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  1. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by jcole View Post
    If women want equal rights, they should be held equally responsible for decisions that they make whether good or bad. Men have children too, so that is no excuse.
    [[Before anyone jumps down my throat, I am female)
    Yes , you are right. In a perfect world. At the most, if they do charge Carlita and Kwame's sis, it would not be as severe as what Kwamster is facing. No jail time, just admission and restitution. Again, just my gut feeling.

  2. #102


    I'm pretty sure Kwame's sister does not have children. I think whatever charges are brought and whatever the ultimate sentences are will have nothing to do with gender. If lesser charges are brought against Carlilta and Ayanna, it will be because the feds felt they did less, not because they are females and Carlita is a mother.

  3. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    I'm pretty sure Kwame's sister does not have children. I think whatever charges are brought and whatever the ultimate sentences are will have nothing to do with gender. If lesser charges are brought against Carlilta and Ayanna, it will be because the feds felt they did less, not because they are females and Carlita is a mother.
    Points well taken.

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Downtown Lady View Post
    I'm pretty sure Kwame's sister does not have children. I think whatever charges are brought and whatever the ultimate sentences are will have nothing to do with gender. If lesser charges are brought against Carlilta and Ayanna, it will be because the feds felt they did less, not because they are females and Carlita is a mother.
    Ayanna is indeed a mother. I don't think that will stop charges, though. Christine had two children and she served time.

  5. #105


    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Ayanna is indeed a mother. I don't think that will stop charges, though. Christine had two children and she served time.
    Christine cost 2 cops their jobs, lied under oath and was caught red handed and red faced. She deserved the jail time. So does Carlita and Ayanna. I think it is questionable they will do time for a " white collar " crime. Kwame will because he is the root of this enterprise along with Bernard. Bernard will do time when he is finally charged. We shall see. I can see where others do think Carlita and Ayanna will do time. But I don't think they will. Maybe suspended sentences.

  6. #106


    I believe Ayanna may get a lesser charge and serve probation like Mary Waters because she was not considered a servant to the public and thereby not necessarily held to the same standards and accountability. But Christine on the other hand, I believe was offered a chance to provide evidence and turned it down, either out of loyalty or fear.

    When I think of all the convicted ones who received lesser sentences and only probation, it boggles my mind that the ones who have chosen not to cooperate with the corruption probe, seems to think it's some kind of badge of honor to not talk. What is it going to take for these folks to realize there is no honor among thieves!

  7. #107


    Quote Originally Posted by Taxpayer7 View Post
    thewitz, do we know for sure she's moving back to DC? I've heard rumors from friends in Texas that she's already gone from the mansion, but nothing confirmed to be fact. And yes, there were at least 2 other funds managed by Carlita and Ayanna Kilpatrick that should also be called into question at some point in the future. It just gets deeper and deeper. Oh and by the way, did anyone catch let it rip on channel 2 last nite? Some very telling statements were made by Adolph Mongo and Steve Hood....we are a long way from this being over.
    I think there were actually 5 funds that were connected to Kwame at one time or another, wish the other forum I had been on hadn't desolved itself on the day Kwame went to prison, could have looked them up by the posts. Carlita was actually involved and was paid out of one of them. Steve Wilson would know.

    Sorry I missed the Let it Rip, I usually catch it, hope to get a chance to watch the replay. Have to wonder about Hood is he going to start being an advocate for Detroit. Only asking because he was on Let it Rip last week and a couple of times recently.

  8. #108


    Here's the link to let it rip....Click on the June 24th clip.

  9. #109


    Quote Originally Posted by English View Post
    Ayanna is indeed a mother. I don't think that will stop charges, though. Christine had two children and she served time.
    Male twins run in that family, Ayanna has a set.

  10. #110


    Last Updated: June 26. 2010 1:00AM
    Probe led feds to seize $200K from Kilpatrick contractor
    Paul Egan / The Detroit News

    Detroit -- Federal agents seized $200,000 from a company account of city contractor and close Kwame Kilpatrick friend Bobby Ferguson because of suspected malfeasance, according to a bank lawsuit heard in court this week.

