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  1. #1

    Default The 2012 Democratic National Convention

    This is a thread for anything to do with the Democratic National Convention and comments. No rules here. Flame all you want.

    DAILY TV SCHEDULE all times EDT [[at the time of this posting there is a list of speakers and only a few have been listed speaking on specific nights.)

    Conventions spotlight rising politicians who might someday play a more prominent role. Mario Cuomo and Barack Obama were both given national recognition at conventions.

    link to similar Republican Convention thread

  2. #2


    Muslims hosting events to coincide with the Democratic Convention

    This Muslim gathering had been "posted alongside hundreds of others on the official web site of the DNC host committee, none of which is sanctioned or supported by the committee, to let people attending the convention know what else is going on in town." "Upon further review, and because speakers for the event and statements and positions from event organizers were not appropriate and relevant to the Host Committee, Charlotte in 2012 has decided to remove the event from our events calendar."

    Good thing too because the DNC probably wouldn't want to be connected to anyone wearing a ratty American flag looking scarf. Note that the women have to stand behind the men designating inferior status. I don't think most Democrats would approve. Fear not though because Democratic hubby state spokeswoman and dependency role model Sandra Fluke will speak at the convention and denounce this display of women as inferiors as being charachteristic of the 'war on women'.

  3. #3

    Default The 2012 DEMOCRATIC National Convention

    Timelapse: 2012 Democratic National Convention Hall Build


    Speakers and Schedule...



  4. #4

  5. #5



    The Democratic Convention has not kicked into high gear yet. Mostly groups will gather to participate in and organize the politics of division.

    TUESDAY SCHEDULE [[all times EDT)

    Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa, a La Raza supporter, and womanizer, will be gaveled in as the chair of the convention. Four other Hispanic representative will speak to amplify the politics of division theme and hopefully explain Obamanomics; why it is a good idea to reward breaking the law and hand out about 1.7M work passes to foreigners by executive order while simultaneously providing unemployment benefits to 13M US workers.

    At 8pm, Mayor Rybek of Minneapolis will speak. One of my sons has had conversations with this guy and he is impressive as a mayor; a guy with a vision of what can be without corruption or breaking laws. I do hope that he will advance in the Democratic Party. Minneapolis is really on the move with a lot of downtown and infrastructure growth.

    Mayor Rahm Emmanuel will speak after 9pm perhaps about crime in Chicago.

    Sometime after 10pm, Michelle Obama will deliver the night's keynote speech.

    There will, of course be the requisite pro-abortion and union speeches, and something from Harry Reid spliced in.

    full Tuesday TV schedule http://www.demconvention.com/schedule-tues/

    Wednesday and Thursday's schedule's are not yet listed. Enjoy!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

    The Democratic Convention has not kicked into high gear yet. Mostly groups will gather to participate in and organize the politics of division.

    Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa, a La Raza supporter, and womanizer, will be gaveled in as the chair of the convention. Four other Hispanic representative will speak to amplify the politics of division theme and hopefully explain Obamanomics; why it is a good idea to reward breaking the law and hand out about 1.7M work passes to foreigners by executive order while simultaneously providing unemployment benefits to 13M US workers.

    Mayor Rahm Emmanuel will speak after 9pm perhaps about crime in Chicago.
    There will, of course be the requisite pro-abortion and union speeches, and something from Harry Reid spliced in.
    You sure you weren't a Fox News Anchor in a previous life ?

    You really know how to throw in the zingers LOL !!

  7. #7


    firstandten, No, but thanks. I don't think I have it in me to pump up the neocon issues and candidates sponsored by Fox. I'm still getting over the RNC attacks on liberty and grass roots delegates at the Republican convention. samples:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l77z9cd2wM [[begin at 55seconds) http://www.capecodtoday.com/blogs/in...lts-w?blog=119
    Last edited by oladub; September-04-12 at 12:23 PM.

  8. #8


    Surely if it ever comes to this


    they could show some long shots of the Stadium for a Carolina Panthers home game. Or maybe they should pray for a hurricane.

  9. #9


    Won't watch one second of it, just as I did not pay the slightest bit of attention to the Republican convention. They are a complete waste of time, money and resources.

    As the lack of a postconvention bounce for Romney [[and probably for Obama too) demonstrates, I think the only people who actually follow these ridiculous displays of political theatre are the same foolsl who swallow and regurgitate every talking point they are given.

