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  1. #151


    More police can be helpful in responding to crime, but it is not a solution to preventing crime.

    The solution is to have citizens who respect the Individual Rights of others.

    When Group Rights trump Individual Rights, and the Democratic Party and it supporters in Detroit, value Group Rights over Individual Rights, of course there is going to be a lack of respect for Individual Rights.

    If you respect the rights of an individual, you are not going to violate them by ignoring his Property Rights.

    If you do not respect the Individual Rights of others, you have no problem with attacking and robbing people.

    If you are for Group Rights, you can not be for Individual Rights, because Group Rights by their Nature, are all about ignoring Individual Rights.

  2. #152


    Quote Originally Posted by Cincinnati_Kid View Post
    And what's the climate like in Las Vegas, and I don't mean the weather. Are there crime problems there? I'm sure not like it is here.
    I guess there's crime pretty much everywhere, Cincy, and Las Vegas is no exception. Fortunately, I'm in a suburb [[Henderson) and in a 55+ age restricted community, and the crime rate is zero. The local paper prints weekly crime stats, and up north of the airport and along the strip, they sure get their share.

    The worst crime area is in North Las Vegas. It seems like 9 times out of 10 when a serious crime takes place, it's in northtown. And that's completely on the other side of the valley from me, probably 25 miles away. By the way, it seems if -- no matter what city you are in -- if the street you're on is named Martin Luther King Jr., you're in a bad part of town. Curious.

    Biggest problem I have is keeping coyotes away from our cat. Anyway, thanks for asking.

  3. #153


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    I guess there's crime pretty much everywhere, Cincy, and Las Vegas is no exception. Fortunately, I'm in a suburb [[Henderson) and in a 55+ age restricted community, and the crime rate is zero. The local paper prints weekly crime stats, and up north of the airport and along the strip, they sure get their share.

    The worst crime area is in North Las Vegas. It seems like 9 times out of 10 when a serious crime takes place, it's in northtown. And that's completely on the other side of the valley from me, probably 25 miles away. By the way, it seems if -- no matter what city you are in -- if the street you're on is named Martin Luther King Jr., you're in a bad part of town. Curious.

    Biggest problem I have is keeping coyotes away from our cat. Anyway, thanks for asking.
    Chris Rock had that MLK Jr. street thing in his comedy routine. He's a funny guy.

  4. #154


    Quote Originally Posted by mauser View Post
    Amen to that, pun intended. I dont give a crap who this fat rich guy is - but apparently he is much better than normal people because he has a bunch of money.

    I would get gas at that station any time of day or night. But I am not covered in gold purchased with money donated by people of modest means. Nor do I drive a giant purple Lexus luxury SUV. Nobody would waste their time robbing my broke ass, and they wouldnt get too far speeding off in the car I drive in the city.

    And where is Homeland Security and Delta Force ? Didnt anybody alert Delta Force that their help is needed to protect a rich guy ? Is the FBI here yet ? What is this nation coming to when it can not protect the wealthy ?

    If one of us were carjacked there would be no police response, no recovered vehicle, no press conference, no news reports.
    Well, you might get your vehicle back. Probably won't be all there though.

  5. #155


    "In our success we seem to have lost our center," said Winans, at a press conference before his sermon. "We have failed our sons and have allowed them to have heroes that are no more than thieves and thugs."

    I have to wonder what success is he referring to when he says "in our success"? Is he speaking of the achievements of the civil rights movement? if he is the animals who attacked him could care less about those historical struggles, maybe the good Pastor needs to take off his rose colored glasses and come to terms with the fact that some of his so called "brothers" are just complete animals who are beyond repair, yes their mothers and FATHERS failed them but anyone who is past the age of reason and who is not mentally challenged.. regardless of who raised them, makes a choice to do good or do bad every single day! If they want to succeed in life bad enough... the world is at their finger tips in America. All one needs is that silly ole american past time of hard work and perseverance. Give me a break with the excuses and apologist attitude that seems to prevail in these situations. These highly motivated and lethal thugs would have been looking for their next victim like a pack of wolves the very next day had Winans not been a hi-profile victim.
    Last edited by EASTSIDE CAT 67-83; May-21-12 at 05:28 PM.

