Quote Originally Posted by greekt0wn View Post
1. That's bull and you know it. This woman was running from police after committing felonies and all of you apologists are eager to claim this "innocent woman" was "scared" and "confused" and "looking for help" [the same help she ran away from twice]. I guess those boys who carjacked the Seaholm janitor were "scared and confused" too when they ran from police off 7 Mile.
I don't see the connection between the Seaholm incident and the one being discussed here.

Many of us have already stated, just as I have, that this woman was comitting crimes.

However, given the available information of the screen door being locked, and her being unarmed, and the homeowner claiming "accidental discharge", I think he most certainly is responsible.

I'm not a jury, and this discussion board isn't legally binding. It's just folks discussing a news topic based on the information we have. I don't expect the man to be convicted solely off this facts. He gets his day in court, as he should. Legally, he's innocent until proven guilty.

However, the court of public opinion and the court of my mind don't have to consider you innocent.