  10. #10


    Re. my earlier post, They are going to move the acceptance speech from the 73,000 seat Stadium to the indoor 23,000 seat arena. It's not because they're short of 50,000 people that want to see Obama; it's because of rain [[20% possible),and the secret service won't allow umbrellas; and other reasons yet to be floated. Bet they wouldn't mind the "son of Isaac" to pay them a call just for Thursday night.
    I heard it on the News but still didn't believe it until Rush spoke about it; and he is 99.7% right all the time.
    It's Clinton tonight so thank you Cowboys v Giants football. Wonder if they'll fill Giant stadium?. Hope it don't rain.
    Last edited by coracle; September-05-12 at 01:58 PM.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I heard it on the News but still didn't believe it until Rush spoke about it; and he is 99.7% right all the time.
    It's Clinton tonight so thank you Cowboys v Giants football. Wonder if they'll fill Giant stadium?. Hope it don't rain.
    Until Rushbo can find that other .3% he is as dumb as the rest of us.

    Watch Bubba, you might learn something. We all know Romo is going to choke.

  12. #12


    Actually, all the passes for the Arena were taken. Chance of thunderstorms is 30% for the evening, 40% for the daytime. The turf field at BoA Stadium is, essentially, saturated.

  13. #13


    "The turf field at BoA Stadium is, essentially, saturated."

    Another excuse [[sorry reason) floated. More to come!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Until Rushbo can find that other .3% he is as dumb as the rest of us.

    Watch Bubba, you might learn something. We all know Romo is going to choke.
    I was going to answer you but then I realized you hadn't said anything.

  15. #15


    Actually regardless of the reason [[excuse for those on the right) for moving to the smaller venue I think its a good idea. This is a different campaign than in 2008. The undecided voters in this election is very small. The battlelines are essentially drawn. I don't think you need an ostentatious show to appeal to those who might be riding the fence since its not that many. What the Obama team needs to do is to use the smaller venue to generate enough excitement among the troops then get that ground game going. If Obama does that then Romney will spend his free time counting his money in his swiss bank acccounts[[ or is it the Cayman's ?) and not running this country.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
    I was going to answer you but then I realized you hadn't said anything.
    I gave you a answer worthy of that 99.7% crap you gave us about Rush. The only thing Rush is 99.7% right about is that he is/was a prescription drug addict.

  17. #17


    Another excuse for the move from firstandten; it's a new better strategy because there are many less undecided voters. I do happen to agree with him on the last point.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Actually regardless of the reason [[excuse for those on the right) for moving to the smaller venue I think its a good idea. This is a different campaign than in 2008. The undecided voters in this election is very small. The battlelines are essentially drawn. I don't think you need an ostentatious show to appeal to those who might be riding the fence since its not that many. What the Obama team needs to do is to use the smaller venue to generate enough excitement among the troops then get that ground game going. If Obama does that then Romney will spend his free time counting his money in his swiss bank acccounts[[ or is it the Cayman's ?) and not running this country.
    Wasn't that supposed to be ruining?

  19. #19


    I liked Michelle’s dress. It was about perfect for the occasion; both formal and festive. Michelle was a little inaccurate though in her depiction of little Barack as growing up in poverty. I don’t think that Barack lacked for anything while living with his mother and stepfather in Indonesia. They both had jobs and there was a family car. When his mother dumped Barack off at his grandparents, he didn’t lack for anything either. His grandmother was a bank vice-president and his grandfather was also employed. Attending an exclusive private academy is hardly an indication of poverty. At least she didn’t claim he grew up in a log cabin and had to do chores to get his schooling.
    Text: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/0...elections-2012

    It’s really too bad about the chance of isolated storms on Thursday night. The DNC had already invested so much effort into trying to fill some of those empty seats with loads of church people bussed in from rural hamlets. Since gp lives in SC, he could have done his duty and occupied one of those seats. Maybe the thrill is just gone. TV viewership of the Dems’ convention is down about 24% from 2008. If it makes anyone feel better, Romney never even filled a 20,000 seat stadium and the GOP convention viewership was also down.

    The most significant thing that happened yesterday at the convention, that I’m aware of, is the announcement that the Democrats new platform eliminated some civil rights protections to keep it more in line with the President’s actions. http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2012...-2012-platform However, to make up for it, some Democratic speakers exaggerated some of the President’s accomplishments such as they are. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...09-04-23-35-49 Also, Democrats made it clear that we all belong to the government instead of the other way around.