    Ferguson, who remains under investigation in a City Hall corruption probe, is vigorously fighting the suit from First Independence Bank of Detroit.

    It sued Ferguson, his spouse and two of his companies in February, trying to gain control of other assets after the U.S. government seized the funds in April 2009.


    The bank said in a Wayne County Circuit Court filing that it believes it was "forced to surrender" the money to federal agents because of "certain malfeasance on the part of one or more of the defendants."

    But Ferguson attorney Kenneth Beams said in a court filing the defendants "strenuously contest" the malfeasance allegation.

    "The bank attaches no affidavit or documentation to support this claim, choosing instead, in essence, to sling this mud with no evidentiary support at all," Beams said.

    "The defendants do not believe that the bank was 'forced' to do anything, and certainly deny that they have committed any unspecified malfeasance."

    And on Monday, Wayne Circuit Judge Ziolkowski awarded them a partial victory. Ziolkowski dismissed part of the lawsuit and ordered a hearing on the part that continues, a docket entry shows.

    Details of the order were not available Friday.

    The $200,000 seizure came three months after criminal investigators from the FBI, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development raided two Detroit offices connected with Ferguson and carted away boxes of records and computer files.

    No charges have been filed, but officials say a City Hall corruption investigation that led to Kilpatrick's indictment Wednesday on fraud and tax charges is continuing.

    Records of the search warrants used in the raids of Ferguson Enterprises Inc. on Wyoming and Xcel Construction Services Inc. in the Guardian Building remain sealed.

    Ferguson, a close friend of the former mayor whose companies do construction and demolition work, received at least $170 million in city contracts while Kilpatrick was mayor, The Detroit News reported in 2008.

    Ferguson's attorneys argued the bank was seizing more assets than the amount it was owed. Ferguson filed a counterclaim for more than $1 million, alleging unlawful conversion, breach of contract and other wrongs.

    Ferguson said in a February affidavit the bank had seized his payroll accounts, disrupting payment of certain benefits and taxes, and had seized funds earmarked for suppliers.

    Ferguson Enterprises "has already lost the opportunity to bid on jobs because of the bank's wrongful seizure of its funds, and the business has suffered irreparable damage to its reputation with its suppliers, its customers and the community at large," Ferguson said in the affidavit.

    In March, the Internal Revenue Service filed a $99,085 tax lien against Ferguson and his wife, records show.

    Lawyers for the two sides in the civil case did not respond to telephone and e-mail messages Friday.

    Gerald Evelyn, a Detroit attorney representing Ferguson in the criminal investigation, said he's had no recent word from prosecutors on the status of the case.

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Bruce Judge, the prosecutor handling the Ferguson investigation, could not be reached for comment.

    From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20100626/METRO01/6260361/1408/local/Probe-led-feds-to-seize-$200K-from-Kilpatrick-contractor#ixzz0rwMKQhdR

  11. #111


    Fred Sanford to Kwame Kilpatrick: You big dummy!

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Male twins run in that family, Ayanna has a set.
    I was almost sure Ayanna was a mom when I made my earlier posts. When Kwamster was in that fight with the Wayne County people on the porch, there was concern about the children inside the house. Either way, law enforcement seem to be the busiest employer in Wayne County. What I really would like to see is Mama Butt Cheeks thrown out of office. I never got over her selling out Dingell and conspiring with Pelosi. Dingell has seen better days, was self serving most times, but he did back the auto companies here. One thing for sure, Kwame in jail for a while. Huel Perkins interviewed Kwame's new lawyer Reed last night. I am not impressed with Reed. His tactics will get him laughed out of court. Reed went over board about a question a cameraman asked about salary during a previous interview. It was embarrassing . I was embarrassed for Huel.

  13. #113


    One more thing. Reed was bringing up race during the interview with Perkins. Trying to say that " people are making this about race". I have not heard anybody trying to use the race card but Kwame's people during this mess of 8 + years. Reverse psychology won't work with the feds buddy.

