantly about the need for 'dialog' on race. But then when black on white violence occurs -- no dialog here please. We were oppressed. Stop discussing. We are right because we were oppressed.

    Wrong. Respect. Goes both ways. If you want racial healing. Start with respect.

  11. #261


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Danny, focus on what I said, please.

    The last thing I am is an apologist where systemic and social problems exist such as you reference. You know that.

    What I 'specifically' responded to was your generalization that all black people respond the same way to the same set of circumstances per what you specifically said as part of a recent post:

    "Today black folks get ticked-on everything that throws in their face. Plain and simple, give them respect and they will leave you alone. Express their anger towards them, they will cuss before they fight or kill you!"

    Maybe I was taking you too seriously? Perhaps. But using your logic you would be condemning yourself as well?
    Then you understand the behavior of black people in America. Squash them like pests and they will attack. Help them and they will stabilize their behavior and preserve their family structure and culture.

    When human beings born in different environment, they will either share the same equilibrium with nature or reject it. This term comes when human beings live in any city, town and village.

    Take black folks in any American City, Detroit for one. A typical black family move into a neighborhood destined to turn bad in a couple years. Once their child is born into that environment, it would be peered to bad friends, do petty theft, drop-out of school. Then graduate to gang hood and become a murderer. And the cycle repeats its all over again.

    Take a black family move into middle class suburb, Southfield for one. They move a that neighborhood destined to stablize Because there are more middle class black folks living there. No Black folks living on welfare checks and food stamps around. A black male is born there. He went to school and stayed until he graduated. He hangs out with right people. He stay away from crime. He goes to church with his family. Later he goes to college, finds a women he loves. He has a career. He moves to better apt. or home that is suited for his lifestyle. He marries to the only woman he loves. Then they both move a better neighborhood and better home and cycle will continue for generations to come. That's the cycle I will like.

    Most of family does that. Even my sister lives her lifestyle because my parents taught her how to earn something in life. Same goes for me. I used to live in Detroit for 29 years. All of friends [[some so-called) are either in jail or DEAD! I don't even hang out with my first male cousins. Their parents couldn't look after them. But my mother and father did. Then they went back to their bad Detroit ghetto hood doing thug life. When I do hang out with my cousins or friends, they have to put away their thug life. Some of cousins are already have better careers and raising their families.

    I am doing my thing to survive in this lost City of Detroit. I'm not one of those folks in the ghettos who give up on lives and careers. I'm have my own film business. Made some documentaries, acted in several film projects. And in the process of making a first feature length film. Finally I will continue to fight against mythological concept called race and racism with Jesus Christ on my side. I hope everyone can do the same.

    Last edited by Danny; April-27-14 at 01:44 PM.

  12. #262


    ^^^ OK, D. Thanks for for sharing your fuller perspectives on the issue. IMO, the main method of change is that we also engage, empower ourselves [[each on, teach one as the start) to make choices that are not part of the race-to-the-bottom social and politically. I wish you the best in your film projects.
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-27-14 at 02:15 PM.

  13. #263


    Interesting point there. Yep, the devil's always in the room when there is justification at the group level. Especially as the group thinking swings both ways.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    I hear constantly about the need for 'dialog' on race. But then when black on white violence occurs -- no dialog here please. We were oppressed. Stop discussing. We are right because we were oppressed.
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-27-14 at 02:14 PM.

  14. #264


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Interesting point there. Yep, the devil's always in the room when there is justification at the group level. Especially as the group thinking swings both ways.
    I'm fascinated by this. I think all reasonable people want to see racism end. The question is how to get there.

    There's a lot of guilt placed on today's whites. Justified or not, the belief that whites remain racist. To what degree can be debated -- but we can all agree that some whites remain racist.
    As whites pull themselves out of their prejudices -- they very reasonably expect blacks to put their prejudices away too. Then along comes a situation where whites expect blacks to say 'lynchings aren't OK' -- no matter who is the victim. And silence. An unwillingness to confront black misdeeds.

    Whites see blacks as ignoring their own social problems. I think blacks facing their own social challenges without focusing on the major part that whites may play would go a long way to creating that 'dialog' on race and get us to a better society. I do hope to see black leadership step up to the plate. If they do, I think the dialog can start, and healing can really commence.

    You can accept responsibility for work to change your own society without giving up the fight for equality. I see signs of change in black leadership. I am optimistic.

