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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    That's nothing but a talking point designed to deflect attention away from the incompetence of this administration.

    If Obama was a dictator I would agree 100%

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    If Obama was a dictator I would agree 100%
    Article 1, Section 1 US Constitution. "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

    I wouldn't go quite so far as to say that Obama is a dictator either but he does exhibit dictatorial proclivities when frustrated. There is no mention of 'executive orders' in the Constitution although every recent president has been issuing more and more expansive executive orders. All legislative powers are vested in Congress.

    In his State of the Union address, President told Congress that they had voted incorrectly so he would issue an executive order to legislate his desired result. Having just been legislatively cuckholded, Congress applauded.

    The New York Times now suggests that President Obama will use executive orders, agency rule-making and administrative fiat to get around the legislative authority of Congress.

    Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power "the White House is getting ready to act on its own in the face of partisan gridlock heading into the midterm campaign. “We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff." Congress may as well go home. The Chief Executive plans to legislate his way around Congress as he deems necessary.

  3. #28


    I don't think this next year will be the same as this one...I know this is not getting much mainstream press but in England they will open debate about Iraq...we will resist ...but the books are coming...on Cheney's and Libby, Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith...their pre-911 plans for attacking Iraq and lying to our public...their ties to the Likud and what really happened...this will force a change in Obama's next year...I understand the escalation but I think when thing come to light Obama will have to distance himself from the policies of Bush...but really it wasn't Bush as much as it is Cheney and the neocons...truth is coming..some already knew it, others speculated, and some even tried to prevent it...but truth always finds it's openning when given a crack.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    The claim from Democrats that Bush was sooo bad and Obama is at least better then Bush but still not what they expected does not hold water.

    It's like saying two wrongs make a right because one wrong isn't as bad as the other.

  5. #30


    The original post sounds like the usual desperate Republican propaganda that began as soon as Obama was inaugurated. I'm glad to see Obama make the Republicans squirm by asking them for their ideas on health care reform. They're looking like worms on a hook. And did anyone see The Daily Show's interviews with Republicans at the conference in Hawaii: topic - Why do Hawaiians love their socialized health care system? They couldn't answer that . All they could say was that the Hawaiians were wrong. They sounded like badly programmed robots.

  6. #31


    Papasito: Ooooh, you must be right because you write in such big letters.

  7. #32



    Since 1974, Hawaii has required all employers to provide relatively generous health care benefits to any employee who works 20 hours a week or more. If health care legislation passes in Congress, the rest of the country may barely catch up.
    Lawmakers working on a national health care fix have much to learn from the past 35 years in Hawaii, President Obama’s native state.
    Among the most important lessons is that even small steps to change the system can have lasting effects on health. Another is that, once benefits are entrenched, taking them away becomes almost impossible. There have not been any serious efforts in Hawaii to repeal the law, although cheating by employers may be on the rise.
    But perhaps the most intriguing lesson from Hawaii has to do with costs. This is a state where regular milk sells for $8 a gallon, gasoline costs $3.60 a gallon and the median price of a home in 2008 was $624,000 — the second-highest in the nation. Despite this, Hawaii’s health insurance premiums are nearly tied with North Dakota for the lowest in the country, and Medicare costs per beneficiary are the nation’s lowest.
    Hawaii residents live longer than people in the rest of the country, recent surveys have shown, and the state’s health care system may be one reason. In one example, Hawaii has the nation’s highest incidence of breast cancer but the lowest death rate from the disease.

  8. #33


    Yep, for some this has been the ongoing formula and response during the election [[and beyond). Thus, some voted for neither the dem or repub duo [[McCain/ Palin vs. Obama Biden). But I can appreciated those who felt obligated to choose from the duo as well. It was a difficult choice or non-choice as presidential options have gone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    The claim from Democrats that Bush was sooo bad and Obama is at least better then Bush but still not what they expected does not hold water.

    It's like saying two wrongs make a right because one wrong isn't as bad as the other.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-14-10 at 01:02 PM.

  9. #34


    I have to applaud Maxx..and in reality I am sure that countries with advanced medical intervention and affordable health care have a higher quality of life in regards to HC...those who have high quality of technology and lower accessibility have seen rates stagnant...so it makes sense that health care accessibility and affordability and quality of health are correlated....like most of the western European models and Hawaii etc.

  10. #35


    President Obama needs to stop treating the press with such disdain. He has had what, 2 press conferences in a year. He needs to cutout all that one-on-one interviewing bullshit as well. Many in the Press Corps are not thrilled about the shutout with this guy. His handlers orchestrate everything when it comes to dealing with the press. Hell, even W's people didn't treat the press this bad. Sure enough, when he decides to have one, it is on a day when DC is all but shutdown from the blizzard.