  14. #114


    The reverse psychology is wearing thin for many... This attorney is sorta low rent to say the least. What was with the strange "empty glass of water" metaphor and chicken clucking noises he was doing? Silly...

    Reed is coming on board late in the game [[and he should know what that means) to keep up the rap that Kilpatrick is being persecuted, as though it is new territory to persuade or threaten.

    Sure, there are those with racial agendas loving KK's roast and broil but withstanding that Kilpatrick made his own bed... So the standard race card is ineffective as a defense. If any thing the main racism has been self-racism condescendingly applied to black Detroiter's told to buy the Kilpatrick machine that yellow rain was indeed not urine!

    Fiscal resources siphoned from crucial departments were used for personal gain and hyper-materialism. Who did we think was gonna get hurt first when that bill came due?

    We and the citizens in general are now enduring the full fall out [[the yellow rains) from that combined with a weak tax base... an outcome in part born of concealment... mainly justification.

    Kwame's energies [[while claiming love and loyalty to Detroiter's) towards the end was all about cooking the books, stalling the audits, firing staff, and manipulating outcomes in a half baked effort to hide justified "everybody does it" stealing and corruption...

    Now the butchers bill is due on Detroit, and we were/ are told to circle the wagon around that... NOPE not everyone buying the obligatory con.

    Even some of the "deep-dish" KK supporters have wearied. After all what have they gotten lately?? The "cash cow" he delivered to friends and family has laid down nearly dead!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by fanniemae View Post
    One more thing. Reed was bringing up race during the interview with Perkins. Trying to say that " people are making this about race". I have not heard anybody trying to use the race card but Kwame's people during this mess of 8 + years. Reverse psychology won't work with the feds buddy.
    Last edited by Zacha341; June-26-10 at 08:23 AM.

  15. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    The reverse psychology is wearing thin for many... This attorney is sorta low rent to say the least. What was with the strange "empty glass of water" metaphor and chicken clucking noises he was doing? Silly...

    Reed is coming on board late in the game [[and he should know what that means) to keep up the rap that Kilpatrick is being persecuted, as though it is new territory to persuade or threaten.

    Sure, there are those with racial agendas loving KK's roast and broil but withstanding that Kilpatrick made his own bed... So the standard race card is ineffective as a defense. If any thing the main racism has been self-racism condescendingly applied to black Detroiter's told to buy the Kilpatrick machine that yellow rain was indeed not urine!

    Fiscal resources siphoned from crucial departments were used for personal gain and hyper-materialism. Who did we think was gonna get hurt first when that bill came due?

    We and the citizens in general are now enduring the full fall out [[the yellow rains) from that combined with a weak tax base... an outcome in part born of concealment... mainly justification.

    Kwame's energies [[while claiming love and loyalty to Detroiter's) towards the end was all about cooking the books, stalling the audits, firing staff, and manipulating outcomes in a half baked effort to hide justified "everybody does it" stealing and corruption...

    Now the butchers bill is due on Detroit, and we were/ are told to circle the wagon around that... NOPE not everyone buying the obligatory con.

    Even some of the "deep-dish" KK supporters have wearied. After all what have they gotten lately?? The "cash cow" he delivered to friends and family has laid down nearly dead!!!
    The cash cow died in the green monetary pasture sometime ago. He IS being persecuted, just like the head of any crime organization gets persecuted. He's the wall socket every corrupt cord got plugged into. The Feds don't waste years and $$$ to go after the ringleader and then slap him on the wrist when he's caught and cornered. This thug wanted to be the King, well, he was for a while and now he's the big target and the big prize and he don't like it. Comes with the territory fatman and I'm sure there is more room on that fat @ss for more bulleyes to come.
    Can't wait to see him in his prison outfit on July 13th, chains and all.

  16. #116


    I read yesterday that Kwame's expected to get a public defender because he is supposedly now out of money. I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for him and donate more money to the "Free Kwame Now" cause.

