Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
Lorax, I just came back from Taiwan. In may ways, the US is much more of a nanny state than Taiwan resulting in diminishing lifestyle choices here. I saw all sort of things there that some regulation or other would make illegal here. I went into a crowded upstairs restaurant at which there was a flame and a grill built into each table. The streets were crowded with vendors selling fresh fish, meat, and vegetables - even betal nuts. The west side of the country is a hodgepodge mixture of small factories, residences, and rice paddies all mixed together. We have instead opted to regulate everyone out of business and the last ones standing are the Walmarts, Goldman Sachs, and Humanas.

On the other hand, Taipei has a much better light rail system than almost any US city, a bullet train runs the length of the country, and Taiwan has an affordable government health care system.

The small point I am trying to make is that other countries have a different mix of socialist initiatives. Taiwan's day to day life and business sector seemed more libertarian than our own but its infrastructure is has more government input. Socialist and capitalist initiative do co-exist in different mixtures in different countries.
Tell me, what sort of health care and transportation system does Taiwan have?

Are they government supported, paid for by the government?