    Big day today at the Democratic Convention. It started out this morning with some group identity warm-ups. Stay tuned for warm-up speeches by NANCY PELOSI, BARNEY FRANK, and SANDRA FLUKE appealing to the American middle class; or imagining they are anyway. This all leads up to prime time speeches after 10pm EDST to be given my a real American Indian from Massachussetts and two womanizers.

    Wednesday night viewing schedule: http://www.demconvention.com/schedule-wed/

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    HEY LOOK!!
    Tonights Key Note Speaker at the DNC is going to talk about women's rights! He's such a good stand up guy and a gentleman.

    Just ask the women who have been in his life!

    "He kissed me. I pushed him away and I said please dont do that"

    He was making statements "Do you not know why I was coming up here"

    She said "I"m married"

    "Then he tries to kiss me again and he starts biting on my lip [[cries) I tried to pull away from him and he forces me down on the bed..."

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    Wasn't that supposed to be ruining?
    Yep ! your right !

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I liked Michelle’s dress. It was about perfect for the occasion; both formal and festive.
    Just as an aside to that Tracy Reese who designed that dress is a grad of Cass Tech HS class of 81

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Good thing too because the DNC probably wouldn't want to be connected to anyone wearing a ratty American flag looking scarf. Note that the women have to stand behind the men designating inferior status. I don't think most Democrats would approve. Fear not though because Democratic hubby state spokeswoman and dependency role model Sandra Fluke will speak at the convention and denounce this display of women as inferiors as being charachteristic of the 'war on women'.
    They don't care about their behavior, values or customs, they only care about their votes.

    Sandra Fluke? Isn't that the woman who has SO MUCH SEX she can't afford condoms week to week? Rough life when you're having so much sex you need to go begging for birth control.

    Condoms are expensive, you know. Perhaps even a luxury.
    When female members of the House committee asked for a woman to testify along with the men, they were denied. Their request was simple: to allow Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law School student, to testify on this panel of all men.
    A GEORGETOWN LAW SCHOOL STUDENT who can't afford condoms.
    Give me a break. Have you checked the price of Law School lately?
    It's not for the economically challenged....

    And if you're having SO MUCH SEX with guys who can't provide the birth control in order to have sex with you, you're not picking your sexual partners very well. What kind of dirtbag guy wouldn't use birth control upon a woman's request?
    Evidently the ones she picks, I guess.
    Last edited by Papasito; September-06-12 at 06:40 AM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2009



    The First Lady framed her speech as the story of how she feared her husband’s presidency might change him, versus how it actually did [[“I have seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are,” she concluded. “No, it reveals who you are.”), and wove it together with stories of their family histories, of struggle and sacrifice, and of the sometimes stingy rewards of hard work. There were also colorful threads about the young future president’s rusted-out car and too-small shoes, but Mrs. Obama largely avoided the treacly pitfalls of the spouse’s speech, in favor of crystal clear, passionate advocacy for her husband’s work, and the values that guide it.
    We're supposed to buy that?

    • Dirt-Poor people don't grow up going to private Prep Schools like Barack Obama did.

    Barack Obama attended Punahou School in Hawaii, an elite private prep school, from which he graduated in 1979.

    • Dirt-Poor people don't go to HARVARD UNIVERSITY like Barack and Michelle Obama BOTH did.

    Before becoming president of the U.S., Obama served as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. First lady Michelle Obama JD ’88 also attended HLS, although the couple met when Obama returned to Chicago after graduation.

    • Dirt-Poor people don't have the ability to support a self-admitted cocaine, alcohol and marijuana addiction like Barack Obama did.

    "I had learned not to care," .... "I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though. ..."
    -Barack Obama

    Name:  obamadruggie.jpg
Views: 465
Size:  9.0 KB
    if you can explain to me how he/his family could pay for an elite private school, harvard university, and drugs, but not a pair of shoes that fit and a car that isn't rusted out and obviously wasn't environmentally friendly, please feel free to do so....

  25. #25


    The whole point of the story is that dirt poor people CAN go to Harvard. Both Obamas had working class families, work that put them on the ladder to the American dream.

    Funny how you inflate blowing a few rings to an addiction to marijuana, booze and cocaine.

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