  6. #156


    In reading Rev Winans interview and pulpit talk I see how he was in a difficult position at the gas station. He stated he didn't realize he was in a difficult situation until he went inside the station and saw the teens hanging out. Being a man of the cloth he shouldn't act like he's scared of people because thats what his business is all about. So he goes ahead and makes the purchase knowing in the back of his mind that he might be in trouble. It really didn't make a difference at that point anyway because as soon as he walked into the store he was a target, so whether he turned around and walked right out or bought the gas he was in trouble.

    The whole issue of the pastors clothes and car should have been a non-issue. I don't care if the pastor was draped in gold, he should not have been a target.

    What concerns me more is while I liked that the police solved this crime quickly, Mr. and Ms Average Detroiter usually don't get the same outcomes when they get carjacked outside of gas stations. Also more than once I read about off duty cops busting a cap on some kid trying to carjack them at the gas station. The police and Godbee have to do a better job stopping those types of opportunity crimes, especially since they know its a known gang committing the crimes.

    Also one of the first public statements coming from Winans was the lack of parenting of these kids, well I would like to see him put his money where his mouth is on that. If he feels so strongly about that then why can't his church develop outreach programs on parenting possibly working with the court system.

    Its past time for the black church to step it up. I know black congregations like to see their spritual symbols decked out in fine watches, clothes and cars but the church has to be more than about material goods. Our hoods are literally crumbling around us and the black church isn't addressing this situation with the urgency that it deserves, Winans church included.

    btw I don't know if his 7 mile church is on the pay as you go plan, but he needs to get it done. Its an eyesore along with the other eyesores in the area. I don't know its probably 5 years and counting and its still isn't complete. However I'm betting that the Meijer up Woodward will be built and open before the church is done.
    Last edited by firstandten; May-21-12 at 09:16 PM.

  7. #157


    I hope the charges aren't dropped just for the sake of "lenience"-- these clowns will do it again if given the chance, regardless of the new public scrutiny.. you can be "forgiven" but still face the consequences..

  8. #158


    Quote Originally Posted by Hypestyles View Post
    I hope the charges aren't dropped just for the sake of "lenience"-- these clowns will do it again if given the chance, regardless of the new public scrutiny.. you can be "forgiven" but still face the consequences..
    Indeed just the opposite needs to happen here. This has been a high profile case right from the start, and is a perfect opportunity to make examples out of these scum.

    The DPD needs to put together all the evidence for the Wayne county prosecutor tho have an iron clad case, and then throw the book at the animals involved!

  9. #159

  10. #160


    Quote Originally Posted by MidTownMs View Post

    Of that there is little doubt.

    I believe he got the same from the No Snitch Street Network as well.

    The DPD has to play this down now...don't want the people having higher expectations of 'em.

    Like when Sport answered a call of a guy taking a dump in public, and they happened to be driving by...and caught him before he pulled his pants up.

    I wondered at that time if the same PR company who is spinning the fun of waiting in an ER room would be able to use that in an image-improving ad.

    “We'll get the shit before you wipe your butt.”

  11. #161


    Well, well now ! I see the other shoe has dropped. It seems like pastor Winans was driving on a suspended license and had a warrant out for his arrest.


    I loved the excuse he gave that he was not aware of the situation because his people take care of those types of things. Why didn't he just tell his staff that he got pulled over for a ticket[[s) and to take care of it when the paperwork came.

  12. #162
    Buy American Guest


    It's another example of a person not taking responsibility for your own actions and placing the blame on others. 11 tickets since 2009, various other infractions and run-ins with DPD and he's still driving.... does he think he is "above the law" because he's a man of God....I think so.

  13. #163


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    does he think he is "above the law" because he's a man of God....I think so.
    Probably because he has money. No matter where he got it.

  14. #164


    I'd be curious to know if he has a legitimate theology degree.

  15. #165


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    I'd be curious to know if he has a legitimate theology degree.
    Degree or not the tree of Sweet Daddy Grace, Prophet Jones and Father Divine bore good fruit.

  16. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    I guess there's crime pretty much everywhere, Cincy, and Las Vegas is no exception. Fortunately, I'm in a suburb [[Henderson) and in a 55+ age restricted community, and the crime rate is zero. The local paper prints weekly crime stats, and up north of the airport and along the strip, they sure get their share.

