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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by ferntruth View Post
    Of course, you are assuming that pot is an "evil choice". I think you could not be more wrong.
    I do agree that you need to remove your blinders - on a variety of subjects.

    Let's be ethical! Smoking weed is a choice! It's your way of letting go from old pure to the new pure. [[ As in letting go the old you to become the new you in order to feel good.) Weed and other street drugs is the psychotic poison. At first it doesn't kill you. It has to go through these steps:

    1. To mutate your once pure body to the new pure body.

    2. If your pure body doesn't like the new chemicals [[ poison) in your body, it will fight it. Causing every organ and tissue to lose its multicellular structure. You will feel the side effects from this change.

    3. If your body like this poison, then it would develop immunity response and accept it as food.

    4. If your body loses the chemical war against this poison, it would shut down and then YOU WILL DIE!

    So go on right ahead. Make a choice of what you're going to do with your body and life.

  2. #52


    Danny, can you please point us to one death thats been caused by smoking pot? Just one.

    Chocolate is a drug, coffee is a drug. If your on that purity bandwagon go for it but Im not down with it.

    Come on man, are you serious

  3. #53
    Steve bennet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Django View Post
    And I enjoy coffee, chocolate and McDonalds sometimes, all poison. Am I goin to hell with you Steve?
    According that guy, yes. I'll see you down there. We can throw a party!

  4. #54
    Steve bennet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Let's be ethical! Smoking weed is a choice! It's your way of letting go from old pure to the new pure. [[ As in letting go the old you to become the new you in order to feel good.) Weed and other street drugs is the psychotic poison. At first it doesn't kill you. It has to go through these steps:

    1. To mutate your once pure body to the new pure body.

    2. If your pure body doesn't like the new chemicals [[ poison) in your body, it will fight it. Causing every organ and tissue to lose its multicellular structure. You will feel the side effects from this change.

    3. If your body like this poison, then it would develop immunity response and accept it as food.

    4. If your body loses the chemical war against this poison, it would shut down and then YOU WILL DIE!

    So go on right ahead. Make a choice of what you're going to do with your body and life.
    Are you high right now? What is this?

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Islandman View Post
    It is a waste of resources when there's so much violent crime going on. I am saying it's not illegal, but I don't think this bust is going to lower the crime rate in the city at all. As reported, most of these people didn't live in the city.
    Just because these people don't live in the city doesn't mean that they won't sell to organized crime in the city. What does organized crime do with it? They buy illegal guns. They have shootouts for territory. Members of opposing gangs disappear or it increases the city's outrageously high homicide rate. It'll increase violent crime alright, just like violent crime increased during prohibition. Remember the Purple Gang? The largest group of murderers in the city. Territorial wars. Some of their gang members murdered over 300 people a piece over illegal liquor. They were so violent that Al Capone didn't even want to set foot in Detroit.

    Illegal drugs is not different than illegal alcohol in the 30s. If it's a right or wrong issue you're making, take it up with your congressman to legalize it like they did with alcohol, but don't tell me this bullsh-it that these large illegal grow ops don't contribute to Detroit's violent crime and homicide rate. It's not a waste of public resources to get rid of them.

    Again, I'm not arguing whether it should be legal or illegal. That's a political issue between you and your congressman. The police are just doing their job. They are not wasting public resources by enforcing the law.

  6. #56
    Steve bennet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
    They are not wasting public resources by enforcing the law.
    Yes they are. They could have spent all that time and manpower going after real criminals.

  7. #57



    Let's be Logical.

    There is nothing in the holy writ, Danny, which supports your far-out statements.

    Humankind's relationship with the Maker was altered, and certain limitations were put in place to keep us from being 'like them' and live forever once we recognized the difference between good and evil...as well as some odd penalty of painful childbirth for the womenfolk...but nothing in 'the Garden' or creation was altered in any way.

    Seedbearing fruit and vegetables were defined as food then. At first. You have to agree with me if you believe in a strict adherence to modern bible interpretation and translation. MEAT wasn't even 'allowed' until after the flood...and some of it is still taboo, if you are a strict believer!

    It was a bit later, when humankind colluded once again to become Godlike...for whatever reason the Maker confused language [[and understanding) enough to keep us from truly colluding enough...at least until lately. I believe we're close to being at that hive-mind all-one consciousness again.

    And I truly wonder why God...or the gods...has any difficulty with that.

