Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
lol. Please make a note of this: that is a false equivalency.
we're not talking about a child moaning about bedtime or going all Goodwin's law on a message board. We're talking about a public figure sending racist iconography to public officials and doing so in a public forum, exactly for the resulting publicity reasons, and doing so stridently.
I'm curious what you would qualify Malik's action's and statements to be? kinda a little bit racist? Completely accurate political speech and not racist at all? covert racism because he said "just kidding" afterwards?
Racism is the idea that your race is superior to another. Overt racism is acting out your life as if your race is superior to others, and this is especially dangerous when it's backed by power: political, religious, military or otherwise.

To say that some leaders on the outside appear to have their black constituents' cares at heart, but that, on the inside, they are beholden to the interests of white society, is not necessarily racist.