    The worst crime area is in North Las Vegas. It seems like 9 times out of 10 when a serious crime takes place, it's in northtown. And that's completely on the other side of the valley from me, probably 25 miles away. By the way, it seems if -- no matter what city you are in -- if the street you're on is named Martin Luther King Jr., you're in a bad part of town. Curious.

    Biggest problem I have is keeping coyotes away from our cat. Anyway, thanks for asking.
    Thx for the reply Ray, I had heard Vegas has bad areas just like any major city. I talk to my brother weekly and he lives in Atlanta, and says it's almost as bad there. You always wonder if crimes in other places are as bad as Detroit. And from the looks of it, sometimes it is, but we don't hear about it unless it's a heinious crime. Believe it or not, we are starting to have a coyote problem in the Detroit area.

  17. #167


    An interesting and thoughtful take on the Marvin Winans incident.


  18. #168


    Here we have a Preacher living the high life off the backs of his believers, flaunting the law, [[which doesn't apply to him), by driving on his expired license because his aides didn't tell him not too [[!) even though there was a Warrent out for his arrest, and he's outed by a group of criminals that steal his expensive car. Its reminiscent of Johnathon Swift's little fleas feeding of the backs of bigger fleas feeding off......Priceless!

  19. #169
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Sorry, but this news that the good Rev. is a criminal himself has really changed my views on this subject. Yes, I realize his crimes aren't of a violent nature, but it seems like a situation of young thugs preying on an older thug.

    It's almost fair retribution. He steals from the poor, and their offspring come and take it back.

  20. #170


    Oh the spinning Winans is doing to explain himself is making me dizzy. Back in the day we had a term for folks like him.. pulpit pimp but since thats not very PC now days I'll call him the celebrity pastor the term currently in use.

  21. #171
    Buy American Guest


    Ticketed at least 15 times since 2005, once for driving 95 M.P.H.!
    Falsifying information to get his license reinstated...doesn't sound like he's someone I'd like to be my role model. Was he actually beaten?


  22. #172


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    Ticketed at least 15 times since 2005, once for driving 95 M.P.H.!
    Falsifying information to get his license reinstated...doesn't sound like he's someone I'd like to be my role model. Was he actually beaten?

    LOL I heard he gave the perps his wallet so he wouldn't have to show his drivers license.

  23. #173


    Quote Originally Posted by Buy American View Post
    Ticketed at least 15 times since 2005, once for driving 95 M.P.H.!
    Falsifying information to get his license reinstated...doesn't sound like he's someone I'd like to be my role model. Was he actually beaten?


    Actually...he's PERFECT for the youth of the city, if only he'd be honest about his humanity instead of hiding it behind some false concept of becoming a perfect human.

    I can see this being spun as an evangelical outreach, airing everyone's dirty laundry to show that pastors are not all that different.

    Even older gentlemen get picked on for driving while black...that is a strong area of common ground to reach the younger generation.

    Last edited by Gannon; May-25-12 at 10:00 AM.

  24. #174


    Just goes to show you need to handle your business, lest it become someone else's business in the worst of ways! How do you not know rather or not your license is suspended? A big yellow boot on his car wheel would have been a reminder withstanding the mugging had he been hanging around say the WSU area...

    Still in all, I cannot justify his getting mugged and rolled. As I said before the perps have little moral aptitude or privy or too all the details bantered about here, they just wait for their next 'mark' based on very primary-level criteria and ease of ability to do what they do [[lack of policing and security).

    Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
    LOL I heard he gave the perps his wallet so he wouldn't have to show his drivers license.
    Last edited by Zacha341; May-25-12 at 10:41 AM.

  25. #175


    sigh.. no excuse for the assault/robbery.. But still-- geez-- why in the hell does a pastor's church staff have to account for your personal traffic/parking tickets? To me that's an ethical violation, that just makes no sense at all. Does the bill arrive at the church office? I doubt it. He's got a [[speculatively) million-dollar new church being built, but still owes hundreds on tickets. Wow.

    I'm not trying to hear any nonsense about not judging and we're all human, etc., etc. Hey man, pay what you owe-- don't moralize to me while the bones in your closet are piling up..

    Winans has the money to hire a driver, he'd better do that for these next weeks/months until he can get his license/insurance issues sorted out.

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