  11. #36


    President Obama needs to stop treating the press with such disdain. He has had what, 2 press conferences in a year.
    Obama couldn't get enough of the solo press conferences with the White House press - until the fiasco that resulted from his non-teleprompted, disparaging comments about the Cambridge police officer who had arrested Henry L. Gates, Jr.

    He has not held a solo White House press conference since then.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Obama couldn't get enough of the solo press conferences with the White House press - until the fiasco that resulted from his non-teleprompted, disparaging comments about the Cambridge police officer who had arrested Henry L. Gates, Jr.
    Disparaging , but factually correct !

  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Article 1, Section 1 US Constitution. "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

    I wouldn't go quite so far as to say that Obama is a dictator either but he does exhibit dictatorial proclivities when frustrated. There is no mention of 'executive orders' in the Constitution although every recent president has been issuing more and more expansive executive orders. All legislative powers are vested in Congress.

    In his State of the Union address, President told Congress that they had voted incorrectly so he would issue an executive order to legislate his desired result. Having just been legislatively cuckholded, Congress applauded.

    The New York Times now suggests that President Obama will use executive orders, agency rule-making and administrative fiat to get around the legislative authority of Congress.

    Obama Making Plans to Use Executive Power "the White House is getting ready to act on its own in the face of partisan gridlock heading into the midterm campaign. “We are reviewing a list of presidential executive orders and directives to get the job done across a front of issues,” said Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff." Congress may as well go home. The Chief Executive plans to legislate his way around Congress as he deems necessary.
    I'm all for it, otherwise there's no way to get the change that everyone says they want but is saying that Obama can't deliver on !

  14. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    President Obama needs to stop treating the press with such disdain. He has had what, 2 press conferences in a year. He needs to cutout all that one-on-one interviewing bullshit as well. Many in the Press Corps are not thrilled about the shutout with this guy. His handlers orchestrate everything when it comes to dealing with the press. Hell, even W's people didn't treat the press this bad. Sure enough, when he decides to have one, it is on a day when DC is all but shutdown from the blizzard.
    Yep, if W didn't like you he would give you the Helen Thomas treatment.. Out of sight, out of mind !

  15. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by gibran View Post
    I don't think this next year will be the same as this one...I know this is not getting much mainstream press but in England they will open debate about Iraq...we will resist ...but the books are coming...on Cheney's and Libby, Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith...their pre-911 plans for attacking Iraq and lying to our public...their ties to the Likud and what really happened...this will force a change in Obama's next year...I understand the escalation but I think when thing come to light Obama will have to distance himself from the policies of Bush...but really it wasn't Bush as much as it is Cheney and the neocons...truth is coming..some already knew it, others speculated, and some even tried to prevent it...but truth always finds it's openning when given a crack.
    Uhhh, been to Barnes & Noble lately? The anti-Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield/neo-con books have been pouring out of the printers ever since December 2000. There is a steady stream of new titles.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    And did anyone see The Daily Show's interviews with Republicans at the conference in Hawaii: topic - Why do Hawaiians love their socialized health care system? They couldn't answer that . All they could say was that the Hawaiians were wrong. They sounded like badly programmed robots.
    Those Republicans probably don't read the Constitution either. The Tenth Amendment provides a lot of latitude for what states do. A broader question might be, "If Hawaii is so successful with its health care program, why don't more Democrat contolled states adopt similar programs instead of sending representatives to Washington to secure profit for pharmaceuticals and insurance companies"?

    firstandten wrote, " I'm all for it, otherwise there's no way to get the change that everyone says they want but is saying that Obama can't deliver on ! "
    The 'it' firstandten referred to was President Obama use of unconstitutional and quasi-dictatorial power to have his way. Thanks for letting us know where you stand. You might also agree with the following statement if the executive orders and directives don't 'get the change that everyone says they want' , "These are troubling times. The Constitution cannot anticipate them" found at 3min15 sec.

  17. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    As soon as he took office, he signed that Executive Order to close down the place by Jan. 31, 2010 - and I don't remember him saying that his Executive Order was just a "time frame", but maybe I missed that.
    The president was being naive when he signed the order. He thought he could take on the powers to be and lost. The ruling oligarchy quickly set him straight on that matter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeg View Post
    Speaking of a kangaroo court, that's exactly what Obama is going to provide KSM. Between his statements and those of his press secretary prejudging the outcome, it's been made clear to his defense team that this is nothing but a show trial, regardless of where it will be held..
    Then you and the neo-cons should rejoice, as that is exactly what Bush wanted to do.