  15. #265


    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Wesson View Post
    Exactly Irish, that's what I experienced and I'm telling folks who don't want to hear it this whole scenario is coming your way.
    Dan, if I recall correctly from previous posts you indicated having grown up in the Van Dyke-Gratiot area. Some family friends lived across from St.Anthony and the few last few years they were there [[moved in 1968 to far east side) people were getting mugged on the way to mass. In those days anything happening down there didn't matter east of City Airport. The folks east of the airport felt they were completely immune to trouble until after the riots.

    I think the Utash beating hits home to a certain extent for a number of baby boomers in the east side suburbs or residing elsewhere because of having been raised in the area or had relatives that lived there, and in their gut it's difficult to comprehend something like this happening at Morang & Balfour despite intellectually knowing the neighborhood is drastically different compared to 40-50 years ago.

  16. #266


    Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
    I think it has a lot in common in people's thoughts about our fine city.

    I've heard many people on this forum say we need a 'dialog' on race. Even Her Honor Sotomayor said we need to have 'open discussion' on race in her dissent on Michigan's ban on discrimination on the basis of race.

    When whites want to have their feelings on race considered -- when a while gets beaten -- they're told that its not racial. It was just an incident. And whites also feel that race gets brought into all kinds of cases where the connection is weak.

    If we want a dialog, it can't be with black and liberal minds closed. We solve our problems by real dialog. Not preaching or opinion.

    In this case, we need to respect the feelings of whites. They're people too.
    This is the very explicit nature of the Left. Any type of subversion of white identity or culture is necessary, by any means necessary. Violence is tacitly encouraged. Just look how the media, even Detroit media, continue to step over the specifics of the Utash beating. What about our leadership in this state and country, which is always more to the left than their constitutes? No comments from our President on Utash yet, but Obama spoke on the Donald Tokowitz "Sterling" comments mere hours after they were made public.

    I'm not surprised at what happened to Utash, nor the way the Leftist media has ignored it. Walk down many streets in Detroit with white skin and you will be threatened. If you are a white woman alone, you are certainly in danger. But of course there is no outrage from the Leftist media, which purports to care so much about human rights and universal dignity. Just for certain kinds of humans, I guess. Expect more of this people.
    Last edited by Zozo; April-28-14 at 10:17 PM.

  17. #267


    Interesting points ZZ and WM. So much of this is captured in rubric of partisan politics and lobbying.

    I think some whites guilt themselves in part out of an allegiance to party orthodoxy, yet may have not dealt with the social and political landscape of race. And the lack of true effective dialog is lacking, as has been mentioned earlier.

    I mean what's worse? Being judged as a defacto racist or a white supremacist repub. The horrors. Perceptions have been canonized to a level where there's little honest conversations on race and the removal of disparity and double standards.

    White identity to many, is a social and political narrative tethered to white supremacy. For some whites this is precisely the aim! Don't shoot the messenger on this, I'm just reporting the perception. Thus, the easier PC route is silence, guilt or the 'face' of guilt.

    The same goes for certain views in other areas -- tethered and supposedly forever 'owned' by the repubs or tea bag, and civil rights movement. Yep.

    Bottom line: Racial animosity and angst like sex sells! It steers votes, towards public policy, etc. And few [[black and white) will step out the box to deal with race effectively if they perceive empowerment to retain that position.

    And do we still believe the 'puppet masters' seek any true resolution? Really?

    Yet in the remaining privacy of peoples minds [[withstanding what face put forth) - resentment will continue to grow as an advantage to some; a boiling point reaction of others. Problem, not solved.
    Last edited by Zacha341; April-29-14 at 05:47 AM.

  18. #268


    Excellent Zacha.

    Yours is the first post so far I have read here that rises to a higher plane discussing race relations.

    I would like to talk about it but I can't because I will be labeled, accused of racism. It's almost like my experiences don't count.

    I know that racism is a two way street.

    It's like I said in another topic here...

    I know one thing. Very few people give a rat's ass about what I think. What's really astounding is, when they do, it's not what they want me to think.

  19. #269


    Quote Originally Posted by IrishSpartan View Post
    ...it's difficult to comprehend something like this happening at Morang & Balfour despite intellectually knowing the neighborhood is drastically different compared to 40-50 years ago.
    Heck, even 20 something years ago.

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