Ok I don't understand how you extend it that far. You seem to be forgetting that there are a lot of people who live and work in the area you would suggest expanding the park into.
I agree that there are a lot of buildings that need to be razed along Hamilton, but extending the park is not a reasonable alternative.
What needs to happen first is that people need to come out and help revitalize the park and make it a welcoming place for everyone. "The People for Palmer Park" have done an incredible job so far but they have only just scratched the surface. For decades the city has neglected the park and that neglect shows in the rough shape of the park. But the city is not only to blame here, the people of Detroit and the surrounding area have abused the park and treated it like a dump. I would love to take my dogs on the paths in the woods, but I am afraid that they would cut their feet on all the broken glass. I see mounds of debris that have been dumped by people who didnt give a damn about the park and just saw it as a convenient dumping ground. It is going to take a serious effort to clean all the garbage and construction debris out of the woods, and I have to say that it is going to take more than what the PFPP can afford right now. We need a citywide effort to clean Palmer Park, and for that matter the rest of the parks in this city and make them into something we can be proud of, instead of an eyesore that we are afraid of venturing into.