    There are some people who believe that cannabis IS the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...and there are proofs from the very scripture you want to knock us over the head with that seem to prove it.

    So...yeah,..poison. I don't think so. Food? More likely. The hemp seeds have the most complete and easily digestible protein source available for the human body...and hemp oil has been proven to cure some cancers. The FDA doesn't want the Canadian fellow's research available in America...and you have to wonder why.

    You speak out of very coached and programmed ignorance. Hopefully you know me enough by now to know that I'm not attacking you...but trying to show you my viewpoint. On many things we do not differ largely, but on this one...damn.

    Not to mention cannabis' excellent expectorant properties...any bad stuff from smoke is nearly immediately coughed out. Studies on smoke have always been done with cigarettes using treated tobacco...or in slow-burning papers that have had infused asbestos as the fire retarding agent.

    There is SO much more to this story...but with a closed mind, one will always miss it and remain ignorant. Whatever brings you bliss, my friend.

    Last edited by Gannon; August-26-11 at 05:38 PM.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve bennet View Post
    Yes they are. They could have spent all that time and manpower going after real criminals.
    Oh really? What about the drug addict who steals someone's GPS or beats someone up or burglerizes a house to buy that pot? What about the drug dealer who shoots his competition and accidentally kills a by-stander with a stray bullet? These crimes are not related? Whatever you say.

  9. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
    Oh really? What about the drug addict who steals someone's GPS or beats someone up or burglerizes a house to buy that pot? What about the drug dealer who shoots his competition and accidentally kills a by-stander with a stray bullet? These crimes are not related? Whatever you say.
    Let me get this right, these people will do all these things, to buy something that you can just plant in some dirt? Or because it's made unavailable to anybody at anytime for any reason, with jail time included? Hell, if I could - I'd just plant the seed and walk away.

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigb23 View Post
    Let me get this right, these people will do all these things, to buy something that you can just plant in some dirt? .
    YES. Welcome to Detroit.

  11. #61


    davewindsor, where are you from? Ppl beating others up for pot, are you serious?

    As far as the drug dealer shooting a bystander while gunning for his competition, that wouldnt happen if it were legal would it?

    Ill say it yet again, more ppl die over drugs than by drugs. Something like 47,000 in Mexico in the last 3 years alone. Because drugs are illegal, because of prohibition.

    Theres a whole world goin on out here dave, crawl out from under that rock FOX news gave you.

  12. #62


    Theres a whole world goin on out here dave, crawl out from under that rock FOX news gave you.
    Is Fox News EVEN legally allowed in Canada? I've always considered them our version of Scandinavia to the North. [[And South).

  13. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    Let's be ethical! Smoking weed is a choice! It's your way of letting go from old pure to the new pure. [[ As in letting go the old you to become the new you in order to feel good.) Weed and other street drugs is the psychotic poison. At first it doesn't kill you. It has to go through these steps:

    1. To mutate your once pure body to the new pure body.

    2. If your pure body doesn't like the new chemicals [[ poison) in your body, it will fight it. Causing every organ and tissue to lose its multicellular structure. You will feel the side effects from this change.

    3. If your body like this poison, then it would develop immunity response and accept it as food.

    4. If your body loses the chemical war against this poison, it would shut down and then YOU WILL DIE!

    So go on right ahead. Make a choice of what you're going to do with your body and life.
    I want what he's smoking!!


  14. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    ...and hemp oil has been proven to cure some cancers....
    I'm certainly no expert but that sounded dubious to me until I watched the 10-minute PBS clip in this article posted just today: PBS documentary sheds light on marijuana’s cancer-killing properties. There's some serious research going on in that area.

    There's also a link in the article to watch full, nearly hour-long film.

  15. #65
    Steve bennet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
    Oh really? What about the drug addict who steals someone's GPS or beats someone up or burglerizes a house to buy that pot? What about the drug dealer who shoots his competition and accidentally kills a by-stander with a stray bullet? These crimes are not related? Whatever you say.
    People don't steal GPS units and burglarize houses to buy pot.

    Are you fricken serious?

  16. #66
    Buy American Guest


    "What I saw in there, this is not elementary. That's for sure. This is really sophisticated and there are no people, in my opinion, in this neighborhood that's running an operation like that," Bing said. "Because you've got electricians, you've got people with MBA's more than likely putting this process and growing effort together." ...Mayor Dave Bing

    This says quite a lot about how Bing feels about some of the residents of Detroit. He has a very low opinion of people in certain neighborhoods, that's apparent.

