Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post

This was printed on Sunday, but L. Brooks Patterson's recent antics inspired me to post this. For all his bravado about not being Detroit, the state continues to lose its best and brightest - for well over a decade, and certainly beyond.

It is extremely telling when Chicago - the favorite punching bag here - is the favorite locale of young professionals. Yes, a gritty, violent, albeit functioning, rust-belt city. I wonder what they could possibly be looking for there that Auburn Hills doesn't have to offer.

Keep doing what you're doing, you bunch of fucks, and we'll all leave, and leave your old dying asses to clean up this dump of a state from the nursing home.

Patterson and Hackel have created a joint statement to rebut your post: "Hey, things suck all around, but at least we aren't Detroit so we must be doing really well"

Granted, an enormous number of the dumb fucks in this region actually believe this is the case. I do take solace in the fact that even the educated in this region can be so ignorant and shortsighted. It makes me feel like I am the one eyed man in the land of the blind.