  17. #117


    Yeah, I was being generous with the time frame of which the cash-cow finally died.... I could do without the image of KK clapped in irons and orange [[or whatever color federal prisoners wear)... but it is what it is. You play big - you PAY bigger - often. Indeed he was indeed the "wall socket" a large number of folks plugged into the their goodies. Now everyone is scattering........
    Quote Originally Posted by dtrrman View Post
    The cash cow died in the green monetary pasture sometime ago. He IS being persecuted, just like the head of any crime organization gets persecuted. He's the wall socket every corrupt cord got plugged into. The Feds don't waste years and $$$ to go after the ringleader and then slap him on the wrist when he's caught and cornered. This thug wanted to be the King, well, he was for a while and now he's the big target and the big prize and he don't like it. Comes with the territory fatman and I'm sure there is more room on that fat @ss for more bulleyes to come.
    Can't wait to see him in his prison outfit on July 13th, chains and all.

  18. #118


    Well Reed has not disclosed rather he is taking a fee or not... who knows. If pressed he will take off like the others.
    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitej72 View Post
    I read yesterday that Kwame's expected to get a public defender because he is supposedly now out of money. I guess we're supposed to feel sorry for him and donate more money to the "Free Kwame Now" cause.

  19. #119


    I have not heard anybody trying to use the race card but Kwame's people during this mess of 8 + years.

    You know, I very seldom ever discuss race on web forums since nobody can see each other. Everybody to me a a group of letters and words. Race for the most part doesn't translate across the web unless someone comes out and says " I'm [[insert race here) ".

    That said, isn't nearly everyone involved of the same race? Defendant, prosecutor, witnesses, etc.? I've never seen a picture of the Judge in the Kwame' case, so I can't comment there. I know Cohn is white and Cook is black, but I don't know if the Conyers and Riddle cases are directly related to this one.

    So, how can it be about race when most of the key players are the same race?

  20. #120


    Yeah, Reed really showed himself both at the press conference and on The Edge. What a dolt. If I were Kwame, I would fire him just for making me look even worse, if that's possible. I was watching with my mouth hung open in disbelief.

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    I have not heard anybody trying to use the race card but Kwame's people during this mess of 8 + years.

    You know, I very seldom ever discuss race on web forums since nobody can see each other. Everybody to me a a group of letters and words. Race for the most part doesn't translate across the web unless someone comes out and says " I'm [[insert race here) ".

    That said, isn't nearly everyone involved of the same race? Defendant, prosecutor, witnesses, etc.? I've never seen a picture of the Judge in the Kwame' case, so I can't comment there. I know Cohn is white and Cook is black, but I don't know if the Conyers and Riddle cases are directly related to this one.

    So, how can it be about race when most of the key players are the same race?
    Well, there's racial prejudice, and then there's racial oppression.

    Discrimination based on the latter is unlikely to exist where all parties involved belong to the same race. However, where the actors are public officials [[judges, prosecutors, etc.), the actor is a mere instrumentality of the electorate [[and also answerable to the electorate), and therefore the race of the actor isn't as relevant as it might be under an analysis where the actor is not a public official.

    As to racial prejudice, it can exist even where all parties involved belong to the same race. In fact, it's not even that unusual for members of a given race to entertain societal stereotypes [[albeit to a lesser degree) with regard to other members of their own race.

    P.S. This is not a defense of Kwame. It's just an answer to your question.

  22. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by artds View Post
    Well, there's racial prejudice, and then there's racial oppression.

    Discrimination based on the latter is unlikely to exist where all parties involved belong to the same race. However, where the actors are public officials [[judges, prosecutors, etc.), the actor is a mere instrumentality of the electorate [[and also answerable to the electorate), and therefore the race of the actor isn't as relevant as it might be under an analysis where the actor is not a public official.

    As to racial prejudice, it can exist even where all parties involved belong to the same race. In fact, it's not even that unusual for members of a given race to entertain societal stereotypes [[albeit to a lesser degree) with regard to other members of their own race.

