From working in Afghanistan 3 out of the last 4 years, I noticed the following about those brave men and women who serve in our military:

1. They are not really "city" people. They seem to have a preference for suburban, rural, and small-town living.

2. They prefer to live in the south, the southwest, and the west. I think a large reason for that is that the major of military bases are in those areas of the country. There just is not alot of military bases in the Midwest. Also, just from what I've seen, the Midwest is underrepresented in the military in general.

I think it would be very, very hard to attract veterans because of the state of the public school system in Detroit. Military folk seem to be very family-oriented and would want their children to go to quality schools. To me, there did not seem to me to be a large yuppie contingent amongst the service men and women that I came into contact with.

I just don't think that vets, having served in dangerous combat zones, and now being retired from that, would tolerate dealing with the foolishness/crime that they would have to deal with in this city. Again, these are thoughts base on my own personal experience.