Quote Originally Posted by Hermod View Post
Cities are "instrumentalities" of the state. They are not sovereign as the states are sovereign. Cities are granted charters by the state. State law provides for takeover by the state of a city, village, township, or school district which is in financial troubles.
Hermod is correct.

English, there is nothing wrong with a passionate defense of the right to vote, but no citizen in Michigan has a constitutionally protected right to be represented by a particular kind of local unit of government. All local units of government are creatures of the state. The state gets to make the rules. That's the setup, constitutionally. Nobody's "right to elected representation" [[your words) can be infringed by an EM because there is no such right in this context.

English, by the way, can you explain more fully the endgame you see coming that an EM in Detroit would be a part of?