  17. #67


    He obviously seems clueless to organized street gangs that have people that can do things like this. Black, White, Mexican or Hmong. Dope is grown and consumed by all kinds of people everwhere the world over.
    For some intoxication is the fourth human drive.

  18. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by Django View Post
    davewindsor, where are you from? Ppl beating others up for pot, are you serious?

    As far as the drug dealer shooting a bystander while gunning for his competition, that wouldnt happen if it were legal would it?

    Ill say it yet again, more ppl die over drugs than by drugs. Something like 47,000 in Mexico in the last 3 years alone. Because drugs are illegal, because of prohibition.

    Theres a whole world goin on out here dave, crawl out from under that rock FOX news gave you.
    You crawl out from under the rock. I don't know who you associate with, but I've met plenty of psychopathic potheads in my lifetime. Please don't ask me if I'm serious. It has a different effect on different people.

    Again, I'm not arguing the pros and cons of prohibition. That's between you and your congressman if you want to get it legalized. But, the fact remains that as long as it's illegal, organized crime will get involved in large grow ops and you're gonna have violent crime and homicides from the profits. It goes hand in hand and the police have a job to do. The police are not there to rewrite the laws. That's the job of congress. The police are there to enforce them because that's what congress wants. Because the police are following the law, the police are not wasting public resources.

  19. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by downtown_racine View Post
    He obviously seems clueless to organized street gangs that have people that can do things like this. Black, White, Mexican or Hmong. Dope is grown and consumed by all kinds of people everwhere the world over.
    For some intoxication is the fourth human drive.
    Well, those growers are a minority and you're obviously clueless to what the majority of people believe in because the majority of people are against it and that's why they voted for people who enacted those laws that make it against the law. Do you get that?

  20. #70
    Steve bennet Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
    You crawl out from under the rock. I don't know who you associate with, but I've met plenty of psychopathic potheads in my lifetime.
    Umm, right......

    Those people are psychopathic in character. It has nothing to do with the fact that they smoke pot. That's even dumber than the whole "potheads are lazy" stereotype.

  21. #71


    You crawl out from under the rock. I don't know who you associate with, but I've met plenty of psychopathic potheads in my lifetime. Please don't ask me if I'm serious. It has a different effect on different people.
    Wow - I don't where to start. Thanks Canada, the truth of the North. Okay, you can slam us, but give us our due.

  22. #72


    Does anyone else get the feeling that davewindsor is baiting us?

  23. #73


    Does Davewindsor realize that we have a problem with vote tally's here in the states? Popular votes will not put a Candidate in office. The electoral college will. We learned that during the Bush dynasty I and II. [[and three??)

    Again, I'm not arguing the pros and cons of prohibition. That's between you and your congressman if you want to get it legalized. But, the fact remains that as long as it's illegal, organized crime will get involved in large grow ops and you're gonna have violent crime and homicides from the profits. It goes hand in hand and the police have a job to do. The police are not there to rewrite the laws. That's the job of congress . The police are there to enforce them because that's what congress wants. Because the police are following the law, the police are not wasting public resources.

  24. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve bennet View Post
    Umm, right......

    Those people are psychopathic in character. It has nothing to do with the fact that they smoke pot. That's even dumber than the whole "potheads are lazy" stereotype.
    Are you high right now?! Please tell me something dumber. "Clinicians agree that cannabis use can cause acute adverse mental effects that mimic psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder." [[from article below).

    When it causes users to mimic a psychiatric disorder, this causes people to act out psychopathic behaviour.

    You can read the full article here:


    Read the last few sentences:

    "As our case report demonstrates, there are individuals who are otherwise healthy, with no genetic predisposition, who can be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness purely with cannabis abuse. This goes along with the first hypothesis that cannabis use causes psychotic symptoms in an otherwise healthy individual, which would not have occurred with abstinence. "

  25. #75


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigb23 View Post
    Does Davewindsor realize that we have a problem with vote tally's here in the states? Popular votes will not put a Candidate in office. The electoral college will. We learned that during the Bush dynasty I and II. [[and three??)
    A typical lazy answer. Is that the only way to bring change? Have you ever heard of putting a petition together to put the question to referendum? You only need a minority of signers to prove that there's significant public interest in legalizing it. What steps have you taken to show your congressman or other elected representative to show there's significant public interest in legalizing it or putting the question to referendum?

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