    P.S. This is not a defense of Kwame. It's just an answer to your question.
    I am sure there have been many times someone has been persecuted due to their race. We know it has happened and it is wrong. People have been hanged and tortured just because of the color of their skin or religion. This is why it is such an injustice and a disgrace to the memory of people that have actually suffered when crooks try to use the race card. I want to throw something at the tv when I see Kwame or his minions try and twist this into a race issue, inflame the public.

  23. #123


    [[copied from detroituncovered-John Bennett)

    Who's Next

    With the indictment of Kwame Kilpatrick on fraud and tax evasion charges the natural question is who's next. First of all the feds can't be done with Kwame Kilpatrick he should be indicted at some point for creating a culture of corruption or RICO as they call it. He could also be indicted for bribery related to activities by his dad which he allegedly condone or took part. Add to the list of STIFF's [[ Soon To be Indicted Friends and Family) his father Bernard Kilpatrick. The feds have him on video tape negotiating a payoff on behalf of his son Kwame Kilpatrick. Its been rumored for a long time that some well known clergy would go down along with other civic leaders. The biggest surprise would be Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, what does she know and when did she know it. That's apparently what the feds were seeking when they call her in twice for questioning, most recently last week. Did they buy her answers? But the biggest avalanche of STIFF's will come when Kwame Kilpatrick negotiates his deal to stay out of prison. The walls will come tumbling down.
    ************************************************** ******

    This really could be a good summer

  24. #124


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Amazed View Post
    [[copied from detroituncovered-John Bennett)

    Who's Next

    With the indictment of Kwame Kilpatrick on fraud and tax evasion charges the natural question is who's next. First of all the feds can't be done with Kwame Kilpatrick he should be indicted at some point for creating a culture of corruption or RICO as they call it. He could also be indicted for bribery related to activities by his dad which he allegedly condone or took part. Add to the list of STIFF's [[ Soon To be Indicted Friends and Family) his father Bernard Kilpatrick. The feds have him on video tape negotiating a payoff on behalf of his son Kwame Kilpatrick. Its been rumored for a long time that some well known clergy would go down along with other civic leaders. The biggest surprise would be Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick, what does she know and when did she know it. That's apparently what the feds were seeking when they call her in twice for questioning, most recently last week. Did they buy her answers? But the biggest avalanche of STIFF's will come when Kwame Kilpatrick negotiates his deal to stay out of prison. The walls will come tumbling down.
    ************************************************** ******

    This really could be a good summer
    Kwame is capable of selling out some of his friends, but some of his family too? That is a hard one , don't know if that will happen. I think the feds want him to do some time regardless. My guess would be 5 to 7 years. The feds getting Bernard behind bars must be a goal no matter. I doubt Mama Butt Cheeks political career will survive, it is over. With Kwame in the slammer for a long time, I bet Carlita eventually dumps him. What a Detroit soap opera. Will Hollywood producers want to make a movie out of this? I doubt it. It is too unbelievable a politician would be this stupid and reckless in this day and age. But Kwame was stupid. There was a real life story and later tv movie of some rich kids scamming people in a Ponzi scheme years ago. The Billionaire Boys Club. Dumb Ass Club is the Detroit version.

  25. #125


    Ok, even I might be persuaded to believe that Karmanos owes the Kilpatrick's something, or they have something on him at this point

    In an interview this month with reporters and editors from The News & Observer, Karmanos said of Kilpatrick: "For people in position of authority that have to make decisions every day that some people like and some people don't like, it should be a very scary thing to have what happened to that mayor. Because, like he said, 'you tell everybody that I'm a thug, sooner or later the perception is that I'm a thug.'

    "He's not a thug. He lied under oath at a civil trial. It was a terrible lie. He denied having an affair with his childhood sweetheart."

    Then Karmanos added: "You just saw the 21st century version of a lynching, OK?"
    Last edited by leland_palmer; June-27-10 at 09:58 AM.

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