Quote Originally Posted by gumby View Post
Wow you really have no clue what teachers actually do. Do you really believe that teachers day ends when the bell rings? I guess the lessons plan themeslves and homework is graded by fairie. Lord knows they do not have mandetory staff meetings before and after school not to mention quarterly parent teacher conferences which they have to prepare for. Oh and teachers also have to continually take classes paid for out of their own pocket during those sumers "off" to maintain their teaching certificate. But yeah stick it to those lazy teachers who spend every night grading papers til ten or eleven a night because "fuck them" thats why.

I bet you are rude to your wait staff too when to go to a restaurant.
I'm married to a teacher and I used to work for school districts. I know what teachers do.

Teachers do have to take home papers and grade them. They also get to grade them on their prep hour as well.

Teachers work 181 days a year, 7-9 hours a day. During those 181 days, they work hard, just like the rest of us. The other 184 days they have off.

Teachers work hard during the school year, and they are also compensated really, really well. Too well to pull stunts like the sick-out today that closed Warren Con Schools, Fitzgerald Schools, Taylor Schools, as well as other districts in the state.

You think I'm rude to wait staff because I'm anti-union? That's funny and a big distriction from the real issue. But when people don't have good arguments to stand on they do result to name calling and personal insults, so I forgive you :-)