  18. #43


    The president was being naive when he signed the order. He thought he could take on the powers to be and lost. The ruling oligarchy quickly set him straight on that matter.
    I agree about his naivety, but who is this "ruling oligarchy" of which you speak? Don't you think that there could be a more rational explanation for why it might take more than 12 months to implement a plan that involves large Federal expenditures, multiple Federal agencies and Congressional Committees, not to mention the numerous US Senators and Representatives and local governments who would want to lobby the decision one way or another?

    Maybe if Obama had just little bit of managerial or executive experience [[or more US Senate experience), he would have known that a 12 month "time frame" was impractical. His team of advisers really let him down on this one!

    Then you and the neo-cons should rejoice, as that is exactly what Bush wanted to do.
    Bush may have had a problem with mis-speaking, but I doubt he would have ever made the kind of prejudicial comments about KSM that we have heard from the mouths of Obama and Gibbs, which is giving this all the appearance of a show trial.

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    It's funny that the left was running scared thinking Bush II was somehow going to proclaim himself king and eternal dictator of the USA, that he was stretching presidential powers, that he was on a rampage doing whatsoever he wished to do....

    but when their own guy does it, it's fine and dandy for the Pres to run wild.

    IMO these folks getting into the White House on both sides need thier hands slapped.
    Just because it's "your guy" who exceeds his Constitutional limitations does not mean it's ok.
    Don't give Obama a pass, Dems, because when the Republicans take the WH back, the Republican will have all the new territories of power that Obama opened up for them! Major backfire!

    The less power the government has over us,
    the better it is!! for our freedom!!

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quiz: Which of the people in the pictures were wounded as a result of a war that Barack Obama started?
    Where's the pics from the soldiers dying in the Obama-powered Afghanistan "surge" ?
    I'm glad to see Obama make the Republicans squirm by asking them for their ideas on health care reform.
    The Republicans have had ideas out on Health Care reform for years, Obama has ignored them.

    Fact of the matter is neither party's idea is good enough.
    The Democrats want an all-out takeover
    The Republican plan won't do enough
    Both are fail
    Last edited by Papasito; February-15-10 at 01:26 PM.

  21. #46


    Obama was annointed by God, so actually he deserves all of the power.

    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    It's funny that the left was running scared thinking Bush II was somehow going to proclaim himself king and eternal dictator of the USA, that he was stretching presidential powers, that he was on a rampage doing whatsoever he wished to do....

    but when their own guy does it, it's fine and dandy for the Pres to run wild.

    IMO these folks getting into the White House on both sides need thier hands slapped.
    Just because it's "your guy" who exceeds his Constitutional limitations does not mean it's ok.
    Don't give Obama a pass, Dems, because when the Republicans take the WH back, the Republican will have all the new territories of power that Obama opened up for them! Major backfire!

    The less power the government has over us,
    the better it is!! for our freedom!!

  22. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by ejames01 View Post
    Obama was annointed by God, so actually he deserves all of the power.
    Obama was annointed by HIS god. But that was only after Bush had spoken to, and was annointed by HIS god. I wonder who's god will win out? All of these gods at war. My god! It's starting to resemble ancient Greece.

  23. #48


    Hermod I have been and they are not on our shelves but then again there is a new one out that I am trying to find that lays out the neocon involvement in Iraq...scarey when you think these guys want us to attack the axis of evil and for what?

  24. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    The 'it' firstandten referred to was President Obama use of unconstitutional and quasi-dictatorial power to have his way. Thanks for letting us know where you stand. You might also agree with the following statement if the executive orders and directives don't 'get the change that everyone says they want'
    I want change like everyone else but I know its not going to happen in a year or even two. If people want change yesterday, then they also need to know that our system of checks and balances is not designed for sudden and drastic change. The problems we are in today are the result of a perfect storm of policies put in place over the last thirty years. The reality is if we want to keep the current system we have you are going to get incremental change over time. Even the Civil Rights bill of 1964 which is considered drastic change was originally pretty weak and it got stronger over time with more legislation. If you want the drastic change that you are demanding from Obama then you are looking at some other system of governance.
    Last edited by firstandten; February-16-10 at 02:58 PM.

  25. #50


    Hah! Bring on the new Spartacus! LOL!! Perhaps a bit of "Spartacus" in those who refuse to follow politicians and their policies around every corner they lead, be they dem or repub...
    Quote Originally Posted by 1KielsonDrive View Post
    Obama was annointed by HIS god. But that was only after Bush had spoken to, and was annointed by HIS god. I wonder who's god will win out? All of these gods at war. My god! It's starting to resemble ancient Greece.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-16-10 at